• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Nigerian wonder girl, Mabel Madueme, who flies planes in the US, sends tips back home

Nigerian wonder girl, Mabel Madueme, who flies planes in the US, sends tips back home

A Nigerian Lady, Mabel Madueme, born and brought up in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, is now flying aeroplanes in the US skies. The 24-year-old female pilot who was in the mathematics and sciences at Showers International Schools in Port Harcourt now wants other girls to banish the fear of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. She has surged into a world of success and breakthroughs.

At Showers, the sciences are given high premium and the school’s success story is more in the STEM up to British Council recognition and Cambridge awards.

The school founded and run by Ekama Emilia Akpan and her husband, Anthony, an oil engineer, is famed in Nigeria and beyond for zero-tolerance to exam malpractice and a strict insistence that students must forget everything their parents owned and do things themselves with their hands.

Mabel whose only brother was close to being a genius in the sciences (graduating with many alphas and making waves abroad with first class in engineering) fought her way through in STEM, too.

Today, by dint of hard work, discipline and dedication to whatever she set her mind on, she is a certified pilot and also presently lectures in an aviation school in the USA.

The Showers alumnus is a Coventry University engineering graduate. She proceeded thereafter to a Flying School in the US.

Ekama Akpan, founder, Showers International Schools

Today, just 24, she is seen as a pride of the Nigerian youth and shows raw strength in areas of her passion.

Many believe that homes also help to shape the way children grow up and end up. BD Sunday gathered that Mabel comes from the strict Madueme family of Isiokpo in Ikwerre local council area of Rivers State where home discipline takes precedency. Her mother, Winifred, is a public with one of the federal agencies in Port Harcourt. Mabel’s only brother, Michael, is also said to be propelled by hard work and academic excellence.

Winifired Madueme, Mabel's mother
Winifired Madueme, Mabel’s mother

With a First Class at Southampton University, he worked briefly in Accenture, but now works offshore for companies, and owns three firms in Dubai, USA, and in Canada.

From the US in even in the skies, Mabel sends sound counsel to upcoming girls in Nigeria.

In an age when many girls seem distracted to fruitless pastimes, the Nigerian model tells Nigerian youth that want to go into STEM to stay disciplined in their studies. She reveals: “STEM fields require a lot of hard work and dedication, and you need to stay disciplined in your studies to succeed. Create a study schedule and stick to it, avoid procrastination, and prioritize your academic work.’

The Showers product seems to know more than the sciences. “Remember your why: When things get tough, it can be easy to lose sight of why you wanted to pursue a career in STEM in the first place. Take some time to reflect on your motivations and remind yourself of the exciting opportunities and challenges that await you in this field.

“Make the right friends. Your friends really can make or break you. Surround yourself with people who share your passion for STEM and can support and motivate you in your academic journey. Seek out mentorship from older students who have achieved what you hope to someday or professionals in your field who can offer guidance and advice.”

Read also: Only 22% of STEM graduates are females in Nigeria – FITC

The bold model urged Nigerian youth not to be afraid of their lecturers. “Ask professors questions: Don’t be afraid to ask them for help or clarification when you’re struggling with a concept. They are there to support you and can provide valuable insights and feedback that can help you improve your skills and understanding.

“Have a positive mindset for when things get tough: Pursuing a career in STEM can be challenging, but maintaining a positive mindset can help you overcome obstacles and stay motivated.

“Remember anything worth having will come with its challenges so focus on your strengths, celebrate your successes, even the little ones and don’t be afraid to fail, embrace it as an opportunity to learn and grow and ultimately succeed.”

BD Sunday gathered that Mabel is currently doing her MBA in Aviation Management from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, USA.

The Showers alumnus loves health and fitness and is very consistent with working out in the gym. She serves in the worship team at her church. She is part of the African Caribbean Society (ACS)and the Business Aviation Student Association (BASA) at her university.

Ekama Akpan, Showers founder who seems to know each former student by the last detail like a direct parent confirms that Mabel was the hard working and focused type, never given to mischief and strife.


The lady thus fits into what the school proprietress tells students to aim at; to be able to do things on their own in any part of the world and to compete with the best in any university in the world.