When Hippocrates, the Greek medical expert stated that: “You are what you eat. Let his food be your medicine,” it was out of great experience. Interestingly, it holds true till this day. But it starts with food handling. On this you are well advised to boil the eggs, meat, fish, yam, bananas and plantains instead of frying them so as to benefit from their rich nutrients. Let us consider the efficacy of food items against the common diseases.


Against ANAEMIA(lack of blood)
– Food items that boost blood cells production are red meat, organ meat such as liver and kidney, egg yolk, beans, legumes, dry nuts and dark green, leafy vegetables. Folate-rich foods such as dark-green vegetables, wheat, rice, nuts and grapes produce and maintain new blood cells.

Also, eat sugar cane because its juice contains most essential minerals.

– Beet roots are also recommended because they contain several minerals such as potassium, phosphorous, iodine, iron and vitamins B1,B2, B6. Food items that boost blood cells production are red meat, organ meat such as liver and kidney, egg yolk, beans, legumes, dry nuts and dark green, leafy vegetables.

– TO BOOST BLOOD SUPPLY: Splash plain cold water over closed eyes. Take soya beans, fish and eggs.

– DIET THAT CLEANSE THE BLOOD VESSELS: Garlic combined with onion is a natural antibiotic, effective blood cleanser, reduces HBP and cholesterol, antifungal and aphrodisiac.

– TO REDUCE HIGH BLOOD CHOLESTEROL: Choose chicken or fish over red meat.

It is important to know that the liver assists to break down carbohydrates to glucose, the simple sugar which the body uses for energy.
– The liver also helps in detoxifying the body and it’s health could prevent Type-2diabetes. Therefore, it needs to be protected at all times. Amongst the protective foods and drinks are coffee, green tea, oatmeal, garlic, banana, watermelon, avocado and grapes.
Now you know why fruits are useful to your overall health. Don’t ever say that fruits are costly!

Drink cashew leaf tea. Generally, high-fibre foods that are not digested stay in the gut (stomach and intestine) and add to the bulk and softness of the stool.

Diets recommended to take care of this include, (a) whole-wheat bread, (b) biscuits, (c) breakfast cereals such as Quaker Oats, corn flakes, as well as (d) five portions of fruits and vegetables, each day.

One portion of fruit is one large apple, grape, pear, banana, orange, pawpaw or a large slice of watermelon.

Consume freshly prepared hot food. Avoid taking too much sugar as it interrupts the absorption of proteins and other nutrients. It causes malnutrition which may interfere with brain development.

Eating too many types of food in a single meal such as the combination of dairy (milk) products and citrus (oranges) could cause indigestion. Drink lemon juice mixed with warm water,2-3 times a day.

Consume foods rich in fibre such as carrots to remove bowel toxins.

Avoid depression which could trigger food cravings, especially for sweets and starches which give the brain a temporary boost only.

Rub coconut oil on the affected area.

Use a spoonful of crushed onion.

Grind fresh, ripe grapes and drink without adding any water.

– Add juice of three slices of lemon to a cup of tea for fast relief. Also, inhale steam to reduce the intensity of the pains. Relax. Breath deep which releases endorphins into the body.

– Drink raw egg in a gulp.

is caused by bacterial infection from contaminated food or old tooth brush. FOODS that HEAL sore throat include a mixture of honey, garlic, ginger and lemon. Some effective food items are macaroni and cheese, milk, mashed potato, warm oatmeal, grape, chicken soup and banana because it is non-acidic and soft.

Also try adding a pinch of salt in warm water and gargle it in the morning. Have you bought a new toothbrush? If not, do so now!

Gargling provides immediate relief. Pour four teaspoons of salt in a litre of warm water.
Avoid spicy, fried and sour foods

Fast on orange juice and water for some four to six hours. One teaspoonful of ginger mixed with honey taken thrice a day.

Take a mixture of honey and ginger.

Eat a spoonful of peanut butter.

Mix equal amounts of honey and onion juice and take 3 to 4 tea spoons once a day. Drink lots of warm fluids, especially water and orange juice to replenish fluids lost by your body from fever. Avoid hot coffee or tea. Take green tea and soup to dilute mucus and relieve symptoms of throat obstruction.

Consume honey or glucose in warm water every morning. Also, the juice of one lemon mixed with common salt taken twice daily offers relief. If it is chronic back pain, keep yourself warm; eat hot food items and add garlic to your diet. -Apply ice or a cold pack, 10-15 minutes every hour. Cold limits swelling, reducing pain and speeds healing.

– Boil between 5-10 slices of ginger in plain water for 5 minutes. Add a cube of sugar and drink for instant relief.


Use a mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and common salt. Green tea destroys the bacteria and viruses that cause dental diseases. It slows their growth.

-Mix small quantity of pepper powder with honey and ginger juice. Take this mixture at least 3 times a day.

Or, boil one teaspoon of pure honey with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, half a cup of milk and some garlic. Drink this mixture every day. -Drink a mixture of two parts of carrot juice and one part of spinach juice. Drink this thrice a day for relief.

Recommended forms of exercise include swimming, cycling, canoeing, fishing, sailing and walking. To cure ASTHMA boil one teaspoon of honey, with one teaspoon of olive oil, half a cup of milk and add some garlic. Drink this mixture every day.

Drink coconut water as it flushes out small particles of dissolved stones

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