• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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10 Startup selected for the Seedstars Africa Accelerator Program

10 Startup selected for the Seedstars Africa Accelerator Program

Africa’s tech landscape is witnessing a transformative wave, and at the forefront are innovative startups emerging from accelerator programs like Seedstars Africa Accelerator in partnership with Zenith Bank. Among the standout ventures in the 2024 cohort, four startups shine brightly, each with a unique vision and a commitment to leveraging technology for positive change. Let’s dive into the stories of Niteon, Tribapay, Frootify, and Spurt!, as they embark on a 12-week journey to redefine the future of commerce, payments, healthcare, and social entrepreneurship.

Niteon: Connecting Africa to the World

Niteon, founded by Tony Nwose and Daniel Chukwuemeli, is not just a marketplace but an AI-powered hub redefining the global perception of African goods. With a commitment to sustainability and ethical trade practices, Niteon stands poised to be the African trade center for everything made in Africa. In 2024, their focus on entering the US and UK markets, acquiring licenses, expanding the team, and building strategic partnerships sets a promising course for the future. Contact Tony Nwose at [email protected] or visit Niteon.co.

Tribapay: Bridging Africa, One Payment at a Time

Triabpay, founded by Bolu Oluwagbesan and Anu Oguntoye, envisions bringing Africa closer through seamless payments. As they look to expand into more African countries, their goal is clear – to simplify transactions and foster financial inclusion across the continent. Reach out to them at [email protected] or explore their mission at Tribapay.com.

Frootify: Revolutionizing Consumer Healthcare in Nigeria

Frootify, led by founders Adewale Badejoko and Adenike Badejoko, is at the forefront of preventative consumer healthcare. By utilizing advanced data analytics and AI, Frootify tailors healthcare solutions based on individual profiles, dietary choices, and lifestyle habits. In 2024, they aim to democratize access to “easy-health” for Nigeria’s emerging youth population. Connect with Adewale and Adenike at [email protected] or [email protected]. Visit their website: www.frootify.tech.

Spurt: Empowering Social Entrepreneurship Through Technology

Spurt!, founded by Princess Edokpayi, Kristin Wilson, and Aminat Amoo, envisions leading in equitable and sustainable social entrepreneurship. With a focus on empowering over a billion people in emerging markets through technology, skills, and networks, their vision is inspiring. In 2024, Spurt! is gearing up for scaling and licensing Sync, a testament to their commitment to positive impact. Connect with the leadership at [email protected] or explore more at www.teamsync.tools.

As Seedstars Africa Accelerator paves the way for these groundbreaking startups, the future of African innovation looks brighter than ever. Niteon, Tribapay, Frootify, and Spurt! exemplify the diversity, ingenuity, and transformative potential embedded in the continent’s entrepreneurial spirit. With their visions set on global impact, these startups showcase the immense possibilities that technology, data, and intelligence bring to Africa and the world. As the 12-week program unfolds, these ventures are poised to reshape industries, redefine norms, and inspire a new era of African innovation. Stay tuned for the culmination of their journey on the invite-only demo day on February 22, 2024.