• Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Women in Tourism Regional Congress seeks beyond empowerment for industry practitioners


The government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (MTCA), in collaboration with UN Tourism, is set to host the inaugural Women in Tourism Regional Congress from October 29-31, 2024 at the Freetown International Conference Centre.

The event, themed “Beyond Empowerment to Education, Innovation, and Finance Access,” aims to bring together women leaders, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders in the tourism sector to address the systemic barriers that hinder women’s progress and offer actionable insights to drive change.

Investing in women and closing gender gaps, especially in sectors like tourism, can significantly enhance economic growth. Studies have shown that such investments could increase GDP per capita by 20 percent and create over 300 million jobs by 2035. Tourism, a key sector for employment globally, is notably dominated by women, who make up 54 percent of the global tourism workforce and 70 percent in Africa. Despite this majority, women remain concentrated in low-skilled, low-paid, and often informal employment.

Read also: FTAN celebrates private sector for sustaining tourism, calls for inclusivity, collaborations

To address the challenges, the Congress will focus on equipping women in tourism with the skills, knowledge, and financial support they need to move beyond empowerment to leadership and influence. The Congress is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5, which seeks to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030, and the African Union’s Agenda 2063, which emphasizes the need for inclusive growth and gender equality.

Although women make up the majority of the tourism workforce, they often face numerous barriers, including limited access to finance, inadequate education and skills, and underrepresentation in leadership positions. In 2024, women represented only 30 percent of tourism ministers in Africa, a stark contrast to the 70 percent of male ministers, highlighting the ongoing leadership gap. Moreover, World Bank studies in Sierra Leone reveal that women in tourism face challenges common across Africa, such as complex legal frameworks, limited access to markets, and poor infrastructure.

The Congress will center on four key pillars aimed at providing women with the tools to overcome systemic barriers and accelerate their progress in the tourism sector.

The pillars include; mentorship, education, and training; technology and innovation; access to finance and knowledge sharing.

Participants at the Congress will leave with actionable insights and strategies they can implement within their organisations and communities. By focusing on education, technology, finance, and knowledge sharing, the Congress seeks to empower women in tourism to break free from traditional limitations and to step into leadership roles with confidence.

To foster a dynamic and engaging environment, the Congress will include a variety of sessions designed to enhance learning, collaboration and networking; keynote addresses; panel discussions; workshops; exhibitions; master classes and mentorship sessions and a closed session for the Women in Tourism Leadership Africa Committee (WITLAC) to strategize future actions.

By facilitating these multi-faceted sessions, the Congress aims to create a robust network of women in tourism, enabling participants to collaborate on innovative solutions to the sector’s most pressing challenges.

The Women in Tourism Regional Congress will serve as a pivotal moment for advancing gender equality in Africa’s tourism sector. By moving beyond traditional empowerment and focusing on education, technology, and finance, this event will provide women with the tools, support, and opportunities they need to succeed. As tourism continues to play a critical role in the global economy, ensuring that women have equitable access to leadership roles and decision-making positions will be key to the sector’s sustainable growth.