• Sunday, June 02, 2024
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Commercial activities in Taraba suffer as curfew enters day four

Taraba State
Commercial activities in Jalingo the Taraba state capital remained on a stand still as the curfew imposed on the state capital by the government enters day four.
Governor, On Tuesday imposed 4pm to 6am curfew on Jalingo the Taraba state capital following the violence that erupted during the  celebration of PDP victory of 9th March 2019.
The gates of Taraba main market along the Emir of Muri way, were totally closed as military men mounted all the entries.
However Mile six market along Yola road and Nukai Market along Wukari Benue road were open as vegetable sellers sat in their shops attending to customers.
A tomato seller in Mile six market Amina Aliyu, told our correspondent that”before the curfew I use to sell for N7,000 in a day but now, I hardly see N2,000 at the close of market”.
The special adviser to governor Ishaku on revenue Absalon Solomon,told BusinessDay that the curfew brought down all commercial activities in the state capital.
“The curfew has totally collapsed commercial activities in Jalingo, it has caused untold hard ship to our people.
People should not take to violent, PDP won the 9th march elections and that should not result to violent.
“Solomon insisted that youth should eshew bitterness but take advantage of the youth oriented programs of the governor Ishaku led administration”Absalon stated.
The chairman board of internal revenue Simon Ambita, said “I cannot give a subjective statement now because we have so many branches. We can only arrive on a figure only when our field workers return. For now I don’t know how much the board has loss but definitely the board will loss reasonable revenue as a result of the curfew”.