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66th Anniversary: Navy donates educational materials to pupils in Delta

66th Anniversary: Navy donates educational materials to pupils in Delta

The Nigerian Naval Engineering College, Sapele on Tuesday distributed educational materials to over 150 pupils of Abeke Primary School in Ogorode Community, Sapele Local Government Area of Delta.

Navy Capt. Emeka Chinaka, deputy commandant of the Nigerian Naval Engineering College led some officers and ratings of the college to present the items to the pupils.

Chinaka said that the donation was in commemoration of the weeklong 66th anniversary of the Nigerian Navy.

Items distributed were exercise books and mathematical sets.

Addressing newsmen, the deputy commandant said that the educational outreach was to encourage the children to be of good behaviour, study hard and eschew all forms of criminalities capable of jeopardising their future.

“Aside from the medical intervention, we decided that for Ogorode Community where we domicile, we should add educational outreach.

“At the end of it all, we are giving them exercise books and mathematical sets to help them in their academic pursuit

“About 150 children was our target but we surpassed the number from what I am seeing. It is quite commendable. We focussed on primary five because they are almost at the terminal stage in the school.

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“This is the only school we selected, the only public school that is closest to us. Subsequently, we might go further by probably including secondary schools,” he said.

Chinaka urged the pupils to be disciplined and dedicated to their academic pursuit, noting that the sky would be their limit in whatever profession they decide to choose.

Responding, the Head Teacher of the school, Akoro Oritsebughemi commended the Nigerian Navy for the laudable gesture and urged other organisations to emulate them.

“The Nigerian Navy has cast a glorious future in the life of the children. This will be in their mind for a very long time and it will motivate them to learn and study hard,” she said.

One of the beneficiaries, Miss Benjamin Flourish thanked the Navy and prayed to God to provide and keep them alive, safe and sound.

It will also be recalled that the Nigerian Navy in continuation of the commemoration of its 66th anniversary on Monday carried out a medical outreach in Jesse and Kokori Communities in Ethiope West and East respectively.

The medical team was led by Surgeon Commander Dominica Adebayo, Commander of the Naval Medical Centre, Sapele.

Adebayo said that free medical consultations, drugs, eye glasses, mosquito nets and others were offered to the beneficiaries which included women, men and youth among others.

“The medical intervention is essentially a way to let the communities know that we are not just forcing people but also interested in the well-being of the people.

“The Nigerian Navy is your friend, do not be afraid of them, we are brothers and sisters and we are here to render our services to you,” Adebayo said.