• Saturday, June 01, 2024
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Senate moves to stop annual rents in FCT

Senate steps down consideration of NACA 2023 budget

The National Assembly has moved against the annual payment of rent in the Federal Capital Territory.

This is as a bill tagged: ‘A Bill for the Regulation of Advanced Rent on Residential Apartments, Office Space’, sponsored by Senator Smart Adeyemi (Kogi West) scaled the second reading in the Senate.

The lawmaker lamented that the tenancy system has continuously impoverished Nigerians who are salaried employees that can only pay rent after having received their first remuneration.

He explained that the bill which seeks to regulate the mode of payment of rent on residential apartments, office space, rooms as well as accommodation will improve the well-being and standard of living of residents and minimize corruption and immorality emanating from the oppressive tenancy system in the Federal Capital Territory.

According to him, “the move by the chamber to regulate the payment of rents in the FCT stemmed from the obligation of its constitutional responsibilities, aimed at impacting the lives of residents.

“This Bill will make life less stressful and less painful for the majority of the down-trodden and low-income earners in the Federal Territory.”

He noted that in the FCT, Landlords demand between one to three years advanced rent, a situation which has left many houses within the city centre empty over the years.

According to him, some tenants now engage in corrupt practices, immorality, and even criminal acts to meet the pressing need of shelter.

Read also: Calls for monthly rent intensify as the economy bites

“This tenancy system is unafrican, unislamic and indeed unbiblical”, the lawmaker added.

Currently, the average rent for a single one-room apartment within the city centre ranges from N1million to N2million while in the satellite towns such as Kubwa, Nyanya, Kuje, Lugbe, rents range from N350,000 to N500,000 and are paid annually.

He stated that the bill, therefore, seeks to reduce advance payment for new tenants to three months and, thereafter, proceed with the monthly payment scheme.

“It also seeks to protect low-income earners from any form of oppression by homeowners.

“The bill also seeks to provide a window for legal action for any form of oppression.

“Importantly, it will also serve as a safety net for Landlords against erring tenants”, he added.

Contributing to the debate, Senator Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, while supporting the bill, described the piece of legislation as “people-centred.”

He said, “The truth is out there, many residents in the FCT are groaning under this very difficult system where people are expected to pay house rent in advance.

“With the policy where the government has withdrawn participation in providing official quarters with demonetization, we are all aware, young Nigerians who are gaining employment within the precinct of the FCT for example, majority of them are actually in the outskirts.

“If there is a good system like this, where on a monthly basis as the man receives his salary, he is making payment for what he has consumed, I think it will be a very good and welfare-oriented system, one that is friendly to those that do not have.”

However, Senator Chimaroke Nnamani (Enugu East), a People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Senator and the only lawmaker in the chamber who spoke against the bill, argued the issue of rent payment should be driven by market forces.

“The issue of rental payment, either in advance or instalments, is purely economical and should be driven by market forces.

“Such market forces as availability of land, cost of building materials and income.

“If the government wants to ameliorate the sufferings of the masses, the government can go into housing schemes, mortgage schemes, housing credit facilities, and not control the business of private individuals in an emerging African democracy.

“I, therefore, oppose, and oppose vigorously this bill”, he said.