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Relationship currency in leadership: The power of investments (3)

Relationship currency in leadership: Why it matters

leadership relationship curency

“When team members believe in their abilities and feel valued, they are more likely to go above and beyond.”

Leadership, at its core, is about people. It is not about titles, positions, or power but about inspiring, motivating, and empowering others. At the heart of this human-centric leadership lies relationship currency. In the previous parts of this series, we have explored its significance and how to build it. Now, let’s delve into the art of investing in this invaluable asset.

Imagine standing at the helm of a ship, navigating through the unpredictable waters of business. The waves are relentless, the storms are frequent, and the path is often unclear. But what if you had a crew so dedicated and empowered that no matter the challenge, they rose to the occasion with vigour and competence? This scenario is not a mere fantasy; it is the tangible outcome of investing your relationship currency.

How do you empower your team?

Trust is the bedrock of empowerment. When you have built a strong foundation of trust through relationship currency, the most rewarding investment is empowering your team. This is not about relinquishing control; it is about expanding influence. By delegating authority and responsibility, you signal to your team that you trust their judgement and capabilities. This empowerment fosters ownership, innovation, and a sense of purpose. When team members believe in their abilities and feel valued, they are more likely to go above and beyond.

Consider the story of a manager who, despite a busy schedule, took the time to understand his team’s strengths and aspirations. He didn’t just assign tasks; he delegated authority, encouraged autonomy, and celebrated successes, no matter how small. The result? A team that felt valued and trusted, leading to increased motivation and productivity. Empowerment through trust doesn’t just enhance performance; it cultivates leaders within the team, preparing them for future challenges and opportunities.

Why is delegation an investment?

Delegation is often misunderstood as passing the buck. In reality, it is a strategic investment in your team’s growth. By entrusting tasks to your team members, you provide opportunities for them to develop new skills, take on challenges, and expand their roles. This not only lightens your workload but also strengthens your team’s capabilities. Effective delegation involves clear communication, setting expectations, and providing support. When done right, it’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Effective delegation is not just about offloading tasks; it is a strategic investment in your team’s development. By delegating responsibilities, you signal trust and confidence in your team’s abilities, which in turn fosters growth and loyalty. Delegation allows leaders to focus on strategic initiatives while empowering team members to take charge of their domains.

A powerful example is a CEO who, instead of micromanaging, delegated significant projects to his leadership team. He provided clear expectations, resources, and support, but he refrained from intervening unnecessarily. This approach not only freed up his time for visionary leadership but also enabled his team to develop critical skills, think independently, and contribute meaningfully to the organisation’s success. Effective delegation transforms employees into stakeholders, enhancing their commitment and driving organisational growth.

Read also: Leadership: It is what you allow that grows – Part 1

How do you motivate through inspiration?

Inspiration is a potent tool in a leader’s arsenal, and it is deeply rooted in the relationship currency you have built. When your team feels connected to you on an emotional level, they are more likely to be inspired and motivated to achieve great things. Inspirational leadership transcends transactional interactions; it taps into the intrinsic motivations of your team.

A leader who regularly shares the organisation’s vision, values, and purpose creates a sense of belonging and significance. For instance, a non-profit director who frequently communicated the impact of their work on the community inspired her team to go above and beyond their duties. By aligning individual goals with the organisation’s mission, she fostered a culture of passion and dedication. Motivation through inspiration is not about grand speeches but about consistent, heartfelt communication that resonates with your team’s values and aspirations.

Why must you navigate challenges together with your team?

Challenges are inevitable, but how a team navigates them can be a defining factor in their success. Trust built through relationship currency creates a collaborative environment where challenges are tackled collectively and effectively. In times of crisis, a cohesive team with strong relational bonds can turn adversity into opportunity.

Consider a tech startup facing a major product failure. Instead of assigning blame, the CEO gathered the team, acknowledged the setback, and focused on solutions. His transparency and willingness to face the problem head-on galvanised the team. They brainstormed, collaborated, and eventually turned the failure into a successful pivot. The trust and unity fostered through their relationships enabled them to navigate the challenge with resilience and creativity.


Investing in your relationship currency is not just about reaping rewards; it is about creating a legacy of leadership. This investment is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment to fostering trust, empowerment, and inspiration within your team. By empowering your team, you enable them to reach their full potential. Effective delegation demonstrates trust and promotes growth, while motivating through inspiration connects with your team on a deeper level. Navigating challenges together strengthens the bonds of trust and fosters a resilient, high-performing team. Remember, leadership is not about dominating; it is about multiplying talent. The true measure of a leader is not the size of their team but the success of the individuals within it. As you continue to build and invest in your relational assets, you will find that the returns are immeasurable, creating a thriving, dynamic, and successful organisation.

About the Author

Dr Toye Sobande is a strategic leadership expert, lawyer, public speaker, and trainer. He is the CEO of Stephens Leadership Consultancy LLC, a strategy and management consulting firm offering creative insight and solutions to businesses and leaders. Email: [email protected]