• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Over 4,000 deligates set for Brimass’ business workshop


 Over 4,000 delegates from within and outside Nigeria will listen to the United States-based leadership and personal success expert, Brian Tracy, at a business workshop holding in the country.

The 2013 for The Remarkable Leaders’ Conclave and Business Workshops is being organised by Brimass, one of Nigeria’s fastest growing business support company.

With the theme “The Making of Innovative Leaders: Winning Leadership Strategies for Building World-Class Organisations and Societies” the event will hold in Lagos, Abuja and other selected cities including Asaba, Delta State.

According to Stephen Ojji, Chief Operating Officer of Brimass International Limited, the delegates including entrepreneurs, business managers, business executives, political leaders, decision makers in government agencies, students and emerging leaders opportunity.”They will to listen to and interact with Brian at six different summits over two days, in addition to more than 10 exclusive sessions and private seminars for interested organisations.”

According to Ojji, “The workshop is going to be an exciting and dynamic event that will allow participants to become professionals with keen insights into what makes a strong, innovative and successful leader whether in business or in politics. “Attendees of this conclave will make the leap to extraordinary performance, innovation, and influence at work and in life.” He added that participants will also learn how to create spectacular results, awaken their inner leader and have the professional and personal life they have always wanted. “Being a remarkable leader is more than the position or title. It is about innovation, teamwork, vision and a strong sense of quality and integrity in everything you do.”