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Implementing AFCFTA – legal frameworks and mechanisms at play in Nigeria

Dangote, Flour Mills, Tolaram make first AfCFTA exports

In the domain of global trade, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) emerges as a symbol of economic transformation, signalling a fresh era of collaboration and collective prosperity throughout the African continent. Designed as a catalyst for fostering intra-African trade and enhancing global competitiveness, the AFCFTA holds a distinct importance for Nigeria, the continent’s most populous nation and a pivotal player in its economic landscape.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) agreement marks a monumental stride toward economic integration and advancement across the African continent. As the world’s largest free trade area in terms of participating countries, the AFCFTA agreement possesses the potential to profoundly influence trade relationships, create new avenues for investment, and propel overall economic development. At the core of its successful execution and the attainment of its goals lies the intricate legal framework that governs its operations.

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As Nigeria initiates the process of enacting the AFCFTA agreement, the complexities of this transformative endeavor come sharply into focus. Beyond the aspirations of promoting economic growth and development, the success of the AFCFTA hinges on a nuanced comprehension of the legal framework and mechanisms that underlie its execution.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) Agreement, a groundbreaking initiative for economic integration across the African continent, is underpinned by a comprehensive legal framework. The legal framework of the Agreement is multifaceted, involving both international and domestic components and sets the stage for the transformative potential of the AFCFTA.

International legal framework

The international legal framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) Agreement is a comprehensive structure that lays the foundation for economic integration and cooperation among African nations. This framework is grounded in foundational treaties, such as the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community and the Abuja Treaty, which outline broader objectives for economic collaboration.

At the core of this framework is the AFCFTA Agreement itself, adopted in March 2018. This agreement delineates the free trade area’s overarching objectives, principles, and operational aspects. It covers various facets, including trade in goods and services, intellectual property rights, competition policy, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Complementing the AFCFTA Agreement are protocols and annexes that provide detailed rules and regulations in specific areas. These include protocols on rules of origin, tariff concessions, and dispute settlement procedures, adding specificity and clarity to the agreement’s provisions. Rules of origin within the protocols determine the criteria for products to qualify as originating from a specific member state, ensuring that the benefits of the agreement are granted only to goods genuinely produced within the AFCFTA region.

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The agreement also addresses tariff concessions, outlining reductions or eliminations of tariffs on certain goods traded among member states, fostering a more open and accessible market for businesses and encouraging intra-African trade. To ensure the smooth functioning of the AFCFTA, the agreement establishes dispute resolution mechanisms. These mechanisms provide a structured and legal means for resolving disputes that may arise among member states, contributing to the stability and predictability of the trade environment.

Harmonisation of standards is encouraged across member states, reducing non-tariff barriers and creating a more unified and efficient trade ecosystem. The agreement also establishes institutions to oversee its implementation, including the AFCFTA Secretariat, which plays a central role in coordinating activities, monitoring progress, and facilitating communication among member states. Recognizing the importance of cooperation and development initiatives, the AFCFTA Agreement encourages member states to collaborate on projects and programs that promote economic development and address challenges faced by certain regions or sectors.

Domestic Legal Framework

The domestic legal framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) Agreement is a crucial aspect, designed to facilitate the effective implementation of the agreement’s provisions within the legal systems of participating countries. This framework involves a series of procedural steps at the national level, ensuring alignment of domestic laws with the goals of the AFCFTA. The process commences with the ratification of the agreement by each participating country, including Nigeria, requiring formal approval from the national legislative body or other relevant legal mechanisms. This ratification signifies the country’s commitment to adhere to the terms and conditions laid out in the AFCFTA Agreement.

Following ratification, participating countries embark on incorporating the AFCFTA Agreement into their domestic legal systems. This may involve amending existing laws related to trade, investment, and other relevant areas, with the aim of seamlessly integrating the AFCFTA’s provisions into the national legal framework. To operationalize the AFCFTA within their national context, some countries may introduce specific legislative instruments, such as laws, regulations, or directives, providing detailed guidelines on the implementation and enforcement of the AFCFTA at the domestic level. These legislative instruments often address issues like customs procedures, rules of origin verification, and trade facilitation.

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In addition to legislative measures, many countries establish National Action Committees (NACs) or similar entities as part of the domestic legal framework. These committees serve as coordinating bodies, bringing together representatives from government agencies, the private sector, and civil society. The NACs play a vital role in overseeing and coordinating the implementation of the AFCFTA within the country, ensuring a collaborative and inclusive approach.

Harmonization with existing laws is another essential element of the domestic legal framework, requiring a careful review and adjustment of national laws to ensure consistency with the commitments made under the AFCFTA. This process aims to eliminate any legal barriers that may hinder the smooth implementation of the AFCFTA at the national level.

Moreover, the domestic legal framework encompasses capacity-building initiatives to enhance the understanding and skills of government officials, legal professionals, and stakeholders involved in AFCFTA implementation. Public awareness campaigns are also crucial to inform businesses and citizens about the changes in trade practices and the opportunities arising from the AFCFTA.

Harmonisation and Conformity

A key aspect of the AFCFTA’s success lies in the harmonisation of laws across participating countries. This process ensures that national legal frameworks align with the commitments made under the AFCFTA, promoting consistency and coherence in trade practices.

Conformity assessment becomes a crucial step in this journey. Countries conduct thorough assessments to identify and address any legal trade barriers, ensuring that their laws conform to the requirements of the AFCFTA. This meticulous approach guarantees a smooth and effective integration of the AFCFTA into the national legal fabric.

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In conclusion, the AFCFTA’s legal framework is a multifaceted structure that weaves together international treaties, protocols, and domestic legal processes. As Nigeria and other African nations navigate this intricate legal landscape, they not only endorse a vision of continental unity but also unlock the immense economic potential that the AFCFTA promises, contributing to a new era of prosperity and collaboration across the African continent.