• Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Diary of a young executive

Diary of a young executive

Modupe Ogundare Marketing Manager Vetifly.

“Audacity has been the biggest driver of my successes.” Modupe Ogundare Marketing Manager Vetifly.

Modupe is a top-performing Marketing Manager with vast experience driving business volume through product creation, innovative branding, effective marketing strategies and expansive communication distribution to increase profit growth.

She currently leads the Marketing team at Vetifly a transportation solution that explores a faster and more efficient way to move through helicopter services within Nigeria. In this role she demonstrates exceptional leadership, creativity, business acumen and vision to implement strategic initiatives, as evident in her works with Meristem Nigeria, Sterling Bank, Fidelity Bank, Oando Plc, Fujifilm, and Enyo Retail & Supply, amongst others.

She is keen on strengthening the cohesion of business operations, sales, and marketing to impact product/brand success. She has a successful track record of leading multidisciplinary teams to create and deliver best-in-class product, brand, service, and experience design.

What was the last thing you did that required some courage?

Started a personal project I’ve been putting off for a long time. I realized the only thing holding me back was fear. And since the fear hadn’t gone away for the months it stopped me from starting, I figured why not do it, despite the fear.

What have you done for the first time?

Pottery. Had a wonderful time doing this with my friend, Chiaka. It was nostalgic getting the child-like feeling of playing with mud all over again. Quite unlike me, I decided to really have fun and not take this as serious as another work thing that needed to be done, and let’s just say I surprised myself with my creation.

What makes the biggest difference in your life?

Audacity has been the biggest driver of my successes. I can be very introverted so one could say that this is quite uncharacteristic of me, but when I set my mind to a thing, I am audacious and unwavering in my pursuit of it. It is the one thing that has made the biggest difference in my life and career. Some people will say I’m stubborn, don’t listen to them. 

What apps do you use the most?

Has to be my Notes app. Currently responding to these questions using it. Also, I take notes of everything – my thoughts on a character from a show I’m seeing (so I can tweet about it later, which I mostly never do), what I need in the house in preparation for the next paycheck, an information I got off IG (my second most used app) that might prove useful later. You know, everything really.

First thing you do in the morning.

Probably reach for my phone. Mostly to check the time, so no judging. I’m not a morning person, so I’ll mostly need some motivation. I find this in many things depending on what the day holds. Music, a quick binge, or a cup of coffee.

Who is your guru?

Books are my guru really. While I have people who check and guide me (mentors if you may), books and relevant resources are my destination for knowledge. I believe they are there to shape and guide us, exactly what a guru would do.

For example, I read something recently about waiting periods that just sort of changed my view about them. Well, it didn’t cure my anxiety, but it helped, so much that I’m not very fazed about waiting periods anymore – I know they prepare me for the end I envision. All I must do is keep putting in the work.

What do you crave at the end of the day?

The joys of curling up in bed with a good show and a plate mildly burn piece of crêpe served with whiskey poured over ice.

Which song is currently in your head?

Ah finesse if I broke na my business…

What’s something you wish you understood more about?

The future. What it holds for us all and the possible impact it may have over our current paths. Safe to say if I could ask for a superpower, it will be the ability to see into the future.

How do you define success?

Success is not a destination. We must be more adventurous in our approach to it – take a minute to enjoy the sights, the people and the thrill of the next stop.

What’s an idea that you can’t seem to shake off?

That food trucks have a future in Nigeria. And with the right drivers, good franchise model + attention to presentation and sanitation, we can have a winning solution.

Last box set or Netflix binge?

Big Bang Theory. It’s my yearly binge.

What’s worth paying for?

Time. Regardless of who is giving it. If someone dedicates their time to getting something done, we should learn to reward them with some sort of payment (except otherwise stated).

To whom did you address your last handwritten letter or note?

I think it must be to myself. Stumbled on a Steve Harvey clip early this year that encouraged one to pen down 300 things we’ll like to have. His trust in the exercise convinced me and I decided to pen a few things down. I didn’t get to 300 but I sure look forward to crossing a few things off the list this year.

Life & Culture