• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Slum Art drives mindset transformation, marks #MyFreedomDay with paint exhibition


Slum Art has marked #MyFreedomDay and created a niche that uses art to help children and young adults living in slums develop creative abilities through painting and other art forms.


#MyFreedomDay is part of a global campaign against modern slavery championed by the international cable network titan CNN. The event is celebrated across six continents and 100 countries and over the years it has seen the participation of students globally through creative expressions calling for an end to all forms of modern slavery.


In Nigeria Slum Art Foundation, a Corporate Social Responsibility capacity building project marked the day with the theme #Paintingwiththegoodguys. Through mentoring and experiential learning methods the foundation seeks to develop the creative talents of children living within slums and held an exhibition and painting session with the kids in the slum to commemorate #MyFreedomDay in Ijora Badia, Lagos.


“At Slum Art foundation, we are able to provide an enabling learning environment and platform for children in the slum to acquire skills in art, thereby taking them off the streets after school and empowering them to be more useful members of our society,” Adetunwase Adenle, co-founder of the Foundation and four-time Guinness World Record holder said at event.


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Tunji Disu, commander of Rapid Response Squad (RRS) DCP and his team were delighted to see various art works done by the excited children as they collaborated in painting various art works to mark the globally celebrated day. He also encouraged other donors and Nigerians to positively input their quota in making the society a safe and better place for everyone.


Disu used the medium to encourage the children and youths within the Slum to stay off crime and other illicit activities and rather focus on their studies and value addition towards becoming true leaders of this great country.


Slum Art Foundation works with parents who are supportive of their wards help these children enjoy their childhood and build fond memories with friends. This translates into empowering the children with skills that would make them better persons for themselves and their community, helping parents to avoid saddling them with the responsibilities of being involved in the unsafe practice of trading on the streets of Lagos at a young age.

For more information and to support slum Art Foundation, please visit: www.slumart.org