• Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Beyond Survival: Developing Actionable Strategies For Success in an Era of Negative Growth

Beyond Survival:Developing Actionable Strategies For Success in an Era of Negative Growth

We agree with your organisation that in these challenging times, underpinned by disruptions and digital realities; exceptional performance is expected at all times, and you need strategic leaders who could inspire innovation and stimulate superlative performance. Thus, this capacity development programme will equip executives with the skillsets that they require to have a holistic and sustainable outlook to success. The experiential and practical methodologies that would be deployed during this programme will enable participants to build their strategic leadership quotient in adversity and prosperity.

World-renowned Professor Christian Stadler (Professor of Strategy, Warwick Business School) and Professor John Peters (Royal Air force fighter, Former Prisoner of war and previous Chair of Association of MBAs) would share valuable strategic insights on how to drive innovation and achieve sustainable success in challenging times. Therefore, for the leaders that seek to grow and optimise their individual, team and organisational performance in this digital age characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, this programme is designed for them.

Group and individual virtual activities
Peer to peer learning
Observation practice
VENUE: Live Virtual and Engaging sessions

COST: £1500

50% discount included. Hence fee is N401,000 instead of 802,000 (£1500), This programme cost will cover fees, study materials and certificate.


Professor Christian Stadler (Professor of Strategy, Warwick Business School) and
Professor John Peters was a Royal Air force fighter, former Prisoner of war and previous Chair of Association of MBAs.


Christian Stadler is a Professor in Strategic Management. Before joining Warwick Business School, he was at University of Bath School of Management, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and Innsbruck University.Christian is an expert on long-term success. For the past decade, he devoted his energy to the investigation of long-living corporations – how they grow, adapt, and consistently beat their competitors. His work has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg Business Week, Fast Company, Fortune/CNN, and the BBC, and has been translated into 11 languages.

Christian’s research examines how organisations can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. He is particularly interested in questions related to 1) learning and innovation, as well as 2) diversification. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Strategic Management Journal and Strategic Organization.


John Peters Former Chair of Association of MBAs, Top Word Leadership Speaker and Survivor Par Excellence. Has been Visiting Professor in many UK Universities (E.g. Aston and Henley Business School)

John Peters came to the world’s attention in January 1991, when his bruised and battered face flashed onto television screens around the world as a prisoner of war. It was his disfigured image that became a potent symbol of Saddam Hussein’s ruthless aggression. He has written two best-selling books and the documentary, ‘Tornado Down’ was Independent Documentary of the Year and a BAFTA Award Nominee. He has extensive international TV, radio, PR and media experience.

John Is an experienced International consultant working with senior leaders. He has followed Mr Nelson Mandela on stage in South Africa, followed Heads of State and spoken for Royalty. At home with corporate, government or third sector audiences, he speaks on resilience, leadership, dealing with uncertainty, agility and high-performance mindset.

On leaving the RAF, he founded Monkey Business, providing business-critical development, consulting and coaching – through a leadership lens for senior business teams. Working internationally with corporates, governmental and the Third Sector, Monkey Business provides business-critical development, consulting and coaching through a leadership lens. Using his Gulf War, POW experience, international media exposure, award-winning Human Factors development programme and instruction in high-performance aviation and 20 years’ consultancy business, John challenges leaders’ approach and provides practical tools that can be applied immediately in the workplace.

  • High-Performance Leadership with Mayors of Moscow (simultaneous translation)
  • Change Management. Top 50 Civil Servants in Cabinet Office, HM Government UK
  • Senior Leadership Programme, NATO
  • Board of the travel business of E4bn turnover, 10000 employees.
  • Developed a dysfunctional Board into the leadership team and introduced values organisation-wide programme.
  • Board of leading terrestrial TV Company was not expected to achieve estimated sales of £180 million. Our solution re-energised the team. £205 million in sales achieved.
  • Provision of cultural change programme to regional directors of a major Bank following an acquisition/merger. Within three months, the Bank achieved record sales

Following a significant safety incident, conducted a culture/leadership programme for a utility company, achieving every stretch target and ½ bn Investment.With particular areas of Interest being uncertainty, organisational learning, trust and failure, he is currently writing a book on leadership. He is the author of LEAP!©, the online Leadership Effectiveness and Agility Profile, and he runs numerous Executive MBA programmes for business schools. He is Associate Professor at the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in Moscow and Kingston Business School. He ran the Blue Executive MBA in Copenhagen and a Mini-MBA in Kuwait. Working internationally, clients include Capital One, the Mayors of Moscow, Singapore Institute of Management, Lloyds Bank, NATO, Survitec and Costain. He has been Chair of the Association of MBAs, (the international MBA gold-standard accreditation), is a Trustee of the Royal Air Force Club, a RAFA Ambassador and is Governor of Worcester Royal Grammar School 20Patron to Kids Out, a charity supporting disadvantaged

Themes that would be covered:

  • Developing an innovative mindset for organisational success
  • Evaluating, innovating and transforming the business model
  • Creating an innovative and profitable organisation via culture, structure and strategy
  • The superiority of an ambidextrous organization: Lessons from case studies
  • Elevating ‘speed &creativitiand embracing ‘frugality, scale &enhanced performance.
  • Moving outside the conventional activities of leading

Leaders who attend would:

  • Build your strategic leadership quotient in adversity and prosperity.
  • You will be able to identify and develop opportunities in the digital era.
  • Learn to Leverage Analytics to make you a better strategic leader
  • Learn Strategies for excelling in crises and for optimising positive performance indicators in turbulent times
  • Learn to make effective decisions in turbulent times for profitable growth
  • Gleen new insights on how to develop new markets during slow growth
  • Develop yourself as a more impactful strategic leader
  • Gleen new insights on how to position your organisation for success in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times
  • Optimise your decision-making credentials for success in challenging times
  • Develop your ability to use practical frameworks to generate revenue during slow growth
  • Gain exposure to different perspectives for leading in a digital age
  • Learn how to optimise performance during slow growth and low morale
  • Live Virtual and Engaging sessions

Event Properties
Event Date 07-10-2020 10:00 am
Event End Date 08-10-2020 3:00 pm
Individual Price £750.00