• Saturday, June 15, 2024
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Edo guber: ADP files fresh suit against Ize-Iyamu over certificates forgery


The Action Democratic Party (ADP), has filed a fresh suit at the federal High Court in Abuja seeking the disqualifying of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and its candidate Osagie-Ize Iayamu from contesting the Edo State gubernatorial election slated for September 19.

The suit filed has the ADP as Plaintiff, while the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Ize-Iyamu Osagie Andrew, deputy governorship candidate, Audu Abudu Ganiyu and the APC are the Defendants.

The ADP alleges that the deputy governorship candidate of the APC presented forged documents to the INEC.

Confirming this suit to journalists on Sunday in Lagos State, the National Publicity Secretary of the party, Adelaja Adeoye said the candidate of the APC was not qualified to contest the election and should be disqualified, stressing that it was a serious matter in which the ADP will ensure justice is served appropriately.

“For us to have good governance and good leaders in any part of this country, those contesting elections, must present authentic qualifications, as required by the electoral umpire INEC, anything contrary must be challenged at the court”, Adelaja said.

Recall that the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) candidate and incumbent Governor of the state, Godwin Obaseki was disqualified by his by the APC over disparity in his names on his NYSC certificate, an error which was later corrected by NYSC.

According to the Court documents sighted by journalists, the ADP revealed that the deputy governorship candidate of the APC who goes by the name AUDU ABUDU GANIYU presented to the INEC a Voters Card which bears the name AUDU ABDUL GANIYU.

Similarly, the party also said that he presented a WASSCE/GCE certificate bearing the name AUDU AHUDU GANEYU to the INEC.

Again, the ADP further revealed that the deputy governorship candidate presented to the INEC an APC Membership card bearing the name AUDU GANI.

The ADP based on the suit has asked the Court to interpret the certificates and declare that the deputy governorship candidate of the APC has presented forged certificates to INEC, which violates Section 182(1)(j) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 ( As Amended).

The Plaintiff also seeks an order disqualifying Ize-Iyamu Osagie Andrew, Audu Abudu Ganiyu and the APC from contesting the September 19 gubernatorial poll as well as an order compelling the INEC to remove Ize-Iyamu Osagie Andrew, Audu Abudu Ganiyu and APC from its list of candidates eligible to contest the forthcoming Edo State Governorship Election.

It would be important to remember that this case is similar to that which led to the disqualification of the Bayelsa Governor-elect (David Lyon) and deputy governor elect (Degi-Eremienyo) by the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court ruled that the APC had no candidates because the deputy governorship candidate of the APC had presented forged certificates to the INEC.