• Sunday, June 02, 2024
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Five bills pass second reading at LAHA

Lagos State House of Assembly

No fewer than five bills, Tuesday, scaled through the second reading at the Lagos State House of Assembly (LAHA).

The first bill was a Bill for a law to amend the Lagos State Public Finance Management Law, 2011 and for connected purpose. The bill was committed to the House Committee on Finance to report back in two weeks.

The second bill was a bill for a law to amend the administration of physical planning, urban development, urban regeneration and building control in Lagos State 2015 and for connected purposes.

The transport sector reform bill titled: A bill for a Law to amend All Laws Relating to the Transport Sector, to provide for the Development and Management of a Sustainable Transport System in Lagos State and for Connected Purposes was the third bill that scaled the second reading.”

The fourth was a bill for a Law to Amend Lagos State Employment Trust Fund and For Connected Purposes.

Lastly the Lagos State Electric Power Sector Reform bill titled: Bill for a Law to Amend Lagos State Electric Power Sector Reform Law was equally read for the second time.

Meanwhile the lawmakers also commiserated with the Governor-Elect Obafemi Hamzat, over the death of his father, Oba Mufutau Olatunji Hamzat.

Dayo Fafunmi representing Ifako Ijaye at the plenary brought the news on the floor of the House.

Fafunmi stated that the late Hamzat was a father to all and lived a fulfilled life and will forever live on in our hearts.

Another Lawmaker who spoke on the demise of late Hamzat, Rashhed Makinde, said he was a successful and very religious man.

In his contribution another lawmaker, Tunde Braimoh, eulogised the late Oba, stating that the late traditional ruler, who was the Afowowa kingdom in Ewekoro Local Government in Ogun State lived a fulfilled life and would always be remembered.

The Speaker, Mudashiru Obasa directed the Clerk to write a letter of condolence to the family and a minute silence was observed.


Iniobong Iwok