• Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Diary of a young executive

Diary of a young executive

Jadesola Rawa is the Policy & Partnerships Associate at All On. She oversees stakeholder engagement, strategic grantmaking as well as communications. Prior to joining All On, Jadesola worked as Head, Promotions & Partnerships at the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund where she worked as part of the team to deliver on strategic partnerships between the LSETF and Coca-Cola, GIZ and Ford Foundation. She was also responsible for creating strategic video content that raised the profile of the LSETF and the activities of the beneficiaries of the Fund. Jadesola also has prior experience, working with the Nigerian Economic Summit Group between 2012-2014 where she resigned as Acting Head, Corporate Communications. During her time at the NESG, she worked as co-project manager with the Secretariat that successfully delivered the first World Economic Forum on Africa (WEFA) held in Abuja, Nigeria in May 2014.
With a background in television production, working as a producer for several years with “Moments with Mo” Africa’s first syndicated talk show, as well as a short stint with Ebony Life TV as Business Development Manager, Jadesola brings a fun, unorthodox angle to every job she has held.

What was the last thing you did that required some courage?
The last thing requiring courage was changing sectors for work. I went from core communications which is what I know and do well to Policy & Grants in a completely different sector-Renewable Energy. I remember interviewing for my current role and asking myself, “child, what have you done?” Two years in though…I am glad I took the plunge. When your work makes a difference, I guess sector doesn’t really matter. I am super proud of the lives we change through our investments and grants at All On.

Read also: Visa partners She leads Africa to connect female entrepreneurs

What have you done for the first time?
Something I did for the first time is to enroll for and complete an online course during the lockdown. I have always thought online courses/learning is not for me. I guess I was wrong. But if I had to choose, I’d still go for physical learning. Nothing beats that human connection.

What makes the biggest difference in your life?
Two things. My daughter first. She is honestly my biggest motivation for wanting to do better. She’s taught me patience, kindness, courage, faith…I say all these because these are some of the qualities, I hope she learns and if I am going to teach her, I must BE those things. So every day, I check myself to be better.
The other is an organization I work with where my business makes yearly contributions towards treatment for women dealing with breast cancer. The organization is called Cancer Aware and I am so proud of all they do in helping women beat the odds.

What apps do you use the most?
Got to be Instagram. I run an online business and majority of my clients come from Instagram. So every spare moment I get, I am there trying to make this money.

First thing you do in the morning?
Thank God that I am awake. That’s my first thought. On the days when the spirit moves me, I work out. When the spirit is chilling, I get on my laptop and get to work. My role as grants & partnerships associate at All On means there is ALWAYS something to be done. Trying to juggle multiple grants means there is always something needing attention.
Who is your guru?
Hmmmmmm. Not sure to be honest. I generally don’t subscribe to the role model philosophy, but if I had to pick someone, would be Oprah Winfrey, maybe. I like the fact that she’s dancing to her own tune with regards to her life, career etc., and maybe also because we share the same birthday. But again, because you never really know people that well, I am wary of proclaiming anyone as my guru/mentor etc.

What do you crave at the end of the day?
A tub of ice-cream and mindless TV for a few hours till I must go to bed. Just “me” time. Not being a mum, an employee, a sibling, a friend, an entrepreneur, anything. Just being me and by myself. That is precious.

Which song is currently in your head?
It changes per mood. Constant would be most songs by Usher though. Usher is usually never far from my thoughts… 😊

What’s something you wish you understood more about?
God. A deeper understanding of His ways and why He does and allows what He allows. The full comprehension of his thoughts. I would like that very much.

How do you define success?
Success for me is understanding your lane and purpose and operating at the highest level you can in that space. Because when you are fully in your purpose, a certain peace comes from that. This peace feeds your soul. And when you are operating in that same purpose, you are operating at the optimal level materially, so that takes care of the worldly things you need to physically be content, while also catering to the needs of those around you. And hopefully, you make heaven. That is my definition of success.

What’s an idea that you can’t seem to shake off?
That the world is coming to an end soon? I am just convinced that this might even happen in our lifetime.

Last box set or Netflix binge?
Money Heist. I watched it irresponsibly. You know when you are watching a series at 3am when you know you have to be up in a few hours, but you keep saying “just this last episode…”

What’s worth paying for?
A great education. The more I see the impact of my daughter’s education on her, the more I am determined to pursue same. Just realizing how the things we learn can shape our minds, lives and the world we live in? Priceless.

To whom did you address your last handwritten letter or note?
My daughter. We write paper notes to each other all the time. So definitely her. Everyone else, you write to electronically, I guess. The Tech age… (sighs)