• Friday, October 11, 2024
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Amaka Ibeji, an inspiring journey in technology and digital trust

Amaka Ibeji, an inspiring journey in technology and digital trust

Amaka Ibeji began her career in Nigeria as a software engineer, developing enterprise applications. However, her curiosity soon drew her into the intriguing world of cybersecurity. Her mission became clear: to better comprehend the tools, techniques, and mind-set used by cybercriminals and to build more secure applications.

This pivot proved transformative. As one of the founding members of Deloitte’s security and privacy team, she performed vulnerability assessments and penetration testing across financial institutions in Africa, significantly maturing the security postures of many banks.

Most recently, she worked at Cruise, a leading self-driving car company, where she influenced AI strategy, product development, and privacy controls to earn their customers’ trust.

Today, as the founder of PALS Hub, a digital trust and assurance company, Amaka coaches and consults with individuals and companies navigating careers or practices in privacy and AI governance. As a faculty member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and an AI governance instructor, she is at the forefront of shaping responsible data use and AI governance.

As a Boardroom certified qualified technology expert, Amaka is poised to bring enhanced expertise in digital and cybersecurity leadership to the boardroom.

Ibeji is committed to fostering a culture of innovation and responsible technology use at the board level. By leveraging my deep understanding of emerging technologies and their implications, she can help boards make informed decisions that balance growth with ethical considerations. Her experience positions her to guide discussions on risk management and strategic technology investments.

In her on-going professional journey, she remains dedicated to shaping the future of technology with integrity and vision.

On your early passion for learning and curiosity. How did this drive for knowledge shape your educational and career path?

My early passion for learning was particularly ignited by my fascination with mathematics. I was drawn to the predictability and assurance that came with solving problems, which instilled in me a deep appreciation for logical reasoning. This interest naturally extended to computer classes I took after school. I enjoyed every lesson and found joy in teaching new students what I had learnt.

This foundation laid the groundwork for my career in technology. My love for problem-solving and strategic thinking made the choice to pursue this path feel instinctive. I realized that technology offered a unique platform to tackle complex challenges, and this realisation has driven my educational and professional journey ever since.

You mentioned the pivotal role your father’s success story played in instilling a belief that any goal is attainable with hard work. Can you share an example of how this mind-set has helped you overcome a challenge in your career?

My father’s success story instilled in me a powerful belief that with hard work and determination, any goal is attainable. This mind-set has been a driving force throughout my career, propelling me to overcome numerous challenges.

A prime example of this was my decision to graduate with a First Class degree in Computer Science from Igbinedion University. I set this ambitious goal before I even stepped foot on campus, demonstrating my commitment to excellence from the outset. Through unwavering focus and dedication, I achieved this objective, laying a strong foundation for my future career in technology.

Another significant challenge I conquered was my transition from software engineering to cybersecurity. While I enjoyed building applications, I became increasingly aware of the threats posed by cybercriminals. Rather than viewing this as a deterrent, I saw it as an opportunity to expand my expertise. I embarked on a journey to understand the tools, techniques, and mind-set of cybercriminals, effectively pivoting my career into the cybersecurity domain.

This shift required me to step out of my comfort zone, acquire new skills, and adapt to a rapidly evolving field. However, the belief instilled by my father’s example – that any goal is attainable with hard work, gave me the confidence to embrace this challenge. Today, my diverse background provides me with a unique perspective that is invaluable in navigating the complex intersection of technology and digital trust. This multifaceted expertise enables me to contribute strategically to discussions on how organisations can leverage technology while maintaining the confidence and trust of their stakeholders.

Your career has spanned software engineering, cybersecurity, and privacy engineering. What led you to make these pivots, and how did you ensure a smooth transition between domains?

My career journey has been driven by an insatiable curiosity and a passion for solving complex problems. Each pivot was a natural progression, guided by my desire to understand and address emerging challenges in the tech world.

As a software engineer, I developed enterprise applications, but my curiosity led me to explore cybersecurity. I wanted to comprehend the tools and mind-set of cybercriminals to build more secure applications. This transition naturally evolved into privacy engineering, where I now advocate for user respect and empower organisations to achieve more through digital trust.

To ensure smooth transitions between these domains, I focused on three key strategies: Firstly, through research to understand the principles of each new field, secondly, networking and mentorship to accelerate my learning curve, and thirdly, leveraging existing skills and experiences in new contexts.

As one of the founding members of Deloitte’s security and privacy team in Africa, what were some of the key cybersecurity challenges you helped financial institutions address?

As a founding member of Deloitte’s security and privacy team in Africa, I made significant contributions to addressing critical cybersecurity challenges for financial institutions. My work focused on three key areas: Patch management and configuration management. Here, I helped organisations appreciate the crucial benefits of patching known vulnerabilities and maintaining secure configurations. By demonstrating that most exploits result from unpatched vulnerabilities or insecure configurations, I drove home the importance of these fundamental practices. Second is security awareness and training. Recognising that human factors often represent the weakest link in cybersecurity, I developed and implemented comprehensive awareness programmes. These initiatives educated staff at all levels, significantly reducing the risk of human-error-related security incidents. Third is asset inventory and visibility. I emphasised the importance of maintaining a clear understanding of digital assets and attack surfaces. By improving asset management practices, I helped organisations achieve better cybersecurity hygiene and more effective risk management.

In your current role at PALS Hub, you’re coaching and consulting on digital trust and AI governance. What are some of the most critical considerations you advise your clients on regarding responsible data use and AI implementation?

In my role at PALS Hub, I advise clients on critical considerations for responsible data use and AI implementation.

Data Governance Foundation: Strong data governance is essential for effective AI governance. Clients must ensure visibility and control over data assets, establish quality standards, and implement robust safety measures to avoid unreliable or biased AI outputs.

Change Management: AI governance involves organisational change. I guide clients in fostering a culture of responsible AI use, aligning initiatives with business objectives, and clarifying roles for oversight.

Expanded Risk Landscape: AI introduces new risks, such as algorithmic bias and ethical implications. I help clients identify and mitigate these risks through proactive governance strategies that extend beyond traditional frameworks.

You are dedicated to balancing your career ambitions with being a role model for your three daughters. What strategies or insights can you share about successfully managing the demands of work and family?

Balancing career ambitions with being a role model for my three daughters involves key strategies:

Building a System: I create structured routines and leverage domestic staff (au pairs) to ensure dedicated time for both work and family responsibilities.

Supportive Partnership: Open communication with my husband allows us to collaborate on household tasks and support each other’s ambitions.

Setting Reasonable Expectations: I maintain flexibility and realistic expectations, understanding that priorities may shift between work and family needs.

As you look to bring your technology expertise to the boardroom, what unique perspectives do you believe you can offer on issues related to digital transformation, risk management, and ethical AI?

As a technology expert aspiring to board positions, I offer valuable perspectives for effective governance in today’s digital landscape:

Oversight of Digital Transformation: I can guide the board in evaluating the strategic alignment of digital initiatives, ensuring they deliver genuine value and competitive advantage.

Cybersecurity Risk Governance: My expertise allows me to help the board assess management’s cybersecurity strategies, ensuring comprehensive measures are in place to protect company assets and reputation.

Ethical Data and AI Governance: I can lead discussions on ethical data use and oversee the establishment of frameworks that ensure compliance with regulations while fostering innovation.

By integrating these insights into board discussions, I can enhance oversight and governance in an increasingly digital world.

Throughout your impressive career journey, what has been the most valuable lesson you’ve learnt about achieving your goals, whether personal or professional?

The most valuable lesson I’ve learnt throughout my career journey is: “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.” This principle has been a cornerstone of my success, both personally and professionally. As someone who is naturally strategic and forward-thinking, this lesson has grounded me and shaped my approach to every task and opportunity. By fully committing to each endeavour, I’ve built a reputation as a doer, someone, who not only strategises, but also executes with excellence. This approach has allowed me to: Consistently deliver high-quality results, even in challenging situations, build trust and credibility with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders and develop a diverse skill set by fully engaging in various roles and projects.

This lesson has proven invaluable in my career progression and will continue to guide my contributions at the board level. It underscores the importance of not just having a vision, but also the dedication to see that vision through to fruition.

On your early passion for learning and curiosity, how did your parents encourage and nurture this thirst for knowledge when you were growing up?

My parents played a crucial role in nurturing my early passion for learning and curiosity. Their approach was both inspirational and practical: One of my earliest memories is of my father driving my siblings and I around affluent neighbourhoods in Lagos. He would consistently reinforce the message, “With education, you can have this.” This simple yet powerful statement connected education directly to aspirational goals, instilling in me a deep appreciation for the transformative power of knowledge.

At home, my parents established a tradition of rewarding academic excellence. For instance, there was a predefined gift for every ‘A’ grade achieved. One year, it was 5,000 Naira per ‘A’. This approach shifted my focus from merely passing to striving for excellence, as I was motivated to earn those top grades.

This combination of long-term vision and short-term incentives created a powerful drive for academic achievement. It taught me not just to value education, but to actively pursue excellence – a principle that has guided my career and continues to influence my approach to professional development and leadership.

You spoke about the pivotal role of mentors in providing clarity, accountability, and access to resources that accelerated your journey. Can you share an example of how a particular mentor made a significant impact on your career progression?

One mentor who significantly impacted my career progression is Obadare Peter Adewale, the Chief Visionary Officer of Digital Encode Ltd. When I decided to transition into cybersecurity, his guidance was instrumental in shaping my path forward. Adewale’s mentorship was transformative in several ways:

Career Mapping: He helped me craft a clear and strategic career path in cybersecurity, providing invaluable insights into the industry.

Skill Development: With his support, I attained crucial certifications that bolstered my expertise and credibility in the field.

Confidence Building: Perhaps most importantly, he instilled in me the confidence I needed to succeed in this new domain.

Adewale’s mentorship extends beyond that initial transition. To this day, he continues to inspire me and challenge my limits. His high standards and on-going support push me to constantly strive for excellence.

This mentorship experience underscores the power of having a dedicated guide in one’s career journey. It’s not just about technical knowledge, but also about gaining the confidence and vision to pursue ambitious goals.

As one of the founding members of Deloitte’s security and privacy team in Africa, what were some of the unique challenges you faced in maturing the security postures of financial institutions in the region? How did you navigate those challenges?

As one of the founding members of Deloitte’s security and privacy team in Africa, we faced several unique challenges in maturing the security postures of financial institutions. At the time, cybersecurity and privacy practices were still in their infancy in the region. Our primary challenge was justifying the need for these services, as many institutions viewed cyber threats as hypothetical rather than imminent risks.

To overcome skepticism, we had to provide tangible evidence of the risks. My team and I conducted authorised penetration tests on several banks’ networks, exploiting known vulnerabilities. This approach served as a powerful wake-up call for the industry, vividly illustrating the real and present dangers of inadequate cybersecurity measures.

In your role at Microsoft, you were instrumental in founding the Global health access team focused on using technology to address healthcare disparities. What insights did you gain about the power of technology to drive positive social impact?

My experience as a founding member of the global health access team at Microsoft provided valuable insights into technology’s power to drive positive social impact, particularly in healthcare.

Broad Applicability: Technology can be leveraged across the healthcare spectrum – from diagnostics and health monitoring to improving healthcare operations. This versatility makes it a powerful tool in addressing health disparities.

Untapped Potential in Africa: There’s an immense opportunity to leverage technology to improve healthcare outcomes in Africa. The continent’s unique challenges and rapidly growing tech ecosystem present fertile ground for innovative solutions.

Data Strategy is Critical: To fully realise technology’s potential in healthcare, an effective data strategy is essential. This involves generating high-quality, relevant data, ensuring data security and privacy, promoting responsible use of data to improve care and overall health outcomes.

Tailored Solutions: We learned that technology solutions must be adapted to local contexts and infrastructure to be truly effective in addressing health disparities.

Collaboration is Key: Partnerships between tech companies, healthcare providers, and local communities are crucial for developing and implementing effective solutions.

These insights underscore the transformative potential of technology in healthcare, particularly in underserved regions.

At Cruise, you influenced AI strategy, product development, and privacy controls to earn customer trust. What frameworks or principles guided your approach to responsible AI implementation in that context?

At Cruise, my focus was on ensuring that our third-party applications aligned with our rigorous standards for responsible AI implementation. I led comprehensive vendor assessments to evaluate their data collection and processing methods, making sure they met our privacy and ethical guidelines. By establishing continuous compliance monitoring systems, I ensured that all third parties adhered to our data protection requirements. This approach, rooted in principles like privacy by design and ethical AI use, helped us build customer trust by prioritising privacy and ethics in every aspect of our AI initiatives.

As the founder of PALS Hub, a digital trust and assurance company, how do you help your clients navigate the evolving landscape of data privacy and AI governance? What are some common pain points you address?

As the founder of PALS Hub, a digital trust and assurance company, our services are centred on education, awareness, and coaching to help clients navigate the evolving landscape of data privacy and AI governance.

We prioritise educating clients about the value of AI and its implications for their organisations. Through workshops and training sessions, we raise awareness of the transformative potential of AI across various business functions, the evolving risk landscape associated with AI implementation, and the importance of proactive governance to maximise AI benefits while minimising risks. Additionally, we offer customised coaching programmes designed to empower individuals and teams by developing skills to implement effective governance practices and enhancing decision-making capabilities in AI-related contexts.

In your role as a faculty member for the IAPP and an AI governance instructor, what are some of the key competencies or mind-sets you aim to cultivate in your students to prepare them for the challenges of this dynamic field?

As a faculty member for the IAPP and an AI governance instructor, I focus on developing several critical competencies and mind-sets in my students to prepare them for the dynamic field of AI governance:

Business Enablement Mindset: I emphasise the importance of positioning oneself as a business enabler. Our role is not just to mitigate risks, but to help organisations maximise opportunities while minimising potential downsides. This involves understanding business objectives and how AI can contribute to growth, developing the ability to communicate AI governance in terms of business value, risk assessment skills, where students learn to understand and analyse the emerging threat landscape in AI. This includes identifying potential risks across the entire AI development and use lifecycle, developing analytical skills to assess the impact and likelihood of various AI-related risks. There is also lifecycle approach to governance. I teach students to view AI governance as a continuous process that spans the entire AI lifecycle. This involves understanding each stage of AI development and deployment earning to implement appropriate controls at each stage

As a boardroom certified qualified technology expert, what specific areas of digital transformation, cybersecurity, or AI governance do you believe should be top priorities for corporate boards today?

As a boardroom certified qualified technology expert, I believe corporate boards must prioritise oversight in these key areas:

Awareness of Cybersecurity and Privacy Risks: Boards must maintain a comprehensive understanding of potential cybersecurity and privacy threats. These risks can lead to significant reputational damage and financial losses if not properly managed. Effective oversight in this area is crucial for protecting shareholder value and maintaining stakeholder trust.

Regulatory Developments: Boards must keep a keen eye on the changing regulatory landscape, especially in the markets where they operate. This vigilance is essential to ensure compliance, mitigate legal risks, and capitalise on opportunities arising from new regulations.

Capital Strategy for Digital Transformation: Digital transformation is capital intensive and requires strategic allocation of resources. Boards must oversee a well-calibrated capital strategy to ensure sustainable growth and maintain market differentiation. This involves guiding long-term investments in technology while balancing short-term financial goals.

Your bio highlights your dedication to being a role model for your three daughters. How have you intentionally woven that commitment into your professional pursuits and leadership approach?

I’ve intentionally woven my commitment to being a role model for my three daughters into my professional pursuits and leadership approach in several key ways:

Following Passion with Excellence: I demonstrate to my daughters the importance of pursuing one’s passions wholeheartedly. By excelling in fields I’m passionate about, such as AI governance and cybersecurity, I show them that success often follows when you’re genuinely invested in your work.

Embodying Ambition and Authenticity: I strive to be ambitious in my career goals while remaining true to my values and identity. This balance of ambition and authenticity is a crucial lesson I aim to impart to my daughters.

Demonstrating Work-Life Integration: I’ve prioritised creating a structured system that allows me to balance career ambitions with family responsibilities. This includes leveraging support systems and maintaining open communication with my spouse. By doing so, I show my daughters that it’s possible to pursue professional excellence while being present for the family.

I aim to provide my daughters with a living example of how to navigate career challenges, maintain personal authenticity, and make meaningful contributions to their chosen fields.


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