• Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Ireland as a top Study Destination for Nigerian Students

Nigerians sees the largest increase in UK scholarships

The consistent rise of international students in a country with the “warmest of welcomes” establishes the fact that Ireland offers the perfect opportunity to enjoy a novel mix of the highest education standards and work opportunities, combined with an exciting cultural experience for Nigerian students. The vibrant and modern socio-cultural landscape coupled with her historical and traditional appeal makes Ireland a home away from home for Nigerians. Ireland’s rich heritage, reasonable tuition fees, long-established universities and well-earned reputation for being friendly makes it a popular choice for international students.

Ireland may be small, but the breadth and expertise of the Irish higher education system make it an excellent option for both undergraduate and postgraduate study in all subject areas.

As a Nigerian trying to get international exposure and study experience, here are reasons to choose Ireland as your destination.

1. Language
Ireland is an English-speaking country, and as such, makes it a comfortable study location for Nigerians. Nigerian Students coming to Ireland will find the classroom experience painless and undemanding as they don’t need to learn a second language.

2. Work Opportunities during and after Study
Ireland offers international students up to two years stay-back visa and also work/internship opportunities during and after studies. Nigerian students will have a chance to add global work experience to their CV after the higher education study in Ireland.

3. Highly Ranked International Institutions
Ireland’s institutions of higher education are high up in the world university rankings. Moreover, they offer many professional and innovative courses/programs. There are over 5000 courses in a variety of areas (Big Data, medicine, science, technology, engineering, business, law, advertising, languages, literature, history, philosophy, psychology, etc.) and available for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

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4. Innovative Educational System
Ireland ranked 7th of the 63 countries bench-marked for its higher education system in the 2019 IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook. This makes the Irish Educational system one of the most innovative globally. Nigerian students can adapt easily to it and leverage on this to become competitive in the global job market. The Irish educational model is built on the understanding that technology applications need a solid theoretical foundation based on purposeful, systemic research, and sound pedagogy. Graduates are therefore highly employable.

5. Safe, friendly Community
Irish people are best known for their warm welcome and accommodating culture as regards to foreign students, which greatly contribute to the ease with which foreign students adapt to student life in Ireland. Nigerian students have no cause to have anxiety as regards their adaptability and integration. In fact, as you commence your study experience, you will realize that Ireland is a home away from home. It’s also one of Europe’s safest countries and consistently ranks high in the best tourist destinations.

6. Proximity to Great European Cities
The advantage of studying in Europe is that it’s relatively easy to go from one country to the next when on holiday. You can take advantage and go on a weekend adventure to see some of the beautiful European cities that you’ve been daydreaming about as a Nigerian. E.g. London is just an hour away.

7. Home to Top Multinationals
Over 1,000 FDI giants in ICT, social media, pharmaceuticals, and finance have made Ireland the hub of their European operations. Companies with names such as Google, HP, Apple, IBM, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pfizer, GSK, and Genzyme are based in Ireland and often collaborate with the higher education institutions.

Nigerian students, whether undergraduate or postgraduate, pursuing a study experience overseas should consider Ireland and make it their first choice. The points above clearly show why!
Education In Ireland, a governmental agency in Ireland, is responsible for promoting Irish Higher Education institutions overseas.

The Education in Ireland Nigeria fair, coming up this 31st of October, will give Nigerian students a chance to meet, connect, and speak privately with representatives of top Irish Universities and colleges. Nigerian students can also attend detailed seminars and informative sessions on studying in Ireland and technicalities that might come with the application. All participants at the Study in Ireland Fair will be able to explore studying options from undergraduate to postgraduate degrees and PhDs and speak directly with representatives from the government and leading Irish universities and colleges.

Register for the fair now https://africa.educationinireland.live/