• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Are your words building or crashing your home?

Double wahala

This article is for both men and women because there are men who also use painful words on their wives and belittle them. This is very wrong. However, I will focus on women in this article.

As women, it’s easier for us to feel expressive and lavish our words on our partner without tasting the effects of our words.

As much as men love to be respected, it’s beyond just calling him your husband. The respect has to be shown in your words and action. You don’t have to wait for him to earn the respect before you give it. It’s possible that your marriage isn’t going as you planned but instead of focusing on what’s wrong, you can build the home of your choice using the right words.

“Homes are made by the wisdom of women but are destroyed by foolishness.”

Proverbs‬ 14:1‬ GNB‬‬

I love how this translation says homes are made and not just exist. You create your home with the resources you have. Your resources aren’t about the money in your bank account but your thoughts, actions and the desires you bring into manifestation.

A lot of homes are currently going through crisis because the people in it are focused on themselves rather than facing the issues specifically. When you fight against your husband over everything, you are fighting the battle the wrong way.

You can’t afford to run your marriage the same way your parent did if it didn’t work out well for them. You need knowledge and the right attitude to get ahead. Living your life without being intentional with your personal development race is a big trap for yourself. When you speak to your husband based on his attitudes, you may be tempted to trample on his place as the head but the Bible has admonished us to deal wisely with our loved ones and put their interests before ours.

You can’t allow your friends teach you wrong ways to build your home. You should also be careful where you learn about marriage.

Read also: Five goals to set in your marriage this new season

How can you build your home with your words?

1. Speak to your husband with respect and out of love. Choose the right timing and choice of words. Even when you are angry at his attitudes sometimes, find a better time to express yourself.

2. Pray out every issue you don’t want to experience again and allow God change the heart of your husband rather than nagging daily for him to change. That will only push him farther away from you.

3. Choose who to speak to when things go worse. Choose a mentor or someone you both respect rather than a family member or friend. And the best person to speak to is a professional counselor.

4. Speak words of affirmation concerning your marriage when you wake up, during your prayers and when you are meditating during the day.

5. Speak positive words concerning your husband and also to him. Be a source of encouragement and focus on what he does well more than what he does less.

If you stay intentional about creating a better life with your attitudes, maintaining the right balance in your actions and thinking the right way, you will surely create a better home as you grow together.

What words are you speaking to your husband?

If you need counsel with dealing with any difficulty in your marriage now, you can send me an email to talk about it here: [email protected]