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2023: Udom Emmanuel set eyes on Aso Rock, takes presidential consultation across Nigeria

2023: Udom Emmanuel set eyes on Aso Rock, takes presidential consultation across Nigeria

The Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Udom Emmanuel is digging in with his consultation across the country.

He is unrelenting in his aspiration, not only to clinch the ticket of his party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), but to succeed President Muhammadu Buhari on May 29, 2023.

Everywhere he goes, he preaches the message of competence and of antecedence.

He tells his hosts that he is ably qualified to steer the drifting ship of Nigeria to safe harbor, having mastered the act of leadership from his experience in Akwa Ibom State.

Everywhere he goes he tells his story that attracting foreign investment into Nigeria is not a rocket science as has been shown in his state.

Since he joined the presidential race a few weeks ago, Governor Emmanuel has moved from one part of the country to another consulting with all categories of leaders.

When he met with PDP Caucus in the Senate and House of Representatives in separate consultations, he told the legislators that his decision to seek to become the next president was because he believed in his capacity to make Nigeria safe, peaceful, attract investments and become economically vibrant.

At the meeting with the PDP Senate Caucus at the residence of the Minority Leader, Enyinnaya Abaribe, the presidential aspirant was commended for the pace of development he has brought to Akwa Ibom through industrialisation and infrastructure development.

He told the senators that his vision on assumption of office, had been to vigorously tackle the three gateways to industrialization- land, sea and air- pointing out that despite the nation’s economic challenges, and lack of control on policies, he was able to make a mark in aviation development, and infrastructure as well as other critical sectors of development.

He listed as his achievements, the establishment of the best airline in the country, as well as attracting the array of industries into his state.

“If I could do these when I am only managing a sub-national where I do not have control of several policies, then I believe we can do better given the national platform as President,” he said.

According to him, “Those who can rescue Nigeria are the professionals in politics. Those who understand the language of the economy, those who understand the language of money and can manage resources, as well as those who have experience in the private and public sectors.”

Emmanuel also visited two former military leaders, Ibrahim Babangida and Abdulsalam Abubakar in Minna, the Niger State capital.

Governor Emmanuel with Abubakar

The presidential aspirant, who outlined his vision for the country to them, said it was anchored on a revamped economy, security of lives and property and durable infrastructure.

The two leaders assured him of their blessings, advice and prayers in his bid to become the next president of Nigeria.

When the consultation train landed in Lagos, the aspirant said that the drive for industrialisation in the state would jump-start the economy of Nigeria.

He called for a special status for Lagos, promising that under his leadership, he would pursue policies that would make the Lagos economy to blossom.

The presidential aspirant also said that the development of Lagos economy would have a multiplier effect on the economy of the nation.

When he called at the residence of Lagos PDP Leader, Olabode George, and also visited some other party leaders in the state, he solicited their support at the primaries.

George welcomed him and his team, and spoke on the importance of Lagos as the commercial hub and a hospitable centre for all.

The aspirant said there can only be good governance when things are done rightly, urging the party to settle for tested contenders.

Emmanuel said he has attracted direct foreign investment by creating a conducive and enabling environment in Akwa Ibom State.

He pointed out that Akwa Ibom was next to Lagos on the list of foreign direct investment in Nigeria.

The governor said the country should rekindle hope about a brighter future to stem the brain drain syndrome among youths

He described himself as a man of immense capacity and integrity, promising to strengthen the naira through economic revival that will reposition the country.

He maintained that Lagos was critical to economic growth of Nigeria.

“A coastal transportation system for Lagos will further expand the economic prosperity, not only of Lagos, but Nigeria as a whole. Industrialisation drive for Lagos will jump-start Nigeria’s economy and strengthen the naira,” he emphasised.

While in Lagos, the Udom Emmanuel campaign organisation met with some editors. The Suswan-led Council said the meeting was to carry the media along in the programmes of the presidential aspirant.

Suswan said that Nigeria urgently needed someone with good understanding of how the economy works and essentially, how to create money.

“His Excellency’s campaign will revolve around revamping the economy of this country that is in a shambles. It will revolve around infrastructure- the need to improve the power situation in the country; road and rail travel and generally fix the infrastructure deficit in the country.

“The campaign will revolve around resolving the insecurity situation in the country. Bandits and terrorists have taken over the country and not even one of them is being arrested. But in Akwa Ibom State governed by Emmanuel, there is nothing like insecurity,” he said.

The Chairman of the Campaign organisation further said that Emmanuel’s focus would also be on Foreign Policy, job creation, and giving women and the youth their pride of place in government and society.

The Chairman of the organisation, who decried the state of affairs under the current government and administration, strongly believes that returning Nigeria to a PDP government and Emmanuel administration would fix the nation.

“We are talking about a man who has done a lot to improve the economy of his state. Whereas Nigeria as a country does not have a national carrier, Akwa Ibom today has a functional airline that is first class in terms of operation. He creates money by the kinds of projects he does.

“It takes competence, intellect for someone to do what he does. Apart from South Africa, the biggest syringe company in Africa is in Akwa Ibom State. I can also confirm to you that some other companies are concluding arrangements to bring in their money to establish big businesses in the state. That is possible because they see a viable economy in the state and secured environment,” he said.

He also said that one of the most important areas of focus of Emmanuel’s campaign would be on foreign policy.

“It is unfortunate that as a country, we do not have a clear-cut foreign policy. Can you tell me Nigeria’s stand on any issue relating to how we handle issues with other countries; our stand on international issues? Even smaller countries around us have great foreign policies,” he said.

On the issues of zoning and consensus, Suswan said what Nigeria needed at the moment was someone that is competent and understands all the nuances around the nation’s politics.

“His Excellency is contesting as someone who has what it takes to lead the country. We must not be contesting elections today on the basis of primordial sentiments- ‘oh, it is our own turn; it is their turn’- No. Our focus should be on who can move Nigeria forward; not who can take us from ‘top to bottom’.

“Our principal has the pedigree and the antecedent to take the country from where it is now to where Nigerians want it to be. We have placed high premium on where we come from that we have left the country to degenerate to a point where things are terrible.

“I have been in the system for so long to ascertain who can do the job. Presidential campaign is based on the plan for the economy. When the economy is set, every other thing will be built on it,” he said.

According to him, “Issues that touch Nigerian, even babies that are born today, are what he wants to address. It is a project that will change our lives positively. It will not take us from top to bottom.”

On consensus method of selecting a candidate in the PDP, Suswan said it was as faulty as zoning as a wrong person could emerge from such a process.

“I am one person who believes in individual capability, not zoning. ‘It is our turn’ is no longer the issue today. In developed societies, father and son can become presidents back to back provided the people find them competent. So, consensus to who, or for what? If it revolves around a credible candidate that understands the problems of this country and ready to do the job, it makes sense,” he said.

His visits also extend to monarchs, who though are apolitical, have enormous influence on their subjects.

At the palace of Obong of Calabar, the presidential aspirant urged the monarch to, “Send me, here I am. And Nigeria will be the better for it.”

He also said: “I have never seen the type of problem Nigeria is plagued with. You cannot travel by road, neither by air nor by train. We need good leadership and what God has done in the US he can do also in Nigeria.

“For this reason God had prepared me for an occasion like this. I have been taken through the crucibles of fire in the private sector.

“The exchange rate of a plummeting Naira has meant that investments have lost 6 times their value

“I am here to reverse that. I am here to rescue Nigeria. Our situation is not irreversible.”

Emmanuel further said: “We want to rewrite Nigeria’s history and put an end to all the insults being poured on us. You still remember the one ex- US President Donald Trump called us.

“All that must change. And I have what it takes to change the situation for better and restore the lost glory of this country.”

Responding, His Eminence, the Obong of Calabar, told Emmanuel: “You don’t need to ask for blessings, the blessings are yours already.”

Lamenting what was happening to the country, he said: “Can we still say we still have one country? We used to travel all over the country but today, no more! I cannot even go from Calabar to Ikot Ekpene without massive security because of insecurity. Where are we heading to?”

Leaving the palace, the train moved to the secretariat of the Cross Rivers PDP, where Udom Emmanuel received massive endorsement and assured of support.

Read also: 2023: What we are doing to defeat APC, PDP- Daramola

A former governor of the state and senator, Liyel Imoke said: “From your presentation, no one doubts your capacity and capabilities. You addressed issues and you addressed policies. We also see the work you have done in Akwa Ibom.

“Unfortunately, we lost of our own governor here. We believe if you get there, you will be a Cross River’s son as well. You are a team player, a man of peace and a silent achiever.”

A crowd of party supporters that trooped out to express support and solidarity with the aspirations of Emmanuel to win the sole presidential ticket of the PDP cheered as the aspirant spoke, making eloquent promises.

When he took his consultation to Asaba, Delta State, Suswan promised that with Emmanuel in the driver’s seat controlling the affairs of the country, Nigeria’s economic woes would be a thing of the past, as according to him, he would bring along with him the “creativity needed in government to solve the problems bedeviling the country.”

He said everything and everyone was negatively affected with the Naira depreciation, as cost of living, of goods and services have gone up alarmingly.

“We will tackle economic problems with ideas and innovations, such as we have done with Ibom Air, which is flourishing today.

“If we can do that at sub-national level, what do you think I can do if I control policies at the national level? We must restore our national image. We were consuming 6 million syringes but now we produce one of the best in the world and foreign distributors are queuing up to market our commodity.

“Udom Emmanuel has gone through the private sector, is well trained, has handled money, knows what to do to rescue the economy and restore the country. If we miss it in 2023, I shudder to think what will happen to this country.”

Chairman of PDP in Delta State said having visited Akwa Ibom he knew Emmanuel had the capability and capacity to perform at a higher level.

Governor Ifeanyi Okowa described Emmanuel as a man that has not just the knowledge but the capacity to turn the country around.