• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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How to manage depression in season of worsening economic crunch

A young man, who was the church clerk, was late to church, keeping the workers stranded because they could not have access to the parish generator and other needed items for the early morning service.

In the thick of the confusion, his pastor called and asked him why he was late; and he replied, “I don’t have interest again.”

As strange as it may sound, there are maladies in life that are seasonal. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a mood disorder characterised by depression that occurs at the same time every year.

Many people in this part of the world suffer from SAD most during the ‘ember’ months, as the Christmas season draws closer; as they begin to take stock of the year’s achievements and failures.

Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) manifests in people in the form of feeling depressed nearly every day. Sometimes, it induces losing interest in activities one once enjoyed.

That was exactly the situation with the church clerk, who suddenly lost interest in his work. It can also be noticed in the form of experiencing changes in appetite or weight, and this could translate to having problems with sleep and feeling sluggish or agitated, among others.

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Speaking on this, Friday Erhabor, director of media and strategy at Marklenez Limited said that the worsening economic situation has the tendency to increase depression any day and any time.

“With the inflationary trend and job loss along with the weakening of purchasing power, the inability to meet family demands tends to make people especially men depressed,” he said.

The public affairs analyst also cited the weakening of family bonds, as a reason many are downed in the ocean of depression.

In the olden days, families both nuclear and extended bore one another burden. But today, that family value is broken and completely non-existent again as people are virtually left on their own now,” he noted.

Scientists have consistently argued that there is a connection between the weather and mental health. And with the climate change, simply suggests that many people will be exposed to hormonal changes that will affect their emotions.

Research has shown that warm temperatures and exposure to sunshine have the greatest positive impact on moods. A British Journal of Psychology report states that warmer temperatures lowered anxiety more hours of sunshine increased positive thinking, while high levels of humidity made it hard to focus and increased fatigue.

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Some tips on coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Get active: While moving around might be the last thing you feel like doing, it is black magic that gives you more energy. You may choose to spend a few minutes daily walking under the sun to boost your mood.

Outdoor activities can help improve one’s Vitamin D levels and provide him/her with a natural warmth that only the sun can provide.

Stay fruity: During this season, it is imperative to take lots of fruits and vegetables. Your body needs all the vitamins and nutrients you can get, as they not only help liven your moods but also boost your immune system.

For instance, pineapples help prevent cold and liven our mood, among other benefits, hence, the need to exploit the health benefits you can get from these fruits and vegetables.

Exercise: Regular exercise helps the body and mind to stay active, and also helps boost concentration and vigour. Of a truth, this may not be something you feel like doing, because of its rigorousness, but giving it a bit of a push will help you feel good again.

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Eat well: According to Fatmata Kamara, mental health nurse and manager at Global Case, it is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet to make sure your brain gets everything it needs to function properly. “Try to eat little and often, and drink enough water throughout the day to help keep your brain energised and hydrated.”

Avoid Excessive Alcohol: Avoid drinking alcohol too often, as this can make you feel worse. After a tough day, many people open a bottle of beer or wine to relax and de-stress.

While it may make you feel better initially, drinking alcohol regularly can actually make stress and anxiety worse.