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Education: Ways to stop bullying in schools

Education: Ways to stop bullying in schools

Bullying has been a social menace for so long in our society, schools and even homes and this long term issue will not stop except we address it permanently. One of the duties of a parent is to ensure that your child has an understanding of what bullying is about, what it looks and feels like. And it starts with a simple conversation with your child about what makes up for a healthy relationship and what does not.

Parents are often the last to know when their child is being bullied or when their child is the antagonist by bullying someone else, but that trend can be broken if parents can communicate with their children regularly about their everyday lives and school. Note that, schools cannot address the issue of bullying alone, it requires the assistance and help of the parents also. Here are ways to prevent bullying from schools and even homes.

Charity begins at home

The saying goes “Charity begins at home” that is to say discipline of an individual or child starts from their home. Good home training of an individual can help prevent bullying from our society in general. One of the best measures a parent can use to prevent bullying is to help and make their child understand what bullying is. It is more than a definition, it is important that parents should make their children understand what bullying look and feels like. Having a good conversation about bullying with your child can help prevent bullying in schools.

Watch out for the warning signs

Due to the threats and warnings given to them by the bully, most children are afraid to tell anyone including their parents and guardians of when they are being bullied. So it’s the duty of parents to watch out for the warning signals and make sure you noticewhen your child is being bullied.

Teach healthy habits

It’s also the duty of a parent to train their child on healthy lifestyle and habits and that includes instilling an anti-bullying mindset in your child.It is more than just teaching them not to shove, hit or tease other kids but making sure they learn not to be judgmental, making hurtful jokes, critical, hating or even spreading false rumors about their mates. All these are all unhealthy habits and lifestyle your child must avoid to stop any chance of bullying in their schools.

Empower your child

One of the ways to prevent bullying is to empower your child; that is to provide them with tools for dealing with all sorts of bullying. Standing up to the bully in a firm manner, walking away, telling a teacher or parents about the situation, are all methods a parent can practice with their child to help prevent the possibility of bullying.

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It is also helpful to teach your child on how and when to report any case of bullying in their school when they witness it; helping them understand why they do not need to be a bystander but rather be an advocate against bullying.

Get acquainted with the school’s policies

It’s very important as a parent to get a solid grasp on how the issue of bullying is handled in your child’s school. That is knowing the right person to report to if something awful happens to your child, as well as having a precise and clear expectations for how the situation will be handled and also making sure it is completely resolved.

Have a face-to-face meeting with school authorities

If your child reports to you about any case of them being bullied, it is important that you contact the school immediately and ask for a meeting with them in person. By asking and holding a physical meeting, you are showing that you are committed to seeing that the issue is completely resolved.

It will also be very useful to document all cases of bullying because it will help you be well prepared if the situation escalates and law enforcement or any external bodiesare involved.

Become an advocate

If you need be an ever- present help in cases of bullying, then it is more advisable to be an advocate thereby, voicing out your support for bullying prevention. Voluntarily work with your child’s teachers, principal or the school’s counselor to develop an anti- bullying program. If there is such program in your child’s school already, you can always offer to help when events and fundraisers are held.

Involvement of other parents

As the saying goes “two heads are better than one.” When a good number of parents are all devoted and committed to bullying prevention, then schools will be a more safer learning environment for the children. All hands must be on deck to help tackle the issue. By forming a group, parents should meet regularly to brainstorm ideas, share them with school officials; and create means to help put their plans and suggestions into action.

Spend time at your child’s school

This can be very helpful if your schedule permits, you should accept opportunities to volunteer at school functions and during the day. Occasionally, having an additional adult or parent around is enough toput off bullying.

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