• Thursday, October 24, 2024
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How to thrive in the Four seasons of life

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“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Life unfolds in seasons just as the earth experiences its own. They are not only inevitable, but essential for the development of the human spirit. In the fast-paced, goal-oriented world, it is challenging to recognise and embrace your seasons. They follow cycles of growth, change, and renewal. But before you can embrace your seasons, you must first recognise and own them.

  • Abundance: everything is flourishing and effortless. Abundance enjoys the fruits of success and an appreciation of your blessings while sharing them with others.
  • Drought: nothing seems to go right. You find yourself feeling lost, disillusioned, or frustrated by lack of progress. This allows you to reassess and redefine what success means finding the strength within yourself that you may not have known existed.
  • Waiting: growth may be happening beneath the surface. It teaches you to trust the process and believe that progress is happening when not visible. Waiting invites you to know that what is meant for you will not pass you by. Plant seeds and wait patiently not passively for them to sprout.
  • Transitioning: one chapter is closing, but the next has yet to fully reveal itself. These are times of uncertainty and discomfort but provide opportunities for reinvention and renewal. Do not resist change. Growth requires letting go of the old to make space for the new. What feels more aligned with your evolving values, desires, and goals?

Be willing to pause, reflect, and assess where you stand to gain clarity about what this moment in time is asking of you. One of the greatest obstacles to embracing your season is the temptation to compare your life to others. You see friends or peers getting married, advancing in their careers, starting families, or achieving personal goals, and suddenly, the season you are in seems insufficient. Your focus is on what is missing as you question your worth, feel progress is inadequate, or life should look different. However, your season is yours alone.

Are you self-sabotaging your seasons? Practice:

· Presence: not just physical proximity but also mental and emotional engagement. Slow down, be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and appreciate the small moments that make up each day. Feel life as it is right now—not as you wish it to be.

· Gratitude: focusing on what you have versus what you lack shifting your perspective from scarcity to abundance. Appreciate small victories, moments of peace, and lessons learned to create a strong life foundation.

· Acceptance: acknowledges the reality of your present moment without judgment. Release the belief that your life should look a certain way, be further along, or have everything figured out by now. Free yourself from the burden of unrealistic expectations and work with what you have.

· Patience: feels like an outdated virtue. Yet, you grow during the quiet, unseen moments of your life. It allows you to move with grace rather than frustration.

· Joy: not just in big life moments but small moments. These might be a quiet morning with a cup of tea, conversation with a friend, or completing a task well. In the darkest of times, there is light. Practice noticing and appreciating these moments.

· Faith: the quiet confidence that there is a purpose behind every season. Life unfolds in a way that is ultimately for your good. It does not always feel that way. But surrender control and release the need for certainty. What is meant for you will come in its own time and way.

· Connection: means to not walk through life alone. It can be tempting to isolate yourself or feel as though you are a burden to others. Vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength. Open to others about your challenges to receive support while giving others the opportunity to do the same.

· Impermanence: Nothing is permanent. Just as winter gives way to spring, the seasons of your life shift and evolve. No matter how painful the season, it will not last forever. Seasons of abundance are fleeting. Cherish them.

No matter the season, meaning can be found. Look for it. Trust in yourself, the process of life, and the idea that each season, no matter how challenging or uncertain, has a purpose. It is easy to wish away the difficult seasons, hoping for easier or more fruitful times. But every season brings with it the opportunity for growth, transformation, and deeper understanding. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, and that the season you are in is preparing you for the one that is to come.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson

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