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Omilola Oshikoya, inspiring humanity to live the richer life

Omilola Oshikoya, inspiring humanity to live the richer life

Omilola Oshikoya is first known as the Father’s Daughter. Her life’s goal is to be a reflection of her Father, Jesus, just like the sunflower is the reflection of the sun.

Omilola Oshikoya is Africa’s wealth connoisseur with over 16 years’ experience in finance/investment banking and over 6 years as a UK certified life coach. She developed the Wheel of Wealth© methodology making her the first wealth coach in Africa.

Omilola’s mission is to inspire humanity to live the “Richer Life” & to help create wealth and eradicate poverty in Africa through a tool she created called The Hand of Wealth© which focuses on five areas, what true wealth is, how to create wealth, how to manage & grow wealth & how to use wealth. She does this through her brands/trademarks : “Omilola” “The Tech World of Finance” “The Fathers Daughter” “Do It Afraid”, “The Richer Woman” and The Richer Kids Club.

Omilola Oshikoya is the founder of Omilola Oshikoya International (OOI) www.ooigroup.org, a wealth and financial advisory company founded in 2015. In 2018 OOI set up an online financial education platform “The Tech World of Finance” www.wofin.org which aims to reduce the financial inclusion gap, eradicate poverty and create wealth through financial literacy. In 2015, OOI held its first conference called the “Do It Afraid” conference at Civic Centre. In 2016, the first entrepreneurship workshop was held & the theme was “Agribusiness the next frontier”. The workshop aimed to showcase the business opportunities in agribusiness in Nigeria even in a recession. Since then several conferences have been held and as a result, thousands of millennials have been inspired to start their own business even in a recession thereby creating wealth and job opportunities.

Omilola is the author of The Richer ™ Woman, Birthing Purpose, Ten steps to being debt free and a contributor to a book called the “Money Book”. In 2017, The Richer™woman was launched in different cities such as the London, Lagos, Abuja, Accra, Kenya, Dubai, Johannesburg, Maryland, New York, Atlanta and Ibadan and has been read in countries as far as Australia, Ireland etc.

Omilola is an ordained Youth Minister at Ignite, the youth ministry of Guiding Light Assembly. She is happily married to her best friend John Olugbenga Oshikoya and they are blessed with four beautiful children.

Growing up

My life’s story is so pivotal to where I am today and what I do today in terms of work and purpose. As a young girl, I saw my family go through very tough financial challenges. We came from a very rich home. My grand-father was very wealthy. We used to fly private jets, wear the best clothes, lived in prime areas etc. My father too made a lot of money as a young man. Unfortunately, we went through series of financial challenges subsequently. Furthermore, even though my parents are still together today, they had a very troubled marriage and as a young girl, I thought it was because of money. Therefore, I grew up thinking that “money answereth all things” and was determined to be very rich and make a lot of money. I chose a career in finance because I felt this was the fastest way to make money legitimately and ended up working in some of the best companies. The thing is, I did make money but I didn’t realise that it is one thing to make money and another to know how to manage it and also grow it. Even though I was making a lot of money, I ended up living from pay check to pay check because of bad financial decisions. I ended up very depressed and almost lost my marriage when I faced temptations for 3 years. It took a lot of life changing experiences which I detail in my first book “The Richer Woman” to get me where I am today.

16 years’ experience in finance/investment banking, what was the experience like and how is it positively influencing you till date?

I studied Accounting and Finance from the University of Kent and spent the first ten years in Audit, Corporate finance and Investment banking working in companies such as one of the big four accounting firms and the biggest non-bank financial institution in Nigeria. The next 6 years, I focused on personal finance where I have become one of the foremost personal finance advocates in Nigeria and I also became a UK certified life coach. One thing I have realised is that, like the Bible says, all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Initially, I didn’t like my career in investment banking but now I see how pivotal those 10 years were in shaping me.

6 years as a UK certified life coach, share your experience and observation

When I resigned from investment banking, during my three months’ notice period, I signed up for a life coaching course. I did this because I wanted to have clarity about my life because I wasn’t fulfilled but what I didn’t know was that I was gaining knowledge and tools for the work I was going to do in the future. The combination of life coaching and finance is what I call wealth coaching. I teach, advise, consult and train in areas of personal finance and what makes me different or my unique selling point is that I also add my life coaching skills so that my clients can be successful not just in their finances but in all areas of their lives as well. I have developed tools and methodologies to help me achieve my goal which is to inspire humanity to live the richer life. This has made me the first Wealth coach in Africa.

Share on thewheel ofwealth© methodology, reason for establishing it and result so far

In life coaching, a tool we use is called the wheel of life, it has 12 components however I developed the wheel of wealth which has only 8 components namely, Spirituality, Rest (fun/recreation), Health & wellbeing, Family, Work, Relationships, Money/finances, Planning/time management.

The idea behind the concept of the wheel of wealth is the ship’s wheel which has 8 parts. Water is the analogy for wealth. Interestingly my name is Omilola which means water is wealth in Yoruba language. Water is one of the richest elements if not the richest element on the earth. Scientists are still discovering new species in the ocean till date. The wheel of wealth is basically the ships wheel which you would use to navigate through the waters of wealth. Wealth in this sense is true wealth.

Helping humanity to live the “Richer Life” and helping them create wealth and eradicate poverty in Africa through The Hand of Wealth©

Currently, most people focus on just being successful financially. They wake up every day just to make money and this is at the expense of all other areas of their lives for example, their physical and mental health. My goal is to inspire humanity to live the richer life which is a life of true wealth and to also eradicate poverty in Africa whilst achieving at least 10 out of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The hand of wealth was inspired by the Bible verse Deuteronomy 8:18 “But remember the Lord for it is He who gives you the power to create wealth.”

Read Also: Women in Business- Hannah Oyebanjo

The Tech World of Finance

In 2018 during the recession ‘The Tech World of Finance’ was birthed after a dream I had. It is the first of its kind online financial education platform for millennial that merges fintech with financial literacy to reduce the financial inclusion gap, reduce poverty and create wealth. It is a platform where millennials can become financially literate in the simplest and most affordable way. We break down complex financial terms and make it as simple as ABC. We have over 20 female contributors from different areas of finance who have contributed over 120 personal and business finance articles. We also have online courses such as a wealth creation online course, a debt free online course, and understanding financial information for non-finance professionals. Features also include inspirational videos, weekly newsletter to a database of circa 4000, finance news, exchange rate and stock market updates etc. Our circa 1000 subscribers are from 17 countries including Russia, Canada, Indonesia, United Kingdom, United States of America, South Africa, Tanzania, Germany, Ghana, Belarus, Cyprus etc.

DO IT AFRAID Conference

The Do It Afraid conference is a wealth creation event focused on the psychology of an entrepreneur. The goal is to inspire millennial to face their fears and fulfill their dreams. Entrepreneurship is the engine or driving force of any economy. There are many people who can fix the health care sector, the agricultural sector, the mining industry in Nigeria who are stuck in jobs they do not like because of the apparent security those jobs provide. Furthermore, many people are unemployed because they are waiting for job opportunities in the “lucrative” sectors in the economy which are mainly three areas, oil and gas, telecoms and banking. We realise that the reason why most people don’t start businesses is not because of lack of money, lack of skills or lack of business ideas but because of their mindset. There is a fear of failure, fear of trading security for the unknown, fear of being able to cope financially etc. Therefore, at the conference, we showcase successful entrepreneurs who come and share the reality of their journey which includes their struggles, challenges, fears and so on, and how they overcame them.

Your books

My first book The Richer Woman tells my life story of from childhood and how I moved from wanting to be a “rich” woman to becoming “The Richer Woman”. The second part of the book provides knowledge and tools on how a woman can become “The Richer Woman”. This book has been launched in 14 cities such as New York, Johannesburg, Nairobi, Dubai, Accra, London, Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, Port Harcourt. In 2018, the French version La Femme La Plus Riche was launched in Abidjan, Paris and Kigali. People as far as Australia, Canada, Ireland and so on have been impacted by my book.

Journey to healthy living

Interestingly, God began to speak to me early 2018 about changing my diet. It was very difficult initially and I didn’t understand why. Through direction from the Holy Spirit through visions, He led me on what not to eat. I ended up losing 14 kilos within 5 months. I fell pregnant with my fourth child afterwards. What I didn’t realise is that God was cleansing my body and healing my body from an ailment and in preparation of this pregnancy.