• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Leye Makanjuola: Multifaceted entrepreneur making waves with Intense Group

Leye Makanjuola: Multifaceted Entrepreneur Making Waves with Intense Group

Could you provide a brief overview of your professional profile?

I am Leye Makanjuola, a global entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and value creation. Over the
past decade, I have been actively involved in establishing and managing Intense Group – a growth
focused portfolio of companies in the marketing, technology and media sectors. Our flagship company is
Intense Digital; a growth marketing company which has grown to be one of the leading digital marketing
agencies in Nigeria. We help businesses in the finance sector acquire and grow their customers via
digital channels like mobile apps, social media, email and websites. Our companies complement one
another. Purple Stardust; a digital creative communications agency develops the ideas, strategy, and
ads. Intense Digital takes these creative materials and shows it to our clients’ target audiences and
ensures they become customers, while Lucent9 builds the technologies that enhance our clients’
marketing performance. One of the technologies we have built is called PALET; an ai powered tool that
helps increase conversions of digital ads. This might be our biggest innovation yet. We have also recently
set up Intense Group UK in London to connect UK and global businesses to African audiences globally.
As CEO of Intense Group, my number one job is innovation. I dream and bring to life ideas that result in
revenue growth for our clients. I have degrees in economics, marketing communication and I also have
an MBA from Said Business School, Oxford.

What is the mission and vision of Intense Group?

Our mission is to utilize data, insights, and technology to assist our clients achieve business growth.
While our vision is to make every connection with our brand valuable, leaving our clients delighted and
making a measurable commercial impact on their business.

What business growth strategies have contributed to the company’s continued success?

We have employed a multifaceted growth strategy over the years but always at the forefront of our
strategy is innovation, diversification, leveraging technology and strategic partnerships. More recently
we have expanded globally. Our key to its success is a strong focus on our customer. We obsess over
their needs, the problems and how to solve them. This has helped us remain relevant and grow despite
changing economic conditions. We are problem solvers. Our emphasis on customer centricity, talent
management, and a relaxed corporate culture has helped us to stay in the game and grow exponentially
over the last decade.

In your capacity as the Chief Executive Officer of Intense Group, how well has the business performed in terms of attaining its objectives?

Our performance has in many areas, exceeded our objectives. Our diversification across services has
fortified our market position, enabling us to tap into new growth opportunities while enhancing our
service offerings to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Our investment in technology, especially in
data analytics, has yielded significant improvements in how we deliver customized solutions. This
strategic focus has increased operational efficiency and client satisfaction Talent remains our greatest
asset. Our dedicated team, the Intensifiers, continues to drive our success, embodying our core values
of innovation, professionalism, and an entrepreneurial mindset. Their unwavering dedication is the
backbone of our achievements. I am optimistic about our ability to sustain this momentum. We look
forward to another year of growth, challenges, and opportunities.

Comparing the Nigerian professionals to their foreign counterparts in terms of quality service
delivery, do you think foreign professionals outperform Nigerians?

A lot of Nigerian and foreign professionals are highly skilled and qualified. Nigerian professionals
understand the Nigerian market, culture, and regulations. Our professionals are adaptable to working
within different environments as well considering the sheer determination and investment, be it time or
finances it takes to make something of one’s self as a professional in our sometimes tough climate.
Nigerians occupy decisive roles from the public to private sector in many countries. That speaks to the
resilience, integrity and intellect of the Nigerian professional. Sometimes it’s all about the environment
you find yourself. That’s what decides how you turn out. We are all victims of our environment. But its
up to the individual to decide how they want to play the cards they are dealt. We Nigerians can match
up to our foreign counterparts anywhere in the world if we apply ourselves and a lot of us are doing just

What challenges does your organization face as a Marketing, Technology and Media Consulting firm in preserving a moral and ethical corporate environment?

We face several key challenges in maintaining an ethical corporate environment: navigating
bureaucratic and regulatory complexities, managing financial stability amidst frequent currency
devaluations, combating local corruption, ensuring digital security, and retaining top talent while
adhering to fair labor practices. These challenges demand diligent management and a commitment to
uphold our high standards of integrity.

Your advice for upcoming professionals?

My advice to upcoming professionals is to inculcate the spirit of excellence. Hardwork and discipline is a
lifestyle. Stop thinking about hustling for a little while so you can blow and stop working. It doesn’t work
like that in the real world. Be an eternal student. Never stop learning, innovating and reinventing
yourself. Ego is an enemy. So be curious and don’t be afraid to ask for help.