• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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The power of ideas (3)


An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea” (Oscar Wilde).

In every human society there are people that can be referred to as thinkers. A lot of times these people are leaders, or are thrust with leadership responsibilities and other assignments that require them to be visionary in their thinking. Whether it is their natural disposition or they have to develop the trait, these people appear to be the ‘idealists’ who through their personal insights express ideals, thoughts and opinions as worthy ideas. They are thus positioned to offer ideas that have the potentials to transform lives and communities.  They are the pacesetters in the community whose ideas usually lead to new developments, new truths, and new trends.

For instance in the business environment, it is the ability to produce and develop such ideas in solving problems and meeting needs that distinguishes the entrepreneurs and others like them in the marketplace. To continuously generate realistic business ideas obviously requires some level of knowledge and skills which just any other business man or women may not posses. Furthermore, to be able to turn the business ideas to sustainable business opportunities surely demands knowledge, skills and expertise.

All business opportunities are based on an idea, but not all ideas produce realistic business opportunities. So, what makes a business idea worthwhile? It is the fact that the idea is feasible, viable and sustainable. That is what makes for a realistic business opportunity. It means that the business practically offers the possibility of fulfilling the needs of a market (market opportunity) better than the competition or substitute. It is in this regard that the business coach becomes a valuable partner in supporting the accomplishment of business goals, which have developed from ideas.

The coaching journey may sometimes be challenging and even demanding or difficult. What is important to remember is that the coaching engagement always proves worthwhile ultimately. Knowing that you have a trusted, capable and confidential partner, acting as your sounding board, encourager, facilitator and challenger at all times is an important basis for success. Knowing that you are not alone in your journey, but that you have an ally that believes in you and supports you all the way can in fact be the catalyst for greater personal drive and motivation to succeed.

The truth is that most people, if left to take the journey alone by themselves would often lose initiative, focus and drive, especially when it appears like the challenges being faced are not going to be adequately rewarded by the goals being pursued. The natural response and tendency is often to let go and give up. But, with a coach who not only encourages you to keeping moving forward, but also holds you accountable for goal achievement and outcome attainment, you are more likely to stay focused.

The result of that powerful alliance between the coach and the client creates huge value for the business because it produces exceptional learning and attainable outcomes. But for a truly successful coaching engagement, the ideas must come from the client and not from the coach. It is the wisdom that arises from the personal thoughts, inspiration, passion and ambition of the client that provides the coach with concrete ideas on how to support the client in achieving set goals. In other words, the coach can only work with what the client provides in terms of personal ideas and ideals.

This fact is sometimes an issue of constant confusion for some people who expect that the coach, because of his supposed knowledge, skills and experience must be the source of ideas and know how, in the process of achieving goals. While it is a non negotiable fact that the coach must have the required knowledge, skills, expertise and experience in the field and on the subject matter upon which coaching is being undertaken, he must remain professional.

In this regard, the coach must accord the client with the respect of having all the answers within him or her, and merely requires the coaching engagement to support and facilitate goal achievement. The role of the coach must in this regard remain that of challenging, encouraging and amplifying the process. Achieving the set goal(s) and attaining the desired outcomes thus remain the responsibility of the client.

Coaching must therefore not be viewed as another ‘how-to-do’ programme; neither must it be confused with a teaching or training class where instructions are spelt out to students by the teacher or trainer. Rather, the coach is present essentially to help fast track the attainment of better results and greater levels of productivity.  And, because there is great power in ideas, the coach works on the ideas and ideals of the client, particularly by helping to align the client’s potentials and competencies to realistic and desirable goals. You can read more about the transformational power of coaching at www.ceedcoaching.com.

Emmanuel Imevbere

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