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ACCA commits to sustainable future through ‘Rethinking Our World’ campaign

ACCA global talent trends survey reveals public sector facing challenge

Determined to create a greener, fairer, and more inclusive world, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Nigeria says it has launched the ‘Rethinking Our World,’ campaign to ensure that members of the association are committed to building a more sustainable future.

Aderonke Adebule, senior business development manager, ACCA Nigeria, who disclosed this in Lagos at an interactive session with the media recently, said the model for building a better world exists in the UN Sustainability Development Goals and that every part of society needs to respond to the UN’s call by placing the SDGs at the centre of positive and sustainable change.

According to Adebule, ACCA as a leader in the profession is making a set of commitments that would enable it to play a part in shaping a better, fairer, and more sustainable future.

“Out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, we have identified that we can make the most significant contribution towards nine of them. The nine goals centre on access to quality finance and accountancy education; promotion of gender equality, and support for the community to progress in career and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

“Others are community empowerment; advocate for inclusion and diversity; promotion of sustainable practices; promotion of climate action through green finance; promotion of professionalism and partnering to build an inclusive global profession,” she explained.

She said ACCA, which empowers and supports the connected communities, also helps to positively influence governments, policymakers, and regulators on sustainability matters.

Noting that the new campaign calls everyone in ACCA to play their part in creating a better world, she added that the association is also making commitments as an employer to become Net-Zero by 2030.

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“Sustainability is fully integrated into our qualification, preparing the future generation of accountants to recognise the challenges and address the impact in organisations. We have collated a selection of our resources and learning materials, and linked them to each of the nine SDGs that we have made our commitment to,” she added.

Adebule, however, disclosed that the ACCA Women’s Network Nigeria (WNN) recently empowered 30 girls from the Makoko area of Lagos through the Slum to School Africa by giving the a series of mentorship in line with the goal 4, which is access to quality education.

Earlier, in his presentation, Tom Isibor, head of ACCA Nigeria, who hosted the session, said that ACCA acts only for public interest by supporting ethical businesses to encourage economic growth.

“Globally, ACCA is an over 2,000 membership organisation with over 500,000 future members who are students. They are people who have done our exams and are qualified but have not yet become members. To become a member, the person needs to go through three steps including exams, ethics, and experience,” he said.

He said the association also has over 7,000 globally approved employers in both public and private sectors, whom the association also sees as partners because becoming an ACCA member gives an advantage in getting employment.

“We also have approved learning providers and training institutions that we work with and they are accredited learning institutions to ensure that they can impact knowledge to future partners according to the ACCA standards.