• Sunday, September 01, 2024
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Diagnostic tests for tuberculosis, hepatitis, HPV included in global access program- Roche

Diagnostic tests

Diagnostic tests for tuberculosis, hepatitis, HPV included in global access program- Roche

Roche has expanded its Global Access Program adds diagnostics tests for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), hepatitis B and C (HBV and HCV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) for low and middle income country programs where the disease burden is the highest.

The Global Access Program aims to offer increased access to diagnostics at affordable prices in countries with a high rate of disease.

According to Roche, the expansion of the Global Access Program highlights commitment to improve access to cost-effective resources, implement scale-up programs, and contribute to the elimination of diseases in the regions with the greatest need.

According to the report made available to BuisinessDay, the expansion will bid in total molecular diagnostics for HIV-1 viral load, HIV-1 and HIV-2 early infant diagnosis, the cobas Plasma Separation Card – an innovative plasma collection device, MTB and MTB – RIF/INH, Hepatitis B and C, and Human Papillomavirus.

“All these assays run on the cobas 4800/6800/8800 platforms for various testing volume needs enabled by the cobas Plasma Separation Card that transports samples from remote areas/sites to the central lab for further processing,” it states.

Michael Heuer, chief executive officer (CEO) Roche Diagnostics said that with effective treatment options for these infectious agents and improved patients access to diagnostics, early detection can help save lives and ease suffering.

“As the leader in infectious disease diagnosis testing, Roche is dedicated to support goals on eradicating diseases globally,” he said.

However, the World Health Organization disease elimination goals states that optimising the use of diagnostics will be critical to achieving targets for elimination

For hepatitis, WHO defined goals aiming at a 90 percent reduction in new chronic infections and a 65percent reduction in mortality in 2030 as compared with the 2015 baseline and the agency have also established goals to end Mycobacterium tuberculosis by 2035 which includes a 95% reduction in death, 90% reduction in incidence, and 0% catastrophic costs.

Access to screening, early detection and prevention of transmission reduces the spread of disease. Tuberculosis is a major health crisis and is the leading cause of infectious disease deaths worldwide. Access to hepatitis diagnostic tests for HBV and HCV will improve the outlook of eliminating these chronic infections. And screening with HPV DNA testing can more accurately identify women at risk for cervical cancer than other screening methods.

With vaccination and proper screening, cervical cancer is a preventable disease. Importantly, infection with HPV has been found to increase the risk of HIV transmission for both men and women. Similarly, women living with HIV are four to 10 times more likely to develop cervical cancer. Screening for co-infection (HIV+ HPV) can significantly improve disease management decisions and enable appropriate patient care.

“Access to cutting-edge, best in class diagnostic test results means more patients being appropriately diagnosed and well treated, resulting in lives saved,” stated Clinton Health Access Initiative’s (CHAI’s) chief science officer David Ripin.

“We welcome Roche’s decision to expand access to tests for hepatitis, tuberculosis, and HPV (the leading cause of cervical cancer) to their Global Access Program, providing health systems with transparent and consistent pricing to these important tests in addition to the HIV viral load and early infant diagnostics already established in the program. CHAI values Roche’s continued partnership in the effort to make diagnostics seamlessly available in well optimized diagnostic lab systems throughout the world.”