• Monday, June 17, 2024
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Digital innovation through storytelling in propelling cultural shift for positive female representation within Nigeria’s media landscape

Harnessing the power of Nigeria’s youth towards a digital future

The media landscape is changing. More and more people are consuming their news on digital platforms, and the production of content is shifting from traditional news outlets to independent producers and bloggers. As a result, the way we tell stories about women within the Nigerian media landscape needs to change.

We want to see more stories about women being told from their own perspectives rather than through the lens of male characters who speak for them. We want creators who aren’t afraid to challenge their own preconceptions about what makes a good story; who aren’t afraid to explore more nuanced female topics and who aren’t afraid of going against convention and also creating a more balanced narrative when exploring the male and female relationships.

The traditional way of telling stories about women was often focused on their flaws and failures–the kind of stories that make us feel bad about ourselves or worse about our own lives. But now there are so many more positive stories out there! There are women who have overcome adversity, or who have made incredible sacrifices in order to achieve something great.

We’re not talking about just any woman, either. We mean the kind of women who make a difference in our world–the ones who are making waves and changing things for the better. The ones who are breaking stereotypes and making waves in their own ways.

Read also: IWD 2023: Celebrating women making magic behind, in front of the cameras

In order to accomplish this, we need to change the way we think about telling stories about women. We need to look at them as leaders, not just as victims or heroines.

We know that there are plenty of stories out there about women who have been victimized by men and society at large–stories that focus on their victimization instead of their strength and resilience. But it’s time for us all to stop focusing on those stories and start looking at how these women have changed our world for the better through their actions!

Digital innovation should change the way we tell stories about how women, and in return change the way we see ourselves.

We’ve always been told that women are strong and capable, but there’s something special about being able to see yourself in a piece of media and feel like it’s true–that it reflects your own values and experiences. I believe digital innovation should propel cultural shift that reflects in how we tell stories about women within the Nigerian media landscape

The world of technology is changing our lives in ways that are unimaginable. It has given us the opportunity to project our stories as females within our community and also at a global scale

The media landscape is undergoing a period of change. With the advent of digital media, it has become easier than ever for people to share their ideas, thoughts and feelings with others through social media platforms.

This means that there is a greater opportunity for African women to be represented in the media landscape than ever before. The current state of affairs in the media landscape has left many issues unresolved and others unaddressed. Some of these issues include: poor representation of women within the media space in driving female inclusion in politics, lack of diversity in content creation, lack of independent production companies tailored to telling more positive stories of women within the media landscape.

What then can we do to make sure that we have better representation of women within the media landscape?

1. Women must be visible in all areas of production, including content creation and reporting on issues affecting women. As well as more female reporters covering stories related to gender equality issues,

2. There should be more training for journalists so they can better understand how men and women are affected by these issues differently and how they can report on them accordingly.

3. There needs to be more diversity in the media landscape so that people who are not represented in the media can feel like they can also tell their stories through their own lens without feeling excluded or left out because they do not fit into a certain category or stereotype.”

4 Encourage female journalists to pursue stories that are typically told from a male perspective, and helping them reach out to other female journalists for help.

5 Adopt a more inclusive approach to reporting, including using more diverse sources and perspectives.

6 Create opportunities for women to foster their own voices through mentorship programs and workshops.

As we continue to project our values as Nigerian women, I hope to see a positive change in how we tell the story of an average Nigerian woman in the media space. We must begin to change the narrative of what it means to be a Nigerian woman, stop projecting our limited experiences of a few women as a representation of ALL women in Nigeria.