• Friday, June 28, 2024
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Gunmen invade FCT community, abduct 22 persons

Masked gunmen kill three soldiers in Aba attack

At least 22 persons, mostly farmers have been abducted by gunmen in a community in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The FCT police command, while confirming the incident at the weekend, said the attack took place in Rafin Daji, a boundary community between FCT and Niger State on Wednesday.

“The victims were on their farmland working when gunmen outnumbered and kidnapped them, “Oduniyi Omotayo, the FCT police command spokesperson, confirmed.

Read also:  Suspected gunmen abduct Catholic priest in Edo

“Upon receipt of this information, a combined team of police officers from various tactical and intelligence units of the command, Destiny Hunters, Vigilantes, and Local Hunters stormed the forest and combed it for the rescue of the victims. Monitoring and surveillance of the community is continuing,” he added.

According to an eyewitness account, the gunmen abducted at least 22 persons and burnt tractors being used in the farm. Ibrahim Barde, a relative of some of the victims said 13 of his family members were abducted.

“They were 13 of them on the farm including seven children between the ages of 15 and 17, three women; one just got married last year and an aged woman, my brothers and the tractor driver. They also went to the neighbouring farm too and abducted some,” he said.