• Monday, October 28, 2024
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When things go wrong

When things go wrong

Eve was the best thing that ever happened to me. She was good, maybe too good to a fault. I can’t remember seeing a frown on her face at any time. She carried on with an effortless ease no matter the enormity of the tasks before her. I have to admit that I became lazy after we got married. I did nothing to help around the house and she never complained. I couldn’t even do anything for myself.

She had her day job, she was rounding up her Masters degree program while applying to schools abroad for her PhD yet she did the cleaning, cooking, laundry etc, including taking care of the kids and I. I didn’t want her to get a maid even when I knew she needed one. Sometimes, I saw her bend under pressure from all the work but Eve is a strong one. She could bend but she’d never break. I strongly felt that nobody could handle chores better than her. Besides I didn’t want an outsider in our home. My wife had a lot on her plate yet she was able to joggle everything together. She was super woman.

She was also a peaceful person, it didn’t matter who was at fault whenever we had a misunderstanding, she was always quick to apologise, even if she had to go on her knees to do that. I knew that I gat me a good wife. Eve was wife material 200 yards.

There were times when I pushed too hard and took her for granted. It wasn’t serious at first but I got used to it. It was fuel for my ego and I enjoyed it. I knew that what I was doing was bad but I didn’t know how to stop. I liked the fact that someone adored me and treated me like a demi-god. I was the typical alpha male.

Eve rarely had time to socialize, but one particular weekend, she planned to attend a friend’s birthday party with the kids. Before leaving, I made sure she prepared some food for my buddies who were coming over to watch football. She stacked the refrigerator with cans of beer and snacks, then she made white rice with coleslaw and chicken stew. All was set for my time with the boys.

Read also: For the love of the game

The football match turned out to be a disaster. Our team lost and my friends were in a foul mood but my wife’s delicacy saved the day…it was our pacifier. Did I also mention, that Eve is an excellent cook? That lady can cook up a storm. Anyway, one of the guys wanted to do the dishes afterwards but I told him not to bother, Eve would take care of it when she got back. Need I say, the kitchen was in a mess.

Later that evening, an obviously exhausted Eve wobbled into the house with the kids. I heard her tell them not to come to her for anything because she needed to sleep. I wasn’t deterred by what she said. I was hungry and I wanted fried plantain and eggs period.

In all the years we were married, Eve had NEVER said no to any of my requests but that night she did and I was shocked. I froze when I heard her explain how tired she was. Her words bruised my ego and I wasn’t going to take that. I was upset so I asked her to leave the house and go back to where she was coming from.

Eve hates drama. At other times she would have apologized and dragged her tired body into the kitchen to give me what I wanted but this time, she reached for her purse and grabbed her car keys. That was yet another shocker for me. This was getting serious. My heart told me to pull her back and tell her that I was only fooling but that would make me look weak. I ignored what my heart was saying and I listened to my pride.
As she reached for the door knob, I called her back and asked her to take the kids with her. There’s no way she was going to saddle me with the responsibility of looking after them that night. Without saying a word, she went back into the room, grabbed a box and threw in some things for herself and the kids. This wasn’t what I expected and I still didn’t know how to stop it.

A few minutes later, I heard the rev of her car engine and she was gone. I stood by the window, smiling and sipping my beer. I knew that Eve was going to come back, then she’ll apologize and make fried plantain and eggs for me. I waited for one hour, then two, then three, then it was midnight and I became worried. Her phone was switched off and I couldn’t reach her. I couldn’t sleep a wink that night.

The next morning, I tried to reach her to no avail. I made calls to several people but nobody knew where she was. Within a week, Eve had blocked me on all her social media handles, blocked my phone number, changed the children’s school and barred me from coming to her office. I got our families involved in the matter but Eve wasn’t moved. She refused to meet any of them but respectfully took their calls. Her stand was always the same, “she didn’t want to see me”. Of a truth, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

I don’t think what I did to her is unpardonable. I think she’s taking it too far. I know I was a jerk. I miss her and I miss my kids terribly. I want to make things right. I want to show them how sorry I am. I want to let Eve know that I can’t live without her. She’s not even giving me the chance to say I’m sorry.

One day, I returned home from work to discover that Eve had been to the house earlier. She took personal effects that belonged to her and the kids. I was wrong about her. I thought I knew my wife but I obviously didn’t. I saw sides to her that were unfamiliar. I had underestimated her. Eve was loyal not dumb.

It’s been several months and I haven’t set my eyes on them. I am lonely and I feel miserable. If Eve leaves the country for her PhD, she’s definitely taking the kids with her. This is going to shatter me. Her family claims not to know her whereabouts but I think they’re lying.
This punishment is too much for me. My heart is broken.

Please if you see Eve, help me tell her that I am sorry.

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