• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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The power of environmental well-being: A personal journey and professional insight

Reactions formation, a complex defence mechanism

I recall when I had COVID-19 and was isolated. Even though I was at home being cared for by a doctor and family members, there was this unexplainable feeling of hopelessness that just came all over me. Reminiscing about the experience, I would say, aside from those with health complications or in critical states, I strongly believe some people just didn’t survive COVID due to this feeling of hopelessness. For days, I lost interest in everything and was not prepared for what happened immediately. I pulled the blinds to allow the sunlight into the room. The encounter was magical, as I felt my spirit lift, and I sat up from my bed not long after, as if I had suddenly received this flush of energy from head to toe. When the doctor visited that evening, he could attest to the fact that there was a dramatic shift. This experience made me realise the profound impact of our environment on our general wellbeing, including our health. The sunlight, a natural element of our environment, played a significant role in my recovery, highlighting the importance of environmental wellbeing.

Read also: Six reasons to invest in employees’ financial wellbeing

Interestingly, lately, whenever we come across the word environmental, what first comes to mind is climate change, droughts, floods, and heat waves, followed by the guilt that comes through one’s contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprints, etc., which often make people uncomfortable and sometimes defensive. As much as all these are real, my job for the next month is to make you fall in love with your environment to the point that you will desire to look after it without any threat, fear, or favour. This month’s articles will help us all know and accept the importance of loving, appreciating, and caring for our environments through nurturing, knowing that nature will surely nurture us back. The negative effects of a poor environment, such as increased stress, decreased productivity, and compromised physical health, are often overlooked but can have a significant impact on our overall well-being.

Could it be a coincidence that, as we are entering the second half of the year, we are also moving right into the full swing of the rainy season? The past few months have been so scorching hot that these showers have answered prayers. Although Lagos residents may feel otherwise, I reckon it’s just time we all learned to appreciate and optimise times and seasons since they will never cease.

The power of environmental wellbeing lies in living, working, and thriving in environments that are pleasant, stimulating, and supportive of your overall well-being. This happens when your actions, interests, and environment or space foster a connection with nature to promote physical and mental health. Here are some simple steps to take to nurture a resilient and sustainable relationship with your surroundings.

 “Although Lagos residents may feel otherwise, I reckon it’s just time we all learned to appreciate and optimise times and seasons since they will never cease.”

Declutter and clean: The idea behind the minimalist concept must have been to reach every nook and cranny of the house for thorough cleaning. A clean environment is essential to the health of any living being, and one of the best ways to start is by decluttering. The rule of thumb is to sell, give out, or throw away any item you’ve not used in the last twelve months, including clothes, shoes, and electronics. Then clean or have a professional cleaner clean your space from the top down. Remember to do your laundry and get those shoes dusted and aired.

Spruce and rearrange: After cleaning, you may need to spruce things up by moving things around to change the layout for a new look and feel. If possible, change the furniture, wall colours, lighting, décor, or accents to those that will lift your spirit. Burn scented candles and add diffusers to define the character of your space.

Let in and reduce: Ensure your new layout allows sunlight and fresh air. Constantly living or working in a dark and dingy space increases the rate of depression and fogginess, while a space often flooded with natural light and fresh air undoubtedly lifts the spirit, increases metabolism, and aids focus and productivity. Also, reduce your energy consumption by turning off lights, gadgets, and gizmos when not in use. Turn them off from the source switch and not the device button alone.

Walk to connect: Sometimes, the air inside the building becomes stale, especially when air-conditioning units are constantly on. This, amongst other reasons, is why you should take walks for fresh air intake. Taking walks promotes a clear head as it allows oxygen through clean air to go through all your systems, purifying the blood and waking all sleeping cells in various body organs. Practice taking calls outside the building; it helps get fresh air and a clearer head. Have picnics in parks or green areas for the same reasons: your body needs them.

Read also: Negligence of boy child’s wellbeing, growth fueling anti-social behaviour – Centre

Bring the outside in: Regardless of how much clean air you can access outdoors, the air quality of your living space still matters, especially at night. That is why you should invest in good indoor plants that give off oxygen at night. These plants will not only purify your air but also aid in sound sleep.

Repair and grow something: For those who abandoned their lawns and gardens during the dry season. It’s time to repair the lawns and prepare the gardens for juicy, edible, leafy greens. The rainy season makes everything grow effortlessly. All that is required are good seeds or seedlings, a well-prepared garden, lovely planting arrangements, and a watering can or hose for days without rain.

Eat for the season: Have you ever wondered why certain fruits and vegetables are surplus in their seasons? It’s because nature wants you to eat them in abundance in that season, as your body needs their vitamins for protection and nutrients for growth. So, aside from helping local farmers buy fresh produce, you are also doing yourself a lot of good by indulging in nature’s bounty.

Dress for the season: Living in a tropical region like Nigeria still requires dressing appropriately for the weather. It gets somewhat cold during the rainy season, so young children should always have their sweaters handy to prevent them from catching a cold. It’s also the season for wellingtons to avoid wading through murky waters with exposed or poorly protected feet.

Call to Action:

What makes you happy during the rainy season? For me, I think we tend to have more electricity supply during the rainy season than at other times. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the water level in the dams. So, feel free to share your observations, recommendations, and feedback with me via [email protected].


Olayinka Opaleye is a Wellbeing Specialist and Corporate Wellness Strategist from Lagos. She can be reached on 09091131150 or via www.linkedin.com/in/olayinkaopaleye.