• Monday, June 17, 2024
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Five things to know to start your Friday

Mario Draghi prepares for ECB swansong as policy debate rages

Italian President rejects PM Mario Draghi resignation

The last is yet to be heard about the ongoing drama in Italian politics following the rejection of Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s resignation letter by the President.

In the early hours of Thursday, the Prime Minister tendered his resignation letter to the President, citing the withdrawal of support from “populist coalition partner” Five Star in a major confidence vote.

The former head of the European Central Bank (ECB) has led a unity government since February 2021 and played a crucial role in helping the country recover gradually from the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the President rejected his resignation, telling him to do all within his power to find a majority in the parliament willing to support him.

The coalition government of Draghi, comprised of members of parliament who belong to several ideological blocks, was constituted to help the economy recover from the coronavirus pandemic since he took over office in February 2021.

According to the Associated Press, hours earlier, Draghi and his government won a confidence vote, 172-39, in the Senate despite the refusal by the 5-Star Movement to back the bill, which is earmarked for €26 billion to help consumers and industries struggling with soaring energy prices. But the snub, orchestrated by 5-Star leader Giuseppe Conte, Draghi’s predecessor, did its damage.

Shortly before heading to the Quirinal presidential palace to tender his resignation, Draghi declared: “The majority of national unity that has sustained this government from its creation doesn’t exist anymore.”

read also: Sajid Javid, Rishi Sunak: What to know about the likely successors to Boris Johnson

Ivana Trump, Ex-Wife of former US President Trump, dead at 73

Ivana Trump, a former international model, the ex-wife of United States former President Donald Trump, and mother of Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump, died on Thursday, the family announced. She was 73.

Ivana who had spent her last days on earth with her family was found dead at her home at 10 East 64th street in Manhattan, New York at 12:40 p.m.

She died of a cardiac arrest and this was confirmed by paramedics who arrived at her home.

According to BBC, a source close to Ivanka Trump told The Post that the former first daughter is in “shock” over her mother’s death.

Ivana married Donald Trump in 1977 and divorced in 1992 after allegations of infidelity, especially when the affair with fellow model Marla Maples, whom he ended up marrying, surfaced in public.

In a statement announcing her death, Eric Trump said that her mother, who was an incredible woman, will be greatly missed.

Six Boko Haram commanders surrender as troops neutralise 42 terrorists

Major General Bernard Onyeuko, the spokesman for the Defence Headquarters, disclosed on Thursday that six top commanders of the Boko Haram/Islamic State of West Africa Province surrendered to the troops of Hadin Kai.

According to the spokesman, the continued intensity of the army’s fight against the terrorist organisation has resulted in some of the recent successes in apprehending about 3,858 Boko Haram terrorists and their families this month alone. Of the 3.858 captured terrorists, 505 were male, 1,042 were female, and 2,311 were children,

Amongst the surrendered terrorists were Mallam Mala Hassan alias wali, Ali Madagali alias Munzur, Musa Bashir alias Chief Anur, Jafar Hamma alias Kaid, and Abbali Nakib Polisawa.

The military spokesman said all surrendered Boko Haram/Islamic State of West Africa Province terrorists and their families were profiled and documented, while all recovered items and apprehended suspected terrorists were handed over to the appropriate authorities for further action.

Buhari calls for international anti-corruption court to try offenders

On Thursday, President Muhammadu Buhari called for the establishment of an international Anti-Corruption Court to try offenders while appealing to African leaders to intensify the fight against corruption.

The president, who is the African Ant-Corruption Champion, made this appeal during an event to celebrate the African Day of Anti-Corruption. The theme for this year’s celebration is: Strategy and Mechanisms for the Transparent Management of COVID-19 Funds: Lessons from the Pandemic.

In a recorded message, the president praised African leaders for the successes achieved thus far in fighting corruption, but encouraged them to do more to block leakages in the law and other areas that corrupt individuals have successfully used to pilfer the common wealth of the continent.

He made reference to how his administration has achieved so much in the fight against corruption since 2015.

Obasanjo, three others bag Zambia’s highest honour

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Nigeria’s former President; Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, former President of Liberia; and Ernest Bai Koroma, former President of Sierra Leone, were on Thursday awarded Zambia’s highest award, the Order of the Eagle, by President Hakainde Hichilema in Lusaka, the country’s capital.

The presentation of the awards was carried out during a colourful ceremony in the state capital. President Hichilema said that giving Obasanjo and the two former presidents the awards was a mark of respect and appreciation of their contribution towards peace and development on the continent.

The awards were gazetted in a notice with reference number No.1067 of 2022 of the Constitution of Zambia and signed by the Acting Secretary of the Cabinet, P.K. Kangwa.

Reacting on behalf of the awardees, Obasanjo said the honour would serve as an encouragement to do more for the continent.