• Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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The ten laws of supernatural abundance

Last year was a rather difficult one for Nigerians. The precipitate collapse of world oil prices plunged us into a new age of austerity. There was also the nightmare of Ebola, over which our government, for once, rose up to the occasion. Meanwhile, Obama’s America has placed an embargo on Nigeria’s oil in an act of blatant discrimination that is against the spirit of international trade law. They have also placed a de facto arms embargo on our country, tying our hands against a cruel and murderous insurgency that has the leprous hands of foreign conspirators in all its evil machinations. More than 20,000 Nigerians have perished under the sword of Boko Haram, a figure that dwarfs anything the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq has ever done.
Somebody somewhere, it would seem, is hell-bent on strangulating Nigeria and to bring us to our knees by all means necessary. What a wicked world we live in!
As we move closer to the elections in February, the atmosphere is fraught with tension and uncertainty. Meanwhile, more than 7 million Nigerian public workers in 11 states of the federation spent Christmas and New Year without having received their salaries, in some cases with a backlog of 3 months. Not being able to provide for your loved ones during the festive season is one of the most painful experiences for any parents. Many are wondering what to do as their wards go back to school in this dry month of January.
In spite of these difficulties, I would like to share with you, my beloved readers, what life has taught me about the secrets of supernatural abundance. I believe it is your right to be wealthy and happy.
Let no one deceive you, Africa is potentially the richest continent on earth. Nigeria lies at the epicentre of that splendour that is about to be manifested on our continent. We are the glory that is to be revealed. The entire Babylonian system that has enslaved Africa for a millennium is about to unravel. Wealth must change hands. Nigeria’s spiritual and economic reawakening is unstoppable.
In presenting the Ten Laws of Supernatural Abundance, my desire this year is that you, my gentle reader, will hook up to the source of supernatural supply and that the universe will open up for you and that your loved ones will live in comfort, wealth and happiness.
One, know that it is your right to be rich. Tell the universe precisely how much you want during this 2015. Be precise and realistic. Put down in writing a good and realisable amount that you want the Almighty to manifest in your life this year. Develop a plan and blueprint and review it often. You may want a double promotion, a new car or new house. You may want to start a new business or break out on a new path entirely.
Two, submit your plan to the Creator in earnest prayer. Prayer and supplication work wonders. Do not verbalise the parrot-like rote noise that we often hear in churches and mosques. Go into the deepest of the deep in prayer and meditation on the goals you have written down. Wrestle with the Lord the way Jacob did. Position yourself spiritually and intellectually for supernatural abundance. Devote a day each week to fasting and prayer over your goals.
Three, practise positive thinking and imaging in all your daily living. Avoid negative words like the plague. There is power in the tongue. Empires are built or brought down by prophetic utterance. So, let your words always be a benediction. Live the good life and avoid the vulgar crowd.
Four, let the power of the subconscious work for you. Clearly visualise what you want. The act of creation is achieved through the power of the imagination. See yourself and feel yourself already having what you desire. Feel it with passion. Bring it up before you sleep and bring it to as you wake up. Expect abundance and see it with your spiritual vision. Prepare to receive miracles every day.
Five, align yourself to tap into the Supernatural. Competition is often so vicious because people hold the illusion that the resources of the universe are limited. The truth is otherwise. Astronomers such as Stephen Hawking tell us that the universe is expanding. Our Most High is still at work. And because this is so, we can all be rich. Therefore, position yourself to tap into unlimited supply. Of course, if you live a reckless, prodigal, life, you will be distancing yourself from the Source of infinite supply. But if you replace a negative poverty mentality with an abundance mindset, you will magnetise wealth. When you live a good and righteous life and feel compassion for all creation, the universe will open up for you and you will enter into your true heritage.
Six, be open to all avenues of prosperity. Opportunities can emerge in unexpected ways. Keep an open mind. Never discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, religion or ethnicity. The Creator never looks at the surface; rather, He looks at the heart. Your source of supply can come from any source that the Almighty may choose to use.
Seven, practise visualisation. See yourself entering into your heritage and receiving of the abundance that is your birthright. Touch and feel the money that is meant for you. The Yoruba say that “the water you were meant to drink will never by-pass you”!
Eight, develop a clear plan to realise your goals, with datelines. Prepare a detailed blueprint for the projects or business that you would like to realise. Pray over it and enlist the support of your better half or spouse. Enlist the help of mentors who are more experienced and more knowledgeable than you are. But never disclose your plans to the world. There is a lot of evil out there, and some people thrive on discouraging others. Be resolute and firm. Keep the faith. Exercise courage.
Nine, live the life that is yours, not another’s. Become the man or woman that Destiny called you to be. Be the best husband, wife, father, mother, son and friend that you can be. Be the best at your job or profession. Live as if today is your last day on earth. Love and cherish. Work and labour with all your strength. Wear the best clothes you can afford; be clean and well-groomed. Re-order your home and do away with clutter. Remember also that cleanliness is next to godliness. Aim to be a person of total quality.
Finally, live continually in the spirit of gratitude. Be grateful for what you have already received and in anticipation of what you are about to receive. Give of your time and your resources to help those who are less privileged than yourself. Let praise and adoration be always on your lips.
A blessed and Happy New Year everyone!
Obadiah Mailafia

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