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INEC sets April 27 for Ajeromi/Ifelodun Fed constituency supplementary election

2019 election

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has set Saturday 27, 2019 as the date for the Ajeromi/ Ifelodun federal constituency supplementary election, the commission says. This follows its declaration of the February 23rd election for the constituency inconclusive, it explained.

The election for the House of Representatives seat for the constituency became inconclusive because no candidate emerged a clear winner following the cancelation of election in 71 polling units affected by violence and over voting.

Sam Olumekun, Lagos State Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), in a statement to Journalists in Lagos, Wednesday, noted that the decision was in sequel to an order of the Federal High Court sitting in Kubwa, Abuja on 7th day of March, 2019.

According to him, “sequel to the order of the Federal High Court sitting in Kubwa, Abuja on 7th day of March, 2019 in respect of the Ajeromi /Ifelodun Federal Constituency election held on 23rd February 2019, the Independent National Electoral Commission has today, Wednesday 17th April 2019 declared the result of the election inconclusive.

“Consequently, Saturday, 27th April 2019 has been fixed for a supplementary election to conclude election in the affected constituency areas,” Olumekun said.

The INEC commissioner added that the date for the supplementary election was made at the Federal Constituency Collation Centre, Ajeromi/Ifelodun Local Government Area office of the Commission in the presence of leaders of Political Parties, candidates and their agents.

He stressed that the supplementary election is to hold in 71 polling units and 18 voting points with a total number of 43,660 registered voters, enjoining all registered voters in the Federal Constituency to come out in large numbers to cast their votes.

Olumekun further charged residents of the affected Constituency to conduct themselves in a peaceful manner to ensure the success of the election

It will be recalled that seven states were affected in supplementary elections after the February and March 2019 General Elections in the Federation.

The Ajeromi /Ifelodun Federal Constituency election is the last in the series of supplementary elections.


Iniobong Iwok