• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Presidential election: PDP wins in Sokoto State with 288,679 votes

Nigerians react, as Atiku’s sympathises with Tinubu over Democracy Day fall

Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has emerged winner of  Saturday’s  Presidential election in Sokoto State with 288,679 votes.

The State Collation Officer and Vice-chancellor of the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Prof. Kabiru Bala, who presented the results in Sokoto on Tuesday said the All Progressives Congress (APC) polled 285,444 votes.

Bala said that  Labour Party’s (LP) Presidential Candidate also scored 6,568 votes, while that of NNPP got 1,300 votes.

Also, the Presidential Candidates of Accord Party (A) scored 115 votes, Action Alliance (AA) got 110 votes, AAC 128 votes, ADC 486 votes, ADB 1,105 votes, and APGA 808 votes.

Read also: PDP, APC react to LP;s victory in Lagos

Others are APM 273 votes, APP 219 votes, BP 126 votes, NRM 681 votes, PRP 324 votes, SDP 120 votes, YPP 175 votes and ZLP 208 votes.

He gave the state’s total registered voters as 2,037,024, number of accredited voters as 619,492 voters, total votes cast 607,890, valid votes as 586,815, while 21,015 votes were rejected.

Bala further said 133 registration areas were cancelled during the process, which affected 271 polling units, involving 254,902 voter cards collected out of 301, 299 registered voters.