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Employers should embrace change to accommodate evolving generations – Boboye

Employers should embrace change to accommodate evolving generations – Boboye

Jobberman Nigeria is a prominent career platform that has been shaping the employment landscape for the past 14 years. Oreoluwa Boboye, CEO, Jobberman Nigeria, in an interview with DAVID IJASEUN, discussed the challenges in productivity and acquiring and retaining talent for successful business operations. Excerpts:

Could you provide insight into Jobberman’s unique value proposition as it marks its 14th year?

Jobberman’s value proposition lies in its role within The African Talent Company (TATC). Our mission spans the African continent, addressing unemployment challenges. We’re aware that this is a pan-African challenge, not exclusive to Nigeria. Through brands like Jobberman and BrighterMonday, we’re fostering collaboration to tackle this issue. Our platform provides job visibility, connecting the right people with the right jobs, which was the core issue Jobberman aimed to solve at its inception.

Looking back on your journey that started in 2009, could you highlight some significant moments that stand out?

Certainly. Our impact hinges on connecting individuals to jobs and boosting productivity. We’ve evolved from print-based job ads to a digital marketplace. Our AI-driven solutions match candidates and jobs effectively. One impactful moment was introducing the HR breakfast event where HR professionals share strategies they have used during tough times. Also, our AI-based Standard Listings product has streamlined recruitment, enhancing efficiency and objectivity.

Celebrating 14 years in a challenging market is impressive. What emotions do you experience reaching this milestone?

Gratitude and pride are predominant feelings. Staying relevant in Nigeria’s market, solving problems, and making a positive impact fuel our pride. Our joy is amplified when we hear stories of successful job matches and career advancements. Knowing that we’ve made a difference in people’s lives keeps us motivated.

Read also: Jobberman unveils new initiative to support entry-level employment

A success story indeed. Could you share a memorable experience that demonstrates the impact of your platform?

Absolutely. There’s a recent example of a candidate named Ifeanyi Charles who secured three jobs through Jobberman. He considers us his go-to platform for career advancement. His testimonial exemplifies the platform’s value in connecting job seekers with opportunities.

Job cuts are a reality, and are often based on financial constraints. Employees can adapt by constantly upgrading skills, making themselves indispensable.

The job market can be daunting, especially during challenging times. How has Jobberman managed to make a difference despite economic hardships?

Our role at the heart of productivity underscores our relevance. We’ve transitioned from print to digital and expanded into corporate training. We’ve trained over 1.2 million people in soft skills, helping bridge skill gaps. During COVID-19, we provided free courses and adapted to the changing landscape, aiming to contribute and empower even in difficult times.

Your adaptability is commendable. Considering Jobberman’s role in shaping employment, what’s your motivation for continued impact?

Unemployment remains a challenge in Nigeria. Every day, we’re driven by the desire to do more and contribute further. The energy and dedication of our team, who share this vision, fuel my motivation. We’re united in our commitment to solving unemployment.

It’s clear that determination drives your team. Could you share an instance where your efforts brought tangible success to a company?

Certainly. When employers faced challenges during the japa wave, we organized HR breakfast events where professionals shared strategies. We also developed AI-based solutions to manage the influx of applications. This brought efficiency and objectivity to the hiring process, significantly improving the experience for both employers and candidates.

Your solutions address a wide range of needs. Shifting gears, during the pandemic, you offered digital training to job seekers. What prompted this initiative?

The need to contribute during COVID-19 and address skill gaps drove us. Many graduates lacked crucial soft skills, hence, we partnered with the Mastercard Foundation to provide free training, especially for these skills, helping job seekers become more employable.

Read also: How Jobberman is proffering solutions to Nigeria’s unemployment rate

Your commitment to skill development is evident. How long does it typically take from posting a job advert to a candidate’s commencement?

The duration varies based on the company’s needs. On average, it can range from two weeks to three months. However, we offer different products, like Job Boost, which accelerates application volume while Pro-Recruit and Executive Recruitment provide more streamlined processes, accommodating various timelines.

Could you elaborate on the various services employers can access beyond candidate recruitment?

Our services extend to HR consulting, salary surveys, compensation benchmark surveys, graduate trainee programs, and even payroll management. We also offer end-to-end support, including automating recruitment processes. These offerings help relieve employers’ people-related stress.

A comprehensive set of services indeed. Looking forward, how do you envision Jobberman’s role in shaping Nigeria’s employment landscape?

Jobberman aims to lead in thought leadership, driving discussions on HR practices. We publish insightful reports, engaging with policymakers and companies. We want to be synonymous with job opportunities, while also empowering job seekers with essential skills. Our aim is to continue providing value and innovation in the employment sector.

A promising vision. Switching gears, mental health is an important concern. How does Jobberman address mental health challenges in the pursuit of careers?

We recognize the growing importance of mental health. We encourage employers to create safe spaces for employees to express their challenges. Regular sessions on mental health can help employees self-report issues. Also, seeking professional help and offering a supportive community within the workplace are crucial steps toward addressing mental health.

Focusing on the tech sector, job cuts have been on the rise. How can this issue be effectively managed?

Job cuts are a reality, and are often based on financial constraints but employees can adapt by constantly upgrading skills, making themselves indispensable. For employers, adapting to changing demographics and fostering a culture of continuous learning and agility can mitigate the impact of job cuts.

What advice do you have for entry-level job seekers to ensure a successful start to their careers?

Focus on building expertise and relevance rather than immediate financial gain. Invest in skills and value creation that can set you apart. Also, seek mentorship and create a supportive network to navigate your career journey effectively.

As you embark on your 15th year, what messages of encouragement do you have for both job seekers and employers?

For employers, adaptability is key. Embrace change to accommodate evolving generations. For job seekers, prioritize value creation over quick financial gains. Invest in skills and expertise that set you apart. Remember, money follows value.