• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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‘Women supporting women’ must be beyond lip service

‘Women supporting women’ must be beyond lip service

The other day I sat in the compound and I saw a colony of ants, all working together to carry the tiny crumbs of bread on the floor and then I wondered, if it’s easy for these tiny creatures to support themselves then why do we ladies find it difficult to support each other?

Many people have the belief that there’s too much drama among ladies because they ‘always’ hate on other ladies and they always find faults in each other. Women look at other women and see a version of themselves that appears better, prettier, smarter, something more and then jealousy sets in.

These days, when a lady notices a fault in someone’s dressing or character, she would gossip about it instead of her to walk up to the lady to correct her. We have friends that own small businesses but we would never buy from them, some ladies would rather buy from online stores that they’re not even sure about.

When a lady is not in a healthy competition with another lady then she is in a negative competition with her. Signs that there’s a negative competition is when a lady practices slut shaming, does things to impress others instead of working on her self-betterment and de-values other women to find value in themselves.

Dear ladies, engaging in a competition with other ladies isn’t fair to you or your competition. We should realize that focusing on the negative in ourselves or trying to find reasons to hate someone else will just leave us drained, miserable and lonely Ladies can turn their hate for other
ladies into positive energy by judging less and celebrating the successes of others. If whenever you go through a particular lady’s social media page you begin to feel envious, it’s okay to unfollow that person for your peace of mind.

By turning rivalry into inspiration, you are finding empowerment through yourself and your would-be rivals. Build yourself up, but not at the expense of trying to tear someone else down. No matter what stage you are in life, you’ll encounter someone who is your definition of ‘goals’.

How you approach the situation makes all the difference in your life and path to success.