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How Alim Abubakre is strategically changing leadership narratives

How Alim Abubakre is strategically changing leadership narratives

It was John Maxwell who once said, “Visioning is the leader’s ability to look out, across, and beyond the organisation to the future and usher in the people they lead. In fact, the statement above accurately represents Alim Abubakre.

Abubakre is a man of many parts when it comes to visionary leadership, especially in Africa and even beyond. He is a true visionary and leader in the business world, with a passion for developing influential leaders and managers.

Experts believe that leadership is best predicated upon the influence one has and the contributions he has made within and outside of his environment, and that is exactly what defines Abubakre.

Early life and education

Alim Abubakre, a British citizen, has worked in Nigeria at the World Bank-funded poverty reduction agency, one of the emerging countries’ most significant public-private partnership infrastructure projects.

He holds a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Leicester. Due to his vision, he conceived and collaborated with other MBA students to organise the first student organised confab on the financial crisis in 2008 in the UK.

Due to the success of this confab, which resulted in coverage in the BBC, Independent, and Times Higher Education, and his work engaging stakeholders on behalf of his colleagues, he was awarded the title of course representative of the year from among the 400 course representatives at Leicester. First African in the history of the university to receive this honour.

Abubakre’s education and early career experiences provided him with a strong foundation in business and management, which he would later draw upon in his work with These Executive Minds (TEXEM),

Through TEXEM, UK, he has helped many organisations to achieve their goals by improving their leadership and management practices. His contributions to the industry are significant, and his work promoting excellence in leadership in Nigeria has the potential to impact the country’s economic development positively.


Moreover, he has learned the importance of giving back to society. He believes that successful entrepreneurs are responsible for using their success to positively impact society and support initiatives that promote social responsibility and community development.

Career journey post-MBA

After completing his MBA, Abubakre began his career in the corporate world, working as director of strategy at a multinational firm based in Cambridge and serving as a non-executive director of Cambridge in Africa.

His discoveries in his career led him to found TEXEM, a leadership development and management consulting firm. By providing executive development, coaching, and consulting services, he hopes to assist organizations in developing effective leaders and managers.

Major contributions to industry and leadership

Abubakre’s contributions to the industry have been significant. He is a highly respected thought leader and has written extensively on leadership, strategy, and management. He is also a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, where he shares his knowledge and insights with other professionals in the industry.

One of Abubakre’s most notable contributions to the industry is his work in developing the “intra-stakeholder conflict and historical hangover” informed by his doctoral research.

These concepts provide a holistic approach to leadership and management and emphasize the importance of exploring a normative approach while engaging stakeholders.

These concepts have been used in designing executive development solutions that have been widely adopted by organisations worldwide and have helped many leaders and managers develop the skills and competencies needed to succeed in their roles.

Besides his work in promoting entrepreneurship in emerging countries; he has been involved in various initiatives aimed at supporting and developing entrepreneurship in the country.

He has worked closely with the government, private sector, and civil society organisations to promote entrepreneurship to unlock the wealth of nations and drive economic growth and development.

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Window to Alim Abubakre’s personal life

Abubakre, the founder of TEXEM, UK, is a private individual who keeps his personal life largely out of the public eye.

He is known to be a silent philanthropist and has been involved in various charitable causes over the years. He is particularly interested in initiatives promoting education, youth development, and good governance. He has supported multiple organisations working in these areas.

Challenges faced as a leader

Like any successful entrepreneur, Abubakre has faced his fair share of challenges along the way. However, one of his biggest challenges was establishing These Young Minds in a highly competitive industry.

As a new player in the market, Abubakre had to work hard to build his company’s reputation and establish a solid customer base. However, he faced intense competition from well-established players in the industry and had to find ways to differentiate his company from the competition.

To overcome these challenges, Abubakre focused on building strong relationships with his clients, providing high-quality services, and delivering value for money. He also invested heavily in marketing and branding to ensure that These Young Minds was visible and recognisable in the industry.

Lessons from Alim Abubakre’s life, challenges, and experience

Abubakre has learned many valuable lessons through his journey as an entrepreneur. One of the most important lessons he has learned is the importance of perseverance and hard work.

He believes that success does not come easy and that one must be willing to work hard and persevere in facing challenges and setbacks.

Abubakre has also learned the importance of taking calculated risks. He believes that taking risks is an essential part of entrepreneurship, but it is crucial to weigh the risks carefully and make informed decisions.

Moreover, he has learned the importance of giving back to society. He believes that successful entrepreneurs are responsible for using their success to positively impact society and support initiatives that promote social responsibility and community development.

Legacy as a leader

Through his work with TEXEM, UK, Abubakre has developed and delivered cutting-edge executive education programmes that have helped over 4000 individuals and hundreds of organisations achieve their goals and reach new levels of success.

He has developed a unique approach to executive education that focuses on practical, real-world solutions and has brought together a team of world-renowned faculty who are willing to relearn and unlearn by deploying TEXEM’s methodology for the success of the clients.

Abubakre’s legacy extends beyond his work with TEXEM, UK, as he has also been a passionate advocate for entrepreneurship, youth development, and education.

In a nutshell, Abubakre’s legacy is one of excellence, innovation, and impact in executive education. He has significantly contributed to developing leaders and executives worldwide, and his work will continue to inspire and influence the next generation of business leaders for years to come.

What stakeholders say about Alim Abubakre

Rodria Laline, developer of the intellectual property of the chip on every ATM card, and a former; adviser to the prime minister of Netherlands, said:

“I am proud to have the privilege of being a part of the TEXEM team founded by the remarkable Alim Abubakre. His executive education programs for corporate and public leaders in Africa have impressed me with how much he cares about every participant, not just during the executive development programmes but even afterward. He is an inspiration to everyone, including his faculty, me included.”

L.A. Cardoso. regional coordinator southwest at NMDPRA, describes him thus; “Alim’s contribution to Nigeria and the Nigerian economy is his constant pursuit to bring the best minds and the brightest idea to the Nigerian businesses, so leaders can learn, grow and bring new best practices to the workplace.”

For Asnani Naresh, CEO of Emel group of companies, “Alim is a dedicated seeker of change in African professionals. He is determined to offer executives the opportunity to develop themselves so that they can develop their organisations, and then organisations can develop nations.

Alim is driven by a passionate commitment, one that does not waiver in the face of challenges and disappointments. He will succeed because he knows that what he is pursuing is right. Working in some small way alongside him is a pleasure and a privilege.”