• Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Just do it!

Just do it!

One thing I have always taken for granted is my strength and ability to execute. I just always assumed that everybody operated at that same level of when the planning is done, action time! It just seems like the natural order of things. It took a couple of conversations with my friends to realize not everyone has execution power. Planning is great but the actual bringing to life of those plans is what makes the dream a reality. I can plan to be the biggest movie producer the world has ever known but if I do not actually act on it, I am a giant in my brain alone, not even my family will feel the impact of my dreams if I do not do it.

When you have a dream, you never have the full scope of it at once. It is during the execution process that you are opened up to various shapes and forms your dream holds. Planning helps to give a path and structure to your dream but if the plans remain plans… That is all the dream stays – A plan. Execution gives your plans room to breathe and grow. It is when you execute that you realize the parts of your plan that do not work for your dream and the parts that need to be built upon.

Dreams are wonderful. Dreams are amazing. Dreams fire up the passion and the drive but taking action and doing it is what fuels the dream and gives it room to grow bigger and larger in scope and vision. For example, if your dream is to own an apple, and you just keep planning and dreaming towards it without actually doing anything about it, your dream would just remain owning an apple till forever because it has not been done. But imagine you go out there and get the cost of an apple across different markets, research and get the kind of apple best suited to you then, eventually get an apple at a great discount and probably with a lot of sleepless nights. When you get the apple and maybe eat it or juice it or whatever it is you wanted it for, that is when you realize that…. Wait, I could actually just own an apple orchard… There are seeds here in this apple of mine. I could plant them and use the seeds from the fruits I get to plant more and supply the type of apples I dream about. Same dream, bigger scope.

I know a lot of times execution gets tied by Capital. I am entrepreneur, I understand this but I also realized that when I need a new dress or want to eat a a fancy restaurant, I somehow get the capital for that so why not channel that energy into raising capital for my dreams? Since the day I started channeling that energy towards my dreams, I have been able to grow my vision to a point that even scares me but it makes sense because now I am constantly doing. Am I a Giant of industry yet? NO… But am I getting closer? Everyday! And not just on my vision board, I can see the results because I am DOING. I am not distracted by the farce of attaining perfection before I move. I am of the belief that you do it as excellently as you can with the resources you have and allow for growth along the way. I have been able to produce and direct based on this and my writing always hits the mark because the vision is clearer before me because I am DOING it.

I am doing it afraid, I am doing it with a baby on my arm, I am just doing it. I am not giving myself any room to make excuses. I just finished production on a web series I wrote, produced and directed and It was not easy but I did it. Half the time, my baby was either strapped to my back, my leg or any part of my body should could latch on to but I did not allow myself to use that as an excuse to drop my pace. I adjusted to that situation and continued doing. The production would not halt because I had no one to babysit and my child will not stop demanding my love and attention because I am building my dream. The 2 realities needed me legitimately and it was left to me to blend them without anyone getting less of me.

My takeaway from all of this is simple… JUST DO IT! Do it afraid, do it broke, just make sure you after you dream it, you plan it and then you do it!