• Sunday, September 01, 2024
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Cliqki: Reimagining the advertising market where everyone is an influencer

Cliqki: Reimagining the advertising market where everyone is an influencer

Cliqki offers brands the opportunity to personalise their market reach and everyone who contributes to that process including influencers will make a profit off it.

Imagine a world where every time you share a link with a friend you get paid, this is the future of social media that Cliqki is trying to create.

Cliqki is a social media marketplace for brands and influencers where content creators can create awareness for their products and services, and offer incentives to users and influencers to help promote their services.

Upon realisation that traditional social media make millions of dollars as revenue from brands and the users get only a little portion, the Odufuye triplets, Adetomi Odufuye (CEO) and Aderemi Odufuye (CTO) and Adekunmi Odufuye (CCO), came up with this innovation to democratise advertising.

“We take a small commission and make most of the revenue available to the community of users. We see this as an opportunity for everyone to partake in the whole marketing process so that they can share and promote a brand’s content and make a profit from that,” Adetomi Odufuye, CEO Cliqki, said.

Cliqki offers brands the opportunity to personalise their market reach and everyone who contributes to that process including influencers will make a profit off it.

How it works

Brands or content creators will come on to the platform, upload their content or campaigns for promotion and attach a project to the campaign by buying tokens or Cliqk(s).

Any time a Cliqk user shares the content on behalf of a brand, a unique URL code is created for the user, and that user shares the code on various social media platforms. When anybody clicks on the link shared, the user who initially shared the link gets rewarded and this depends on the budget set by the brand.

“For example, one of our brands, Zenith Bank, has Zenith beta life promo. They post the campaign on our platform and attach N100,000. They can decide that for every user who clicks and shares, they will be rewarded N10.00.

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“As a user, I click on the ad, and a URL code is created for me to share on my Whatsapp groups. If I get 100 people to click on the link, that’s how much money I get as long as there is still money on the content that Zenith bank posted. If a lot of people are clicking at the same time, it’s the first person that clicks that I will get rewarded for until the budget for that content finishes,” Odufuye said.

To get value for the money brands put on their campaigns and content for advertisement, Cliqki says it puts the checks in place. “The way we have built the platform is that Cliqki users enable cookies and these cookies help to track unique users. This will help avoid bots clicking and users won’t get rewarded as well as ensure that users who are tied to the same Wi-Fi do not get rewarded because our system recognises that as one user. For us, it helps us know that the brands are getting rewarded for unique users.”

Prior to now, traditional advertising involves putting content on billboards at a particular location and it is believed that about one million people will pass through that route. However, there is no way to measure the number of people that saw the content.

With Cliqki, there is a technology that provides brands the opportunity to know how many people engage with their content or campaigns. It is helping brands directly measure the engagement, and hours spent on content, as well as reach a larger segmented audience at a fraction of a particular cost.

Another problem Cliqki is solving is creating another source of income for users. “People are on social media every day, and they share content posted by content creators for free. What we are saying is, to share these contents and get paid for it. Rather than hacking people’s accounts and other cybercrimes, this is one productive thing to do and make money

“As brands are getting attention from the public due to users clicking and sharing, users are also getting paid. It is a win-win situation,” Odufuye said.