• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Buhari mourns death of accident victims, spiritual leader

Buhari reappoints Oniha, DG, DMO

Muhammadu Buhari, President of Nigeria.

President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday expressed sadness over the death of 19 passengers who met their tragic fate on Thursday in a road accident that occurred on the Kano/Zaria Road.

The President said he was devastated and saddened by the unfortunate tragedy that claimed the lives of passengers who happily left their homes without any idea that it was going to be their last day on earth.

Buhari lamented the frequency of road accidents, which he described as “particularly worrisome and it calls for greater reflection on the importance of safety standards.”

“I understand that the accident was blamed on over-speeding and this account worries me deeply”

He advised the drivers to take safety regulations seriously, adding that “they have the responsibility to protect their passengers. It’s unfortunate that ours is a country where, despite regular public enlightenment programmes by road safety officials, our recalcitrant drivers treat the issue with indifference,” the President lamented.
He added that “adherence to safety standards and regulations can go a long way to protect lives.”

He, therefore, extended his condolences to the Government of Kano State and the families of those who died in the accident.

Read also: Buhari pledges support for restoration of constitutional order in Mali

The President also expressed sadness over the death of a leading Muslim Scholar and Imam, Bayero University, Kano (BUK), Ahmad Ibrahim, recalling his noble expositions of the prophetic traditions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

President Buhari said Ahmad will be remembered for his impeccable service to Islam and the nation, as well as his passion towards public enlightenment.

“It is really sad news for all of us to learn that our beloved Ahmad is no more. He was a personality of faith, who dedicated his life to Islamic education. His emphasis on the unity of Muslims, good education, and the rights of women will always be remembered. We offer our heartfelt condolences and pray for the eternal repose of his soul,” said the President.

In BUK where he taught and led Muslims in prayer for more than 30 years before he, on his own, set up the “Darul Hadith,” meaning the home of prophetic traditions, an Islamic Center next door, the news of his death sent shock and gloomy waves across the community and beyond.

President Buhari recalled that the late Imam authored several books in his lifetime, among the latest being his translation of the more than 1,000-year-old “Muwatta Malik,” a 1173-page book into Hausa, at which presentation he (President Buhari) was represented.

The President conveyed the nation’s condolences to the bereaved family, the Bayero University community, and to his countless students and followers in Kano and in West Africa.