• Saturday, June 01, 2024
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Senate leader, others felicitate with Nigerians at Independence

The Leader of the Senate, Senator Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan says the 57th Independent anniversary provides ample opportunity for all Nigerians to celebrate diversity and potentials.

Senator Lawan also felicitates with President Muhammadu Buhari and Nigerians at large for witnessing the 57th Independence anniversary, despite various socio-econnomic and political challenges confronting us as a nation.

He congratulates President Muhammadu Buhari for the recent exit of Nigeria from the economic recession.

He also extolled the leadership qualities of President Muhammadu for his tireless efforts at reviving the nation’s economy.

While expressing gratitude that Nigeria is now on the match to economic stability, the Leader of the Senate urged Nigerian leaders at all levels to embark on projects that will impact positively on the lives of the entire citizenry.

Senator Lawan also harped on the “need for peaceful coexistence of Nigerians irrespective of religion and ethnicity, noting that the diversity of Nigeria should serve as its source of strength.”

The Leader of the Senate also urged “Nigerians who have any grouses about the country to utilise the legal and constitutional avenues to seek redress. Every nation has its peculiar challenges, and the most successful nation’s employ constitutionalism in tackling their issues.”

He expressed optimism that Nigeria and Nigerians have all the potentials to achieve greatness if we harness all our God given resources.

Senator Lawan also admonished Nigerians living in Diaspora to synergize with the President Buhari’s administration in the bid to engender national rebirth.

In the same vein, Yussuff Lasun, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, appealed to Nigerians to continue to live together in harmony, love and peace.

Lasun who stressed the importance of the rule of law in building up the stable democratic Nigeria which would be beneficial to everybody in the country, appealed to Nigerians to eschew violence and learn how to tolerate one another as no nation can grow or develop without peace.

According to him, “Nigeria may not have been where we want to be but we have made appreciable progress and we can do more”.

As a nation, he said, “we need to strengthen our unity as one people with one mission and purpose. The stable democracy has offered us opportunity to harness our abundant resources for good.”

As the chairman of the House Special Ad hoc committee on political agitations, Lasun assured that National Assembly will continue to do its part by providing the needed legislative framework for the Executive Arm of Government to continue to deliver the dividends of democracy to our people.

He urged Nigerians to support President ‎Buhari in his efforts at stemming corruption in the country, stressing that “it is obvious that APC ruling government is fixing the economy therefore, all hands must be on deck to ensure the success of the moves.”

In a related development, Muhammad Bello, FCT Minister who applauded President Buhari’s efforts toward building a brighter future for the coming generations, harped on the need for Nigerians to embrace peace and tolerance.

“As you are all aware, 57 years ago, our founding fathers laid the foundation for a sovereign independent state, conceived in unity and dedicated to the proposition that ‘though tribe and tongue may differ, yet in brotherhood we stand’.

“This year’s celebration is unique in every sense, because it coincides with the commemoration of 18 years of unbroken democracy and a stable 4th Republic.

“There is no doubt that our democracy has come of age. Today, we have a government that is committed to our national rebirth. It is tackling corruption and returning prudence and accountability to governance. This is with a view to building a brighter future for the coming generations.

“As we celebrate this remarkable day, I urge all FCT residents to continue to support this Administration as we work towards restoring the vision of our founding fathers.

“To this end, the FCT Administration is leaving no stone unturned to safeguard and enhance the development of the Territory.

“I salute you all and urge all of you to remain patriotic and law abiding citizens,” he said