• Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Sprite’s campaign helps Gen-Z navigate stressful moments

Sprite’s campaign helps Gen-Z navigate stressful moments

Sprite, a lemon-lime drink by Coca-Cola Nigeria, is rolling out its “Heat Happens” campaign to aid consumers in keeping their cool during challenging times. The initiative aims to empower young individuals to confront unexpected hurdles with a positive and rejuvenating outlook.

Yusuf Murtala, marketing director, Coca-Cola Nigeria, said, “The campaign illustrates life’s unforeseen challenges and intense moments, but with an invigorating Sprite, you can stay composed, recharged, and revitalized. Whether enduring long queues on sweltering days, devouring a spicy meal, preparing for crucial exams, or grappling with traffic in scorching conditions, we all face taxing days when maintaining our composure seems daunting.”

Murtala emphasised the importance of taking a break from life’s persistent worries, advocating for relaxation with a Sprite. “We want our customers to understand that a chilled Sprite bottle is always within reach to help them keep their calm during tough times,” Murtala said.

To drive home the campaign’s message, Sprite is launching a series of advertisements and experiential activities showcasing the drink’s effectiveness in high-stress situations. Branded suya spots, bustling bus stations, and intense study sessions are among the scenarios where chilled Sprite bottles serve as reminders to cool down and alleviate tension.

Furthermore, Sprite is engaging Nigerian students in a dynamic campus tour that commenced at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos. The tour’s initial phase featured exhilarating performances by leading Afrobeats artists, who enthralled the audience with their latest hits. Aspiring talents also had the chance to display their skills, competing for substantial cash rewards.

Read also: Coca-Cola System, partners take action against waste in cleanup exercise

The tour is set to captivate audiences as it travels to esteemed educational institutions across Nigeria. The schedule includes stops at Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), University of Port Harcourt (UniPort), Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU), University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), University of Ilorin (Uni Ilorin), University of Calabar (UniCal), University of Benin (UniBen), and Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU).

“Students from these campuses can anticipate an unforgettable experience filled with entertainment and excitement,” Murtala said. “Influential Gen-Z content creators like Asherkine, Newton Utere, Moymo, and Ruru are also joining the movement, showcasing on their platforms how Sprite has become a steadfast companion in navigating their own “heat” moments.