• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Schneider Electric, AFD, NAPTIN collaborate on training electricians

Schneider Electric

In its quest to improve the capabilities of Nigeria’s power sector value chain, Schneider electric in partnership with Agence Francaise de Development (AFD) and the National Power Training Institute (NAPTIN) has launched an electricians’ training programme.

This is set to give a significant boost to a sector with limited local human and institutional capacities.

According to Viviane Mike-Eze, Marketing Communication Manager, Schneider Electric, the initiative is borne out of the desire to empower Nigerian youths and electricians, availing them the opportunity of getting trained and obtaining a certification. This would also ensure safety as incidences of fire outbreak in homes are alarmingly high.

“Incidences of fire outbreaks from faulty electrical installations in Nigeria need to be curbed. It is also our responsibility as an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) to make sure that we give them the best in competency, so whenever they install electrical fittings, they do it the right way”, Viviane Mike-Eze said.

“Another benefit is employability. We don’t only train people in technical skills we also train them to become employable by teaching them business skills which they could express by becoming better entrepreneurs and be job creators themselves.

We have done it before. Today, former students of Schneider Electric training programs with partners have become employers of labour,” she added.

The reception has been massive, more so because Schneider Electric and AFD are subsidizing it to make it affordable for Nigerians.

“The training of electricians is beyond power supply. As we are striving to have more power supply, we need to have well trained electricians in the sense of bringing more safety to the homes. We are co-partners of this event with the support of the French Treasury. As electricity can do well, so can it do badly if not well-managed.  We’re focusing on the entire power value chain – generation, transmission and distribution”, Ademola Adesoji, Senior Project Manager, Energy and Transport, AFD said.

Earlier, Christophe Begat, Managing Director, Schneider Electric, Anglophone, West Africa said that “through its Access to Energy Training program, Schneider Electric has trained over 1000 beneficiaries in the last 5 years. This program is another milestone. We plans to extend it to Abuja and Port Harcourt, and train over 300 electricians per year.”