• Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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60 years strong, honouring the visionary genius of Mo ABUDU, Africa’s influential media icon

60 years strong, honouring the visionary genius of Mo ABUDU, Africa’s influential media icon

Mo Abudu is 60. What better way to celebrate her than reading from men and women who have experienced her and her craft. We share some of them with you. Indeed, she lives as an inspiration to many, and her 60th is one of the ways to celebrate her feat and grit. KEMI AJUMOBI writes.

Mo@60: She is who she says she is! QED!

Where do I even start from? Aha! I know exactly where to start, I will start from what has always endeared her to me-being a creative!

I have known Aunty Mo for almost 2 decades and it began with my poems. She knew of my love for poetry and gave me the opportunity to read them on her ‘Moment s with Mo show’ from way back in the early years of the show. It was really encouraging for me the way she embraced something I held dear to heart and she could relate word for word.

Over time, the relationship grew and it became almost impossible to miss out on anything major she is doing and it has been a great experience. Fast forward to when I began Inspiring Woman Series conference. I remember telling her I wanted her to speak at the second edition in 2012, and she said to me, “Kemi, there is something I am cooking, once it is ready, I will announce it at your event” and that was exactly what she did. The following year, 2013, was the dawn of EbonyLife TV. What a record! I was so proud of her I couldn’t express my joy in words. One thing I love about Aunty Mo is that you cannot know her in full…you know why? Because as you are celebrating her for one feat, another one is loading. Just as you are about to put your hands down from the first applause, you lift it again for another round. Like onions, she unfolds her results for the world to see layer by layer.

Oh, Amazing Amazon, a blaze in the blizzard,

Your journey, a tapestry of triumph and grace

Interlacing a trail that many seek to tread,

A true inspiration, an exceptional woman of great worth

Even at sixty years young, your essence shines bright,

Kindling the hearts of those you’ve touched,

Your career, an authentication to your dogged potency,

A spot-on media mogul, your presence deeply electrifies.

As an outstanding show host, your voice directs attention,

Enchanting listeners with your charisma and intelligence,

In filmmaking, you have made your stand known

When you reach a feat, you go higher.

Indeed in deeds, your ingenuity knows no boundaries.

The awards and accolades haven’t ceased,

A proof of your capacity and surefire results

Your level of influence needs to be studied

You spread your reach far and wide, making impact then and now

A beacon of courage, a guiding light,

Inspiring every girl and woman to think it and do it right.

Dearest Aunty, your life, a masterpiece to behold,

A testament to the power of resilience and grace,

May your story continue to unfold,

Inspiring generations to come, in this special place.

You certainly are a hot GrandMA (Grand Mo Abudu) in words and deeds

Your results speak for you and that is the evidence you need

May joy fill your heart at all times

Enjoy peace that knows isn’t reliant on climes!


Kemi Ajumobi

Editor, Women’s Hub, BusinessDay

Ode to Mo

I cannot quite recall when I first met Mo in person,

but I most certainly remember that the name far preceded the person.

Who can forget a name like Mo?

Who indeed can forget a personality like hers?

There is an aura about Mo that draws people into her orbit like gravity.

The pull is so strong that having been drawn in, walking away is not an option.

Mo attracts people around her with the ease light fascinates insects.

There is something surreal about her that curiosity desires to explore.

Mo, an amazing visionary and daring go-getter.

She is not one to be deterred by stereotypes and small mindedness.

As I entered her space, I found a kindred spirit,

One who was willing to learn, one well able to teach.

Relationships have been and is incredibly important to Mo,

She is a friend in need and a friend in deed.

I have found her to be a reliable ally when the going is rough

and a strong pillar of support when things are tough.

Her audacity saw her breaking barriers, glass ceilings etal,

When men said it was impossible, she took on Tinapa to make it work,

But her vision was beyond what they understood or could grasp,

So, she challenged herself and moved on to launch EbonyLife Place.

Sadly, what was Calabar’s loss became Lagos’ gain,

Yet another sad tale for some other day’s story.

The Mo I know, would not, could not be tied down,

And while some slept and others watched, Sony Pictures came calling.

The hills of Hollywood came to kiss Nollywood’s shores,

and found in Mo a most beautiful toast,

Fitted from Dubai to Cape Town, London to California,

Mo Abudu has carried the Nigerian flag more proudly than any I know.

If legacies are built in man’s twilight years,

Mo has defied odds once again and built hers in her prime years.

It’s difficult to say what else Mo will do as she starts her 60s journey

But it’s easy to deduce that she will be looking to break new grounds.

So, I am grateful to the Lord Almighty for the Christian heart she possesses.

A faith in the Almighty that has been her guide and shield.

Mo has depicted the one character that keeps God by her side,

and that is humility in the face of an abundance of blessing.

Well done Sister and may God’s eternal grace shine upon you perpetually.

May His favour continue to abide in and with you always.

May His eyes ever remain upon you to ward off evil along your path.

And may your years be blessed with an abundance of youth in time.

Happy 60th Birthday Mo Abudu,

Love Always

Tonye and Sylvia Cole

Tribute Toast for Mo Abudu’s 60th Birthday

“Hello Beautiful people” As she would always say.

As we celebrate Mo Abudu, a woman of extraordinary vision and relentless tenacity, I find myself reflecting on our friendship that has spanned decades—one that began, as best as I can recall, when we were both around 35 years old. At that time, we were deep into the development of Moorhouse Sofitel, and Mo was bringing Oakwood Park to life. Our paths crossed amidst the complexities of fundraising, securing investors, and negotiating management agreements, and I vividly remember exchanging war stories of our shared struggles and triumphs.

What has always stood out to me is Mo’s incredible ability to set ambitious targets and then exceed them. I remember the determination in her eyes as she set her sights on opening Oakwood Park by her 40th birthday. And true to her word, not only did she meet that goal, but she also threw a celebration that brought together the who’s who of the banking and business world—a night that remains etched in memory.

As we honour Mo at 60, it’s not just about looking back. It’s about acknowledging the remarkable legacy she continues to build—project by project, brick by brick, from Oakwood Park at 40, to Ebony Life on DSTV at 50, to Ebony Life Place at 55, and now Gardenia Court at 60.

Mo has not only created monumental successes in real estate and hospitality, but has done so with a grace and determination that belies her age.

Mo is not just a mogul, she is a force—a beacon of what can be achieved through sheer willpower, intellect, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Even though she makes it sound simple with that her mantra “if you can think it you can become it.”

Her projects have not only made her incredibly successful, but have also made a significant impact on our industry and our society.

As we look to the future, may we all draw inspiration from Mo’s journey—not with envy, but with the highest regard and respect. Her story is one of strength, perseverance, and the unwavering belief that anything is possible if you are willing to work for it.

Mo, my dear friend, I wish you nothing but the best of health, success, and happiness as you continue to inspire us all.

Here’s to many more years of making things happen!

With deep love and affection

As you hail me fondly “My Bro”

-Gbolly Balogun

Executive DirectorExecutive Director

Moorhouse Properties Limited


Mo, Money

My Sister

My Friend

My Coachee

My business partner

Today, as I celebrate you as a living legend,

I am filled with immense pride and joy.

You have been a beacon of light and a source of inspiration, not just in the world of media and entertainment, but in the lives of many people globally.

Your vision has always been far-reaching, seeing possibilities where others saw none, and your intelligence is second to none.

You are bold and fearless

You tread where other dream

You are very decisive and this has helped redefine the movie industry and broken new ground for

African storytelling and the narrative about Africa.

Watching and working with you over the last decade, I have seen how your vision, innovation, creativity, determination and resilience have been your anchors, allowing you to weather storms with grace and emerge stronger each time.

You are a leader and trailblazer extraordinaire, empowering those around you, nurturing talent, and uplifting the voices of women and Africans across the globe.

As a mother, your love and dedication are unparalleled, providing your children with wisdom, strength, and compassion.

It has been an honour to walk this journey with you as your friend, partner, and coach.

At 60, your brilliance shines brighter than ever, and I know that the best is yet to come.

Happy Birthday,


Coach, Lanre Olusola

Happy 60th Birthday Mum!

For as long as I can remember, my mum has been a force. She walks into a room and the energy shifts, people are either inspired or intimated by her and it’s because she’s confident and has always known what she wants from life.

I used to enjoy going to visit her at her office in Exxon Mobil as a child and when she left that job and started Vic Lawrence, I was a little sad that I’d never get to visit the tall office building anymore. Many years later, when she started her TV show, I couldn’t believe that she was actually going through with it and the first time I visited her ‘Moments with Mo’ studios and got to meet superstars like D’banj and Weird MC, I didn’t think it could get any better. And then it did, along came EbonyLife TV, sitting in a hotel room at Eko Hotel and switching on to channel 165, it was real. Tv programmes that she and her team had worked hard on were now airing to millions of households across Africa.

I went back to university, inspired and wanting to do more. And soon enough, I was developing TV shows of my own, looking to my mum to help me. Funny enough, she refused to. Lol! She wanted to me gain experience elsewhere before coming to work for her but after 2 years of begging, she finally agreed.

Working with my mum over the last 10 years has been a learning experience that I’d never be able to get anywhere else. She believes so much in being excellent at everything that one does. In the same breath, she has taught me to fight for what I want and a lot of that I have done, with her and with others. Our birthdays are a day apart, so it’s no surprise that we are similar. The coconut, no sorry, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! No dream is too far from achieving in Mo Abudu’s world and I’m thankful to have her as a constant source of inspiration and a sounding board.

She has empowered me and so many other young people by creating environments for our creativity to grow and flourish. Giving us opportunities that no one was giving 25 year olds at the time.

Many years later, getting married and having my own children, she has evolved into being a loving Nana, the best mother-in-Law and now also my friend. She continues to support, advise, and be there for me whenever I’ve needed her. I have now even become one of her advisors and it means the world to me.

My mum is not a regular mum, she’s a cool much, she is gorgeous and she is a fiery force with a light so bright that no one can dim or diminish. My prayer for her is that God continues to guide her, to protect her and to give her peace, joy and happiness for all the days of her life and as she turns 60, I pray that all she wants and desires will come to pass.

Happy Birthday Mama. Love you always.

Temidayo Abudu Makanjuola

Happy 60th Birthday to the remarkable Mo’ Abudu

Happy 60th Birthday to the remarkable Mo’ Abudu! While the world knows you as a trailblazing media mogul and cultural icon, to me, you’re so much more. You’ve been an extraordinary mother-in-law, one who welcomes me into your world with open arms and a heart full of love. Our sons adore their Nana and I couldn’t be more grateful for the affection and warmth you bring into their lives.

But beyond all that, you’re my gossip buddy, where would I be without our chats about Ted? You’ve become my confidante and those moments of laughter, fun and sneaking in a few playful jokes are priceless.

You embody grace, power and most importantly, love. Today, we celebrate not just a milestone birthday, but the wonderful person you are to me and to all who know you. Here’s to many more years of laughs, gossip and love!

Lots of love

Adebola Makanjuola

My Dearest Aunty Mo,

As I reflect on the wonderful moments we’ve shared, I’m filled with immense gratitude and love for the impact you’ve had on my career. Your unwavering support and encouragement have meant the world to me, and I wanted to take a moment to let you know just how much you’ve been appreciated.

Your kind words, thoughtful advice, and the way you’ve always taken a genuine interest in my work have been incredibly motivating. Your support gave me the confidence to persevere and pursue my dreams with passion. Your faith in me has been a constant source of inspiration, and for that, I am deeply thankful.

Your wisdom, kindness, and generosity have touched so many, and it’s a privilege to be among those who have been blessed by your presence. I cherish the memories we’ve created together and look forward to making many more in the years to come.

I hope this special birthday brings you all the joy and happiness you so richly deserve. The Almighty God will continue to fill you with laughter, love, and the company of those who hold you dear. You have touched so many lives with your warmth and spirit, and I’m grateful to be one of them.

Thank you once again for the incredible love, support and for being such a cherished part of my journey. Here’s to celebrating you and the remarkable person you are. Wishing you a fabulous 60th birthday and a year ahead filled with health, happiness, and all the things that bring you joy.

With all my love and best wishes,

Lanre Da-Silva Ajayi

Creative Director at Lanre da Silva Ajayi Couture

Dear Aunty Mo,

Sixty looks glorious on you, but anyone who has had the privilege of knowing you would say you’ve always been nothing short of extraordinary! It feels like just yesterday when we first crossed paths on “Moments with Mo,” and from that moment, our bond was sealed, forming a sisterhood that I will forever treasure.

What stands out to me, beyond your tremendous accomplishments, is your childlike heart—a heart so full of light, laughter, and joy. You have this incredible gift of finding humour in the simplest of things, and that lightness is as infectious as it is inspiring.

But oh, Aunty Mo, what I admire most about you is your tenacity—your unstoppable “Go-Getter” spirit. You have faced challenges that would shake the strongest, yet each time, you rise. You are the very definition of resilience, meeting life’s hurdles with an unshakeable will, transforming obstacles into stepping stones.

To say I’m proud to know you is an understatement. You have paved the way, not just for yourself, but for so many others, showing us all what it means to dream big, work hard, and keep going, no matter what. You inspire me every day, and I’m grateful for your friendship and the countless lessons learned from your life.

Here’s to celebrating you, Aunty Mo, today and always. May the years ahead be even more golden than those behind you.

With all my love,

Ifeoma Williams

Lawyer, CEO, The Civility Institute

Our darling Nana Mo! Happy Happy birthday!!

So, my first personal encounter with her was in Washington D.C in 2015. I had traveled to cover President Buhari’s visit to the U.S, and she was hosting an event as well. I vividly remember seeing her, this iconic figure who had already made her mark in the media landscape, through her talk show and being a little nervous but determined to speak to her about my aspirations in the industry. She graciously listened to me and asked questions to ensure that I was certain about my path. It was a brief encounter, but it did something to me, and as I look back on that day and reflect on all that she has accomplished since then, I am filled with even more admiration for her.

One of the things I find most fascinating about her is her tirelessness. Someone once told me to take a break and rest and I didn’t know when I said, “Aunty Mo is not resting please let me continue this work!”

I also love that she says, and she does! In an era where many people are content with talking about what they plan to do, Aunty Mo follows through. She is a trailblazer in every sense of the word—an ẹṣin iwájú (forward moving horse) who continues to break new grounds and push boundaries. From time to time, I find myself just speechless by how much work she does and continues to do, and I know for a fact that behind all the glamorous announcements that we see are blood, sweat and tears that have gone into creating the masterpieces.

I remember an incident in London where a sales rep, who was neither Nigerian nor African, recognised Daniel from Castle and Castle, an EbonyLife Production. His excitement at seeing Daniel highlighted just how far-reaching and impactful the content Aunty Mo has created is. She has built a brand that speaks to audiences around the world, and her work is a testament to excellence and vision. EbonyLife has not only transformed the Nigerian entertainment industry, but has created opportunities that transcend borders.

Over the years, Aunty Mo has become more than just an industry figure to us, she has become family. One memory that stays with us is her visit to Chicago after we had our baby. She didn’t have to make that trip, but she did, and that gesture showed us that her care for us as an “industry couple” went deeper than just work.

Today, as we celebrate her 60th birthday, we wish her the very best of GOD’s blessings. May this new year and decade bring even greater heights and fulfillment and solidify her as a global media leader.

Thank you for everything Nana Mo! We love you!


Daniel and Toyosi Etim Effiong

Celebrating Mo Abudu on Her 60th Birthday

Dearest Mo,

As you celebrate your 60th birthday, I honour the incredible life you have lived, the amazing person that you are, and the profound legacy you continue to build. Your journey—from HR executive to media mogul, philanthropist, and global influencer—is a testament to your resilience, vision, and unwavering commitment to excellence. You have not only transformed African storytelling but have also empowered countless women and raised the bar across industries.

As a distinguished WISCAR Awardee, your support for Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR) and your trailblazing leadership in Africa’s creative sectors have been truly transformative. You are a visionary leader with a heart full of compassion, and a beacon of hope and empowerment for so many.

As we celebrate your remarkable achievements today, I eagerly look forward to witnessing the continued brilliance and impact you will bring to the world. May this new chapter of your life be filled with even more success, joy, and inspiration.

Here’s to you Mo!

With much love,

Amina Oyagbola

Founder/Chairperson, WISCAR

Happy birthday big sis. To know you is to love you. Thank you for being a true big sister to me over the years. For loving me unconditionally and holding my hand through thick and thin. I pray God continues to favour you and may He satisfy you with great health and long life. May this be your best decade yet! All my love.

Omoni Oboli

Actress, Filmmaker, Perfumer, Coach and Author

My first interaction with big sis Mo was in 2013, and it was work related where we shot a short film highlighting the effects of domestic violence on relationships especially women. It was titled ‘Screen Divas.”

After that was working on the award winning movie “Chief Daddy 1″ & ” Chief Daddy 2″ and the global blockbuster “Blood Sisters.” It was purely a professional and work related relationship.

Over the years, I have gotten to know her a bit more. She is relentless in her pursuit for excellence and has contributed in no small way to the entertainment industry.

She is a woman who sees opportunities for others and plugs you in. I must add also that she is a shrewd business woman, which has to be said!

I wish her greater heights as she turns into her 6th decade on earth and may her strength not wane.

Kate Henshaw

Award winning actress, social advocate and brand ambassador

My dearest friend is 60, I will be 60 in a couple months too. It has been a joy to watch her journey over the years, and it’s been a blessing to share health, dreams, and aspirations together. We pray side-by-side, and our bond has only deepened with time. We have been planning her 60th birthday for the last 10 years or more. We are finally here. We have made it. We can only thank God!

She is the kindest person I know, yet firm when needed. Some may misunderstand her, she speaks her mind and moves on with grace. Luxury and elegance define her, and despite life’s challenges, she moves through it all with remarkable speed—blink, and you miss her.

We’ve been friends for over 16 years, and never has there been a dull moment. We share so much in common yet celebrate our differences. We love the same things and treasure each other’s company. The peace is tranquil.

Mo is a powerhouse—a beautiful woman who cherishes her family and friends. She says what she thinks, leaving it to others to take it as they will. She’s different in the most special way, with unwavering principles and a sharp memory for what matters.

Mo is the sister I never had—my sister from another mother. We enjoy and respect each other’s mothers.

We laugh, cry, and share our favorite meals together. My favorite moments with her are spent in silence, food shopping, or dining at our favorite London restaurant and travelling the globe.

Mo forever makes movies in her mind and then makes them into a reality. You have a conversation about something and the next thing, it is a huge movie success.

She has opened my eyes to new places and taught me how to live and not give up. She has taught me to glamourise life. Keep going just keep on going.

What I admire most about Mo is her radiant smile and the way she rolls her eyes when she has no patience. I like her unstoppable drive to get things done.

I am incredibly proud to call her my dearest friend and will always support her.

Happy 60th, bestie!

Now let’s start the planning for our 70th, I wonder if we will be wearing our 6inch platform heels or will we eventually retire to flat pumps?

May God continue to bless you and cherish you, protect and guide you and your children and their children. May your mother be with us for many years to come.

Life is never dull with my friend Mo, forever planning – what next?

Eryca Freemantle

Head Coach & Chief Strategist at E.A.T.O.W. Global

Mo Abudu, on your 60th birthday, I want to reflect on the incredible journey of our friendship over the years. From the moment we connected, it was clear that this bond would be one of mutual respect and unwavering support. Together, we’ve not only championed each other personally, but we’ve also stood side-by-side in our business pursuits, always pushing each other to dream bigger and reach higher.

Your vision, tenacity, and grace have been a constant source of inspiration, not just to me, but to so many who have had the privilege of knowing you. Our shared experiences, the laughter, the challenges, and the countless milestones we’ve celebrated together have shaped a friendship that I hold dear. You’ve always been there, whether it was offering advice, a listening ear, or simply being a pillar of strength.

As you step into this new chapter of life, I’m filled with pride and admiration for all you’ve achieved, and I look forward to many more years of friendship, laughter, and success. Happy 60th, Mo! Here’s to you, my dear friend, and to many more unforgettable memories together.

Stella Fubara

Managing Director, Del-York Group

A Tribute to Mo Abudu at 60

Where do I even begin to celebrate a phenomenal woman like you, M-A? It seems like only yesterday we met when you were turning 40, embarking on a new and exciting journey. Then came ‘Moments with Mo’. From that very first moment, I saw in you the determination, the passion, and the elegance that would continue to inspire not just me, but so many others around the world. Little did I know then that I would have the honour of standing by your side for the next 20 years, watching you break barriers, set new standards, and redefine success.

You have always had a vision, Aunty Mo, and it’s been awe-inspiring to watch you turn dreams into reality. From the early days of ‘Moments with Mo’, a show that became a platform for African voices, you were already reshaping how our stories were told. It was clear from the beginning that you were not just creating a show—you were paving the way for African media to be seen and respected globally.

Then came Oakwood Park, your first hotel, a bold and brave step into the world of hospitality. You always knew that life was about more than one lane, and with your unmatched work ethic and grace, you built yet another success. I marveled at how seamlessly you transitioned from one industry to another, all the while maintaining that same humility, poise, and excellence.

When EbonyLife was born, you once again made history, proving to the world that African women could lead in the global entertainment space. From producing record-breaking films, to creating a platform that has become synonymous with world-class African storytelling, you never wavered in your commitment to excellence. EbonyLife Place stands tall today, a testament to your resilience and vision—a home for entertainment, culture, and inspiration.

Through every milestone—The movie premieres, the international assignments, weddings, the awards, the global recognitions, the partnerships, and the groundbreaking deals—you have remained true to yourself: strong, kind, and full of grace. And through it all, you’ve allowed me to be a part of your journey, trusted me to create the stunning Mo Abudu iconic looks to help bring out your external beauty to match the inner light that you carry so naturally…we have definitely had some truly remarkable experiences together!

M-A, you are a beacon of hope and a reminder that no dream is too big. Your 60 years are a testament to what hard work, faith, and unwavering belief in oneself can achieve. As I reflect on our 20-year journey together, I can’t help but smile, knowing that this is only the beginning for you. The best is yet to come.

Happy 60th, darling Auntie Mo! Thank you for being an inspiration, a trailblazer, supporter and above all, my dear friend and big sis. Here’s to many more years of excellence, beauty, blessings and boundless success.

With love and admiration,

Banke Meshida-Lawal, CEO, BMPRO Ltd.

Dear MO Abudu,

Congratulations on your 60th birthday celebration.

It’s with great joy that I write to rejoice and felicitate with you on this great day the Lord has made.

When I was first introduced to you by Shade Coker-Benson, It was so warm that I thought we have known each other for many years. And at the second year, I could recall when we had drinks one evening and we were gisting, chatting and laughing at yours in the UK.

I was told the story of Porto Bello market much late and I actually respected MO and Yetunde for their dynamism, and for co-owing a property at Porto-Bello market in early years of their lives.

Years passed, and our friendship progressed and blossomed, and ten years ago, I was given the privilege to furnish your home, which up till today was one of my best jobs ever because you gave me a free hand, and even recently, we relocated your furniture items to your new home.

Congratulations MO!

My darling MO, You are such a wonderful person, beauty in and out.

MO, your friends are always your friends, no matter if they are affluent or beggarly.

Your friends remain your friends, because you have a great heart, beautiful heart, wonderful heart, tolerant, empathetic, authentic, always accommodating, intellectual and wisdom personified.

MO, you are an embodiment of love, but above all MO, I am glad you love God, praying and always listening to Christian, music. Your favourite is the goodness of God by CeCe Winans and I hope they will play it for you and us to dance together.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MO! Many more years in perfect strength, God bless you!


Your’s Sincerely,

Agatha Eric-Udorie

Founder/CEO, Agatha’s Interior Design Limited