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Indian election: Narendra Modi’s incomplete project

Indian election: Narendra Modi’s incomplete project

In May 2014, India’s Narendra Modi took charge of a nation, which — despite its young and ambitious population — was anxious and adrift after a period of macroeconomic instability, corruption scandals and policy drift. A humble tea-seller’s son who rose to lead the prosperous state of Gujarat, Mr Modi had mesmerised India’s 1.3bn people — many still eking out a living through farming — with his vision of an urbanised, industrialised and modernised India, which could meet their rising aspirations.

In the acche din — or good days — he promised to usher in, India would absorb millions of youth into the workforce each year, and provide higher living standards — with better health and education — for an evermore connected and demanding population. Corruption, a persistent scourge, would be eradicated; India’s international stature would rise.

With this uplifting message, Mr Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party won the first single-party parliamentary majority after three decades of fractious coalitions. The new premier’s own reputation as a decisive, business-friendly leader and disciplined administrator raised hopes that India was poised for transformative reforms to unlock its oft-touted economic potential to rival China.

Now, Mr Modi — and all of India — is awaiting the verdict on how well he has fulfilled the lofty expectations he raised. On Thursday, officials will start counting votes from India’s general election. In the world’s biggest democratic exercise, more than 900m people were eligible to cast ballots in a contest framed as a referendum on the leader himself.

The result will determine whether the ascetic Mr Modi — a notorious micromanager who has centralised nearly all government decision-making in his own office — will have a second five-year term to try to fulfil his implicit promise: to help Indians achieve financial and material prosperity, while remaining rooted in socially-conservative, traditional values.

In the contest, Mr Modi’s BJP was pitted against a motley crew of disunited caste-based and regional opposition parties, including the Congress of Rahul Gandhi. With many voters still anxious about the economy, the BJP focused mainly on national security, promising Mr Modi would keep the Hindu-majority society safe from external and internal threats, and linking his political rivals to India’s neighbour and nemesis Pakistan.

While Indian elections are notoriously difficult to predict, exit polls released on Sunday suggested the BJP and its allies would together secure a comfortable parliamentary majority. Though India’s exit polls have a mixed record, Indian shares rose strongly in Monday trading on the expectation that Mr Modi would secure a second term.

The prime minister’s supporters are optimistic. “In 2014, Modi was still hazy in most parts of the country,” says Swapan Dasgupta, an MP who has close ties to the prime minister. “But after five years of intense exposure, there is nobody in the country who doesn’t have a view on Modi. My view is that they are willing to give him another five years.”
Mr Modi — or whomever may succeed him in case of an electoral surprise — will have no time to savour victory. The prime minister boasts that India has grown faster under his leadership than ever before. But businessmen privately warn that the economy is sputtering. Growth in gross domestic product slowed to just 6.6 per cent in the three months to December 31 compared with the same period a year earlier — its slowest pace in five quarters; industrial output has fallen steadily in the three months since, and contracted by 0.1 per cent year on year in March. Sales of passenger vehicles plunged 17 per cent in the year to April.

Private consumption has faltered and the government — whose spending has been the primary engine of growth over the past five years — has little fiscal space for further pump priming. Meanwhile, private investment remains tepid, as Mr Modi’s hard-edged anti-corruption rhetoric unnerves the elite business community, which had helped propel him into power with its financial support and public endorsement.

“The economy is slowing down faster than they think,” says a Mumbai-based executive. “If you want the economy to come back, you need to encourage animal spirits. But if people are scared, they are not going to invest. Business is now scared of what they [see] as the policeman. A system that has been steeped in corruption for so long is in shock at the new way of doing things.”

When Mr Modi rode to power in 2014, he tapped widespread anger at the disastrous macroeconomic management and entrenched corruption of the Congress-led government over the preceding five years. But his ascent also marked a backlash against nearly 70 years of domination by a privileged, westernised and anglophone elite who had long romanticised rural life, with its arduous labour and often grinding poverty, as the authentic spirit of India.

As a Gujarati and Hindi-speaking autodidact — who rose through the ranks of the rightwing Hindu nationalist movement before entering electoral politics, Mr Modi tapped into the yearning of India’s toiling masses — the neo-middle class, as he calls them — for upward mobility and an escape from the travails of life in the countryside.

Mr Modi, who likens himself to a vigilant “watchman” standing guard over the national interest, vowed to destroy crony capitalism. Blaming a corrupt nexus of politicians and big business groups for the bad loan crisis inherited by his administration, he ordered the state banks that dominate India’s financial system to assess loan requests only on their merit, without regard for entrepreneurs’ political connections.

In its attitude towards the outside world, too, Mr Modi embodied a new assertiveness and ambition.

After decades of revelling in solidarity with other poor countries, Mr Modi has sought a seat at the top table for India. February’s missile strikes on Pakistan served as notice that his more muscular government would not quietly turn the other cheek to terrorist provocations — as the Congress-led governments had done.

“Modi is the tough guy, the no-nonsense guy, the man who isn’t afraid to take tough decisions and the man who isn’t afraid to take on the status quo,” says Mr Dasgupta.

The prime minister has certainly renewed popular optimism about India’s prospects. According to a recent Pew Research Centre survey, 55 per cent of Indians were satisfied with India’s overall direction last spring, up from just 29 per cent in the months before Mr Modi’s 2014 election.

Mr Modi is almost omnipresent in Indians’ daily lives, dominating newspaper headlines, television news and outdoor billboards — and many conversations. He has adroitly used social media — including his own “NaMo app” — to talk up his initiatives and forge an emotional connection with citizens.

Yet for all his soaring oratory about building a “New India”, Mr Modi has struggled to generate the steady jobs the country desperately needs, amid a fundamental economic transition in which India’s vast numbers of small, labour-intensive enterprises are being replaced by fewer, bigger and more capital-intensive enterprises.

“We have created a plutocracy right before our very eyes,” says Saurabh Mukherjea, chief executive and founder of Marcellus Investment Managers. “But the people that worked in these small industries have lost jobs. Cottage industries are getting hammered. You’ve got these boys able and willing to work everywhere but they don’t know what to do.”

In an era of growing protectionism and overcapacity, replicating China’s export-led growth model while trying to turn India into a workshop of the world no longer offers a short-cut to development. Mr Modi has sought other ways to stoke job-generating growth — from programmes to nurture high-tech start-ups to expanding the flow of microloans to small, cottage industries. These initiatives have won him strong loyalties among aspirational engineers and technology professionals, who dream of being part of a new digital push.

In the meantime, Mr Modi also launched numerous government programmes to improve the lives of the poor: building toilets, distributing clean cooking gas cylinders, constructing affordable housing, opening no-frills bank accounts for the poor and providing health insurance to cover catastrophic illness.

“The era of development through large-scale manufacturing is over,” says one of the premier’s former close advisers. “No one has the answer as to what to do to take the economy forward. So he tried to light many fires at once — to see if any of them would catch.”

Mr Modi promised “minimum government, maximum governance” in his first term, raising expectations of bold free market reforms to clear away the remnants of India’s socialist era. But hopes that he would privatise inefficient public enterprises — such as money-losing Air India — and radically reform state-owned banks have not been realised.
“He gave the impression that he was going to pull back on the very intrusive, and very ineffective state from its role in the economy,” says Ruchir Sharma, chief global strategist of Morgan Stanley Investment Management. “But there has been absolutely no withdrawal of the state from the economic sphere.”

The administration did push through two long-awaited, big-ticket reforms seen as critical for modernising India. It overhauled the fragmented and unwieldy tax system to create single, unified value added tax — to boost business efficiency and expand the tax base in a country with a tax-to-GDP ratio of less than 12 per cent.

It also created a new bankruptcy court for the speedy resolution of insolvency cases, a big move in a market where entrepreneurs, thanks to pliant state lenders, were able to stay on life support indefinitely. “No [businessman] ever failed,” says one former senior civil servant. “They just carried on as if nothing had happened.”

But Mr Modi’s boldest reform was a radically unorthodox economic experiment: a draconian overnight ban, in November 2016, on the use of most of the country’s cash. Ostensibly intended to clamp down on the black economy and deprive the corrupt of ill-gotten gains, demonetisation had serious unintended consequences.

Along with inflicting a major blow to growth, as many cash-dependent small industries shut up shop, it also destabilised India’s financial system, which was hit with a $220bn surge of liquidity coming out from under mattresses. Overwhelmed with the rush of new inflows, institutions ended up making risky long-term bets with what proved to be short-term funds. Now mutual funds are defaulting on repayments, resulting in money market turmoil, as interest rates rise and credit is squeezed.

Mr Modi also parted ways with two respected central bank governors: Raghuram Rajan, who had pressed hard for state banks to speed up their recognition of bad loans; and Urjit Patel, who carried on with the bank clean-up but then faced pressure last year from business groups for failing to ease liquidity, as the woes of the financial sector mounted.

Meanwhile, Mr Modi’s notorious sensitivity to criticism — coupled with his anti-corruption rhetoric — has created what several businessmen describe as a “climate of fear”, in which industrialists are afraid to openly critique policies — lest their companies suddenly come under official investigation.

This chill has damped investment appetites and paralysed lending decisions. Last month, Jet Airways, India’s oldest private airline, collapsed as state banks refused to extend more credit even after taking majority control and looking for a new investor to take over. The collapse has caused havoc in India’s once fast-growing aviation sector.

“When you start an anti-corruption drive, you need to be careful that you don’t take down guys who may not have done anything wrong,” says one top businessman. “There is a subtle difference between being anti-corruption and anti-business. If I feel I am going to be persecuted, I’m going to be very careful in how I take my investment decisions.”

Along with inflicting a major blow to growth, as many cash-dependent small industries shut up shop, it also destabilised India’s financial system, which was hit with a $220bn surge of liquidity coming out from under mattresses. Overwhelmed with the rush of new inflows, institutions ended up making risky long-term bets with what proved to be short-term funds. Now mutual funds are defaulting on repayments, resulting in money market turmoil, as interest rates rise and credit is squeezed.

Mr Modi also parted ways with two respected central bank governors: Raghuram Rajan, who had pressed hard for state banks to speed up their recognition of bad loans; and Urjit Patel, who carried on with the bank clean-up but then faced pressure last year from business groups for failing to ease liquidity, as the woes of the financial sector mounted.

Meanwhile, Mr Modi’s notorious sensitivity to criticism — coupled with his anti-corruption rhetoric — has created what several businessmen describe as a “climate of fear”, in which industrialists are afraid to openly critique policies — lest their companies suddenly come under official investigation.

This chill has damped investment appetites and paralysed lending decisions. Last month, Jet Airways, India’s oldest private airline, collapsed as state banks refused to extend more credit even after taking majority control and looking for a new investor to take over. The collapse has caused havoc in India’s once fast-growing aviation sector.

“When you start an anti-corruption drive, you need to be careful that you don’t take down guys who may not have done anything wrong,” says one top businessman. “There is a subtle difference between being anti-corruption and anti-business. If I feel I am going to be persecuted, I’m going to be very careful in how I take my investment decisions.”

If Mr Modi has a grand plan for reinvigorating India’s faltering economy in a second term, he has yet to give any hint of it. He loves to rattle off statistics about how many kilometres of roads and railway track his government has built. But it is uncertain whether he grasps the economy’s complex challenges, or the financial system’s woes. Nor is it clear that his few trusted advisers have the technical expertise — or courage — to explain it, to help him calibrate his kinetic policymaking.

“They need a more nuanced way of handling the markets,” says the businessman. “That is much more important than the sharp edges of the table.”

Mr Modi’s record as premier suggests he is more statist and project-driven, than a policy-oriented market reformer, though he also clearly enjoys surprising the public with dramatic action. When it comes to the lingering fear in the business community, he is dismissive. “If the sun rises over darkness and people are afraid, it is not the fault of the sun,” he tells visitors.

For now, many Indians remain convinced that Mr Modi is the strong leader India needs — and believe he should be given another chance at power. But if he secures a coveted second term, he will be under intense pressure to deliver economically — or public patience is likely to wear out.