• Saturday, September 07, 2024
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We must think of how to bring Africa to centre stage’


Your mission/vision

First of all we are out to “Power Up” people. This is a dynamic, experiential training programme designed to develop and train new managers to become the powerful leaders they are meant to be. The innovative, transformational training will move people’s organisations ahead in ways that they cannot even imagine. Our mission statement is to work to help people and businesses in Africa tap into their personal power to achieve quantum results in line with their dream lifestyles. Our vision is to make Africa prosperous and happy by transforming one million managers, each of which will positively influence a minimum of 100 others within three months of completing their training, acting through their span of influence and control.

There are firms doing the same thing, what have you come to do differently

Our approach is quite different. We want to build people from the inside. The human system is made up of the super conscious, the conscious and the subconscious. You know where most of the trainings are? They are in the conscious. People are doing packaging- I want to be a better leader, I want to be a better engineer, I want to be better in project management. But where the problem lies is in the subconscious which has been corrupted. This operating system is corrupted. It is made up of your thought, words, feelings, emotions, behaviours, attitudes, actions and beliefs. And because this subconscious aspect is corrupted, it affects every other thing one aspires to become.

If we want to do things differently, we must first of all renew the subconscious that is corrupted. In life, we tie our joy to external things- when I marry then I will be happy, when I buy car, when I begin to have children, when I get a job in that oil company I will be happy. When that dream fails to come true, your joy collapses. We are preaching internal control of people’s happiness, joy and fulfillment. I have the right to control my joy and with God-given talents achieve the best for my life.

Our focus

Our programme focuses on entrepreneurship. Equipping people to create wealth for themselves rather than rely on others. Finding profitable solution to human problem, that’s how some people defined entrepreneurship. That definition helped me a great deal because it made me realise that you don’t go into business principally to make money, but to solve human problems, to create value to solve human problems. While doing so, you make money because people must come for the service.

When are you kicking off the trainings

We began our first certified intensive training tagged “T3” from May 13, it will continue till May 25) at our training centre in Amuwo Odofin, Lagos. The training for potential trainers is specifically designed for success-driven individuals who truly desire to distinguish themselves in their businesses, careers and lives. We have invited a renowned leadership and management training expert and CEO of Aware Consulting Services Texas, USA, Lee Follender as guest trainer.

As a powerful and dynamic coach, trainer, and business consultant, Follender has worked with thousands of individuals and organisations over the past 18 years. She has worked as a coach and curriculum writer for, and with, internet gurus like Joe Vitale, Bob Doyle, Marci Shimoff and others.

Why inviting a resource person from abroad, or don’t you have the competence to handle the trainings

One thing we must acknowledge is that there are those who know more than we do. We are bringing an expatriate because she knows it better. Lee has been doing the same thing for a very long time and heads a coaching crew. You will agree with me that those who have excelled in their chosen sports wouldn’t have done so if they had no good coaches. Mentorship is very important. You must identify people who have been in the business and learn from their wealth of experience; otherwise you repeat the mistakes they made. Apart from learning correctly from such people, it will make your journey to success quicker. Number one rule in this business is that you must believe that there are more than enough opportunities for everybody, so there’s no need for competition. There’s no basis for that.

Funding not the greatest challenge in business

Many people go to their graves with their dreams unrealised because of fear and failure to share their dreams and visions with others. They continued to worry about how to get funding for their projects until they died. Funding does not come first, it does not come second and it doesn’t come third. You must concern yourself about what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. Those two parameters are where the whole thing lies. Money chases ideas and not the other way round. When I started my business, I knew from day one that money was not going to be a handicap. Success is defined not on account of bank balance. We must begin to think seriously how to bring Africa to the centre stage and not just contributing raw materials to the world.

One of the problems we have in the leadership of the country is that we put the so-called technocrats in charge of managing our common wealth without finding out how they are managing their own little resources. If you don’t’ manage yourself properly, how can you manage bigger tasks? It means that without a clear vision where you are going, even if you are given a huge sum of money to invest in your business, you will still not make any success out of it.

How do you hope to make people buy into the new thinking

It may not be easy at this initial stage, but I tell you that this transformation goes beyond Nigeria; it is a global thing. If you go to Europe, you see 60-year old people thinking about what new things to do on their own. They are not thinking about social security or waiting for handouts from anybody. Every single person is endowed with gifts, we have either not discovered them or we don’t want to use them. Use your gift because the scripture says if you don’t use it, it will be taken away from you.

Are your trainings going to be practical or theory based

We are talking about attitude change; it is not about paper thing. Those who are leaders in various fields today are not known to possess the best degrees or certificates; many of them come from very poor backgrounds. The Richard Branson of this world, Warren Buffet, Henry Ford, Oprah Winifred, and many others had pathetic beginnings. They did not even have homes. We are saying that the sub-conscious aspect of the human system, like a corrupted disc player, cannot load any positive thing.

If you want to force anything there, it will reject. Unless that system is sanitised, success will not be achieved. If your thought process, for instance, is faulty, how can you make success? If you have always seen and imagined failure, how can you be a success? It is not about paper, it is about changing the way we reason, think, behave or even speak. Those who dwell on lack mentality will always do things wrongly.

You don’t need any certificate to impact the lives of others and help yourself achieve your dream in life. Our emphasis is on helping people to develop their visions and thought processes. The normal school system may not be the thing you need. What the Nobles do is to look at their children as they grow, if any of them shows inclination towards medicine, they ensure that child goes for Medicine; if such a child shows signs of becoming an aeronautic person, they make sure he/she pursues training in that aspect that may eventually lead the individual to become a pilot.

Interview with ZEBULON AGOMUO,

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