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12 principles for managing problems positively

12 principles for managing problems positively

Ever heard the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade? There is an updated version, “When life gives you lemons, Don’t just make a lemonade, plant an orchard! It simply means you should see the silver lining in every storm. In other words, you should manage all problems positively.

So, you might wonder, how do you do that? How do you ignore the negative and tackle problems using a positive mindset?
Not to worry my friend, for I bring you good news. Out of the wisdom-packed pages of the book, Tough Times Don’t Last, but Tough People Do by Robert. H. Schuller, I bring you a treasure chest of principles for managing problems positively.

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Here are 12 principles for managing Problems positively:

Principle 1: Never underestimate:
Just like a tiny drop of water can swell to become an ocean, Never underestimate any problem. A tiny problem today may become a bigger problem. Never also underestimate your creative power in managing a problem. Always remember you can creatively find a solution to any problem.

Principle 2: Don’t exaggerate the problem: Just as fanning a spark can create a forest fire, blowing a problem out of proportion can create bigger problems. Always put your problems in the right perspective.

“Play it down and pray it up”

Principle 3: Don’t wait:
Don’t wait for your problems to solve itself. Ignoring your problems won’t make them go away. You alone are responsible for managing your problem.

Principle 4: Don’t point fingers:
Blaming people for your problems won’t make it go away, instead, it makes things worse. Focus on finding a solution.

“Nobody is defeated until he starts Blaming someone else”

Principle 5: Illuminate the problem:
Identify the problem, Predict the outcome of the problem if you don’t find a solution, Decide on how you are going to manage the problem and Act on the most positive option.

Principle 6: Be motivated:
Ponder on all the positive outcomes of the problem and be motivated to act on it.

“You don’t have a problem to solve, you have the decision to make”

Principle 7: Face the music:
Don’t let it control you. Face your problem directly and Take charge.

Principle 8: Date your problem:
Treat the problem like you will treat anyone you are trying to date. Spend time in understanding the problem and analyze the best possible approach to solve the problem.

Principle 9: Sublimate the problem:
Find a way to direct the negative aspects of any problem into something positive. No matter how long you stare at it, a closed door won’t open. Channel your energy into providing a solution to your problem instead of focusing on the problem itself.

“Every Adversity holds within it, the seeds of undeveloped possibility “.

Read also: Timeless principles for the last few days of this year and beyond

Principle 10: Give it Your All:
Give the problem all you got. Your time, your energy, your focus. Do everything you can to find a solution.

Principle 11: Seek Support:
Tell people about your problem. Do not be too proud to ask for help. A problem shared is a problem half-solved.

Principle 12: Shield Against Negativity:
Protect yourself against negative forces and personalities. While communicating about your problem, determine if the suggestions provided will provide a solution or escalate the problem. Protect yourself also from negative thinking.

With these twelve principles, don’t just settle for making lemonade out of life’s lemons; instead, cultivate an orchard of success. Remember, only Tough people thrive in times of Adversity. Embrace these principles and let them guide you to harvest success.