• Friday, July 26, 2024
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Promoting your business with stickers

Promoting your business with stickers

Last week, this column talked about out-of-home advertising which is another name for outdoor advertising. We stressed the effectiveness and strength of outdoor advertising and how, compared to other forms of advertising, it has remained relevant despite innovations and developments that have continued to shape and influence advertising and marketing.

We agree that marketing is all about reaching your target audience in the most effective way possible. But what exactly is that way? And can you even compete with bigger brands if you are just starting out?

When it comes to marketing, most companies now turn to digital methods. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Tik Tok, among others, are becoming increasingly saturated with business adverts where you are competing with millions of other businesses. Not only is the field competitive, but it can also be expensive. So, it might be a good idea to look into other, less conventional promotional methods.

There is a seemingly insignificant tool big businesses used to show off their creativity and keep customers coming back: custom stickers.

They’re eye-catching and memorable

Stickers are vastly underrated when it comes to their potential to raise brand awareness, and are extremely cost-effective as well.

Stickers are made to be seen. They are not only easily sharable, but colourful and eye-catching – the perfect way to get customers to see and remember your business.

Are you not convinced? Then check out Reddit’s story. The internet platform has only ever spent around, £350 on their marketing.

All of that money was spent on stickers the founders simply left everywhere they went. Today, Reddit has an estimated worth of $6 billion.

Read also: How to Leverage Happy Customers to Promote Your Brand

They help build customer loyalty

You might be wondering how a tiny sticker can possibly help you retain customers. The secret lies in the way we perceive stickers: when we are given a free sticker, we do not think of it as advertising. Instead, we see it as a gift.

Gift-giving is an established marketing strategy because it ignites positive emotions that are immediately tied to your brand. Through something as simple as a sticker, consumers will remember your business fondly, which increases the likelihood of repeat purchases and positive reviews.

Here are four good ways to advertise with stickers.

Plug your social

Printing your social media handles on a sticker is an excellent way to organically grow your audience. You can even print a QR code on the sticker, so people can scan and be instantly sent to your social channels, website or other landing page.

Introduce new products

If you have a new product or launch coming up – why not make a sticker to promote it? Build some hype by creating some die-cut singles, and give them away to every customer who makes a purchase.
You never know where these stickers will end up – you’d be surprised at the number of real-life “impressions” they get!

Get sneaky

Looking to reach a new audience? Guerrilla marketing is an effective marketing tactic for the stealthier advertiser. Print info about your business, or details of an upcoming sale on a sticker, and stick them wherever your heart desires (within the law – of course!)
Ideally put them in high-traffic areas, to reach as many people as possible. Just make sure you use a removable adhesive, so you don’t cause any damage.

Brand that bumper

Bumper stickers are classic and timeless. Create some branded funny bumper stickers to slap on your own car, or give them away to friends or family.

Bumper stickers last for many years – plus you’re already driving your car everywhere anyway. Why not take advantage of the free marketing opportunity?

Popular radio station, COOL FM 96.9 used bumper stickers very effectively. At inception, the station had a team that went round the city, daily to stick colourful rectangular COOL FM stickers on cars. Undoubtedly, COOL FM won thousands of listeners, not only with its refreshing array of On-air personalities (including an American), exciting and innovative programmes and shows but, with its highly ubiquitous stickers that were on 6 out of every 10 cars on Lagos roads.

These are just a few ideas – but the options for using stickers for marketing your business are endless. It’s time to get creative…
Things to avoid with sticker marketing

Although there is no such thing as spam in the real world, using marketing inappropriately can get on people’s nerves. This also goes for sticker marketing, obviously. Never stick your brand in inappropriate places or overuse it. If people are annoyed by your stickers, it will impact your brand negatively.

Last line

As you can see from this article, regular marketing techniques are far from disappearing. Learn to embrace sticker marketing and to use it to your brand’s advantage and you will extend your reach further than you thought possible.